پروفایل اساتید - دانشکده کشاورزی agri
Journal Paper
"The Effect of milk replacer with different levels of crude protein on dry matter intake and growth performance of Saanen suckling goat kids"
Sasan Ghamari,
Farhang Fatehi,
Kamran Rezayazdi
Journal Of Animal Production(journal of agriculture),
Vol. 25,
No 2,
"Partial replacement of canola meal with dried dairy waste as a protein source in the diet of dairy cow: Effects on lactation performance, ruminal measurements, nutrient digestibility, and nitrogen balance"
Farhang Fatehi,
Farhad Parnian Khajehdizaj,
Mohammad Tar,
AZM Salem
Vol. 294,
No 115511,
"Encapsulation of soybean meal and barley grain with calcium soap of sunflower fatty acids: Effects on growth performance and carcass characteristics in Mahabadi kids"
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Mahdi Ganjkhanlou,
Abolfazl Zali,
Farhad Parnian Khajehdizaj,
s. karimi azandariyani,
Farhang Fatehi,
Armin Towhidi,
[] [],
H. khanaki
Vol. 215,
No 1,
"Differential Co-Expression Network Analysis Reveals Key Hub-High Traffic Genes as Potential Therapeutic Targets for COVID-19 Pandemic"
Aliakbar Hassankhani,
Abualfazl Bahrami,
Negin Sheybani,
behzad Aria,
بهزاد همتی,
Farhang Fatehi,
حمید قائم مقام فراهانی,
Ghazaleh Javanmard,
Mahsa Rezaee,
John P. Kastelic,
Herman W. Barkema
Frontiers in Immunology,
Vol. 12,
No 12,
"Integrated Network Analysis to Identify Key Modules and Potential Hub Genes Involved in Bovine Respiratory Disease: A Systems Biology Approach"
Saeed Hasankhani,
Abolfazl Bahrami,
Negin Sheybani,
Farhang Fatehi,
roxana Abadeh,
حمید قائم مقام فراهانی,
Mohammad Reza Bahreini Behzad,
Ghazaleh Javanmard,
Sadegh Isapour,
Hossein Khadem,
Herman W. Barkema
Frontiers in Genetics,
Vol. 12,
No 40,
"Effect of vinasse (condensed molasses solubles) on performance, blood metabolites, ruminal parameters and carcass characteristics of Mahabadi goat male kids"
Abolfazl Zali,
Mahdi Eftekhari,
Kobra Pour Asad Astemal,
Mahdi Ganjkhanlou,
Farhang Fatehi,
Hosein Zakariapour Banamiri
Vol. 28,
No 4,
"Metabolisable energy of grass and red clover silages fed to sheep at maintenance level"
S. J. Krizsan,
D. ang,
Farhang Fatehi,
M. Rinne,
P. Huhtanen
Vol. 2,
No 2,
"Effect of dietary supplementation with heat-treated canola meal on ruminal nutrient metabolism in lactating dairy cows"
S. J. Krizsan,
H. Gidlund,
Farhang Fatehi,
P. Huhtanen
Vol. 100,
No 10,
"Effect of vinasse (condensed molasses solubles) on performance and meat chemical composition of Holstein male calves"
Abolfazl Zali,
مهدی افتخاری ,
Farhang Fatehi,
Mahdi Ganjkhanlou
Italian Journal of Animal Science,
Vol. 16,
No 2,
"A comparison of ruminal or reticular digesta sampling as an alternative to sampling from the omasum of lactating dairy cows"
Farhang Fatehi,
S. J. Krizsan,
H. Gidlund,
P. Huhtanen
Vol. 98,
No 5,
"Effects of different concentrations of ground oak acorn on growth performance, blood parameters and carcass characteristics of goat kids"
Ehsan Forootan,
آرمان عزیزی ,
Javad Sadeghi,
Farhang Fatehi,
سعید لشگری
Animal Production Science,
Vol. 55,
No 1,
"Effects of Replacing Mineral Selenium Supplement with Selenium Nanoparticles on Growth Performance of Dairy Calves"
Mohammad Karimi,
Mahdi Ganjkhanlou,
Farhang Fatehi,
Abolfazl Zali,
Mostafa Sadeghi Sadeghi,
Ronak Rafipour
Journal of Animal Biology (quarterly),
Vol. 16,
No 4,
"Effects of Replacing Mineral Selenium Supplement with Selenium Nanoparticles on Feed Digestibility and Ruminal Parameters of suckling Dairy Calves"
Mohammad Karimi,
Mahdi Ganjkhanlou,
Farhang Fatehi
Journal of Animal Biology (quarterly),
Vol. 16,
No 3,
"Effects of Replacing Mineral Selenium Supplement with Selenium Nanoparticles on Blood Parameters of Dairy Calves"
Mohammad Karimi,
Mahdi Ganjkhanlou,
Farhang Fatehi
Journal of Animal Biology (quarterly),
Vol. 16,
No 2,
"Effect of source and duration of feeding omega-3 and omega-9 protected fatty acids on the expression of some genes involved in fat metabolism in fattening lambs"
آزاده میرشمس الهی,
Mahdi Ganjkhanlou,
Farhang Fatehi
Animal Production Research,
Vol. 12,
No 4,
"Interaction between dietary energy density and feed bunk space on ruminal and blood parameters and fecal properties in Holstein heifers"
Farhang Fatehi,
Hossein Rashidi,
Mahdi Ganjkhanlou,
Farhad Parnian Khajehdizaj
Vol. 33,
No 3,
"Investigation of colostrum feeding method on growth performance and immunoglobulin of Murciano-Granadina goats"
Mohammad Haidari,
Mohammad Ebrahim Nooryian Soroor,
Farhang Fatehi,
Mohammad Mehdi Moeini
Animal Science Journal,
Vol. 36,
No 139,
"COMPARING THE EFFECT OF supplementing a mixed buffer and sodium bicarbonate on growth performance and rumen metabolites of Holstein young bulls"
بهزاد گنجی,
Mehdi Dehghan Banadaky,
Farhang Fatehi
Iranian Journal of animal Science(Iranian Journal Of Agriculture Science),
Vol. 53,
No 3,
"Interaction effects of dietary energy density and feed bunk space on performance and nutrient digestibility in Holstein heifers"
Hossein Rashidi,
Farhang Fatehi,
Mahdi Ganjkhanlou,
Farhad Parnian Khajehdizaj
Vol. 32,
No 2,
"Effect of Source and Duration of Protected Fatty Acids Feeding, on Production Performance, Carcass Characteristics and Blood Metabolites in Fattening Lambs."
Azadeh Mirshamsollahi,
Mahdi Ganjkhanlou,
Farhang Fatehi,
Abolfazl Zali,
Mostafa Sadeghi Sadeghi
Research On Animal Production(Scientific and Research),
Vol. 13,
No 36,
"Evaluation of different levels of colostrum on growth performance, immunoglobulin and skeletal characteristics of Murciano Granadina goat kids"
محمد حیدری,
محمد ابراهیم نوریان سرور,
Farhang Fatehi,
Mohammad mehdi Moeini
journal of ruminant research,
Vol. 32,
No 2,
"The effect of fat supplement type on performance, nutrient digestibility and physiological parameters of finishing lambs during summer heat stress"
Azadeh Mirshamsollahi,
Mahdi Ganjkhanlou,
Farhang Fatehi,
Abolfazl Zali,
Mostafa Sadeghi Sadeghi
Iranian Journal of animal Science(Iranian Journal Of Agriculture Science),
Vol. 53,
No 1,
"Interaction effects of season and dietary forage particle size on milk yield and composition of lactating Holstein dairy cows during the early lactation period"
Somaye Jalaliniya,
Farhang Fatehi,
Mehdi Dehghan Banadaky,
Hossin Rokhforouz
Journal Of Animal Production(journal of agriculture),
Vol. 24,
No 1,
"Effect of dietary supplementation of Condensed Molasses Soluble (Vinasse) on milk yield and apparent nutrient digestibility in lactating Holstein cows under heat stress"
Amin Rahimi,
Farhang Fatehi,
Abolfazl Zali
Journal Of Animal Production(journal of agriculture),
Vol. 23,
No 3,
"The Effect of Feed Bunk Space and Dietary Energy Density on Feeding Behavior and Dry Matter Consumption Pattern in Holstein Heifers"
Hossein Rashidi,
Farhang Fatehi,
Mahdi Ganjkhanlou,
Farhad Parnian Khajehdizaj
Research On Animal Production(Scientific and Research),
Vol. 12,
No 33,
"Effects of replacing corn silage with barley silage on performance of high-producing Holstein cows"
ابوالفضل سلطانی,
Mehdi Dehghan Banadaky,
Abolfazl Zali,
Farhang Fatehi
Iranian Journal of animal Science(Iranian Journal Of Agriculture Science),
Vol. 51,
No 3,
"The study of effects of feed bunk space and forage particle size on digestibility and fecal properties in Holstein female calves"
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Farhang Fatehi,
Abolfazl Zali,
Mahdi Ganjkhanlou,
Amir Hossein Sarzaeem
Journal Of Animal Production(journal of agriculture),
Vol. 22,
No 2,
"The investigation of interaction effects of feed bunk space and forage particle size on performance and feed consumption intensity within hours after feed delivery in Holstein female calves"
Ayyob Mohammadi,
Farhang Fatehi,
Abolfazl Zali,
Mahdi Ganjkhanlou
Vol. 28,
No 4,
"The study of interaction effects of feed bunk space and forage particle size on feeding behaviors in female Holstein calves"
Ayyob Mohammadi,
Farhang Fatehi,
Abolfazl Zali,
Mahdi Ganjkhanlou
Iranian Journal of animal Science(Iranian Journal Of Agriculture Science),
Vol. 49,
No 2,
"Use of in vitro gas production technique for evaluation of corn meal nutritional value and fermentative predictions with comparison to some cereal sources"
Mohammadhossein sirjani,
Mahdi Kazemi Bon Chenari,
Farhang Fatehi,
Mohammadhossain Moradi,
Herinder Makar
Vol. 28,
No 2,
"The study of synchrony effect of starch and rumen degradable protein concentrations by gas production technique"
Farhang Fatehi,
Abolfazl Zali,
Mehdi Dehghan Banadaky,
محسن دانش مسگران
دانش کشاورزی,
Vol. 26,
No 4,
Conference Paper
"Rehabilitation of Dairy production during Corona pandemic"
Farhang Fatehi
first international scientific online symposium entitle" Rehabilitation of the animal production projects bases of supporting agricultural economy,
"The Possibility of COVID-19 transmission by dairy products1"
Farhang Fatehi
Second international scientific online symposium entitle" Corona virus pandemic and its impact on animal production,
"COVID-19 Transmission by Dairy Products1"
Farhang Fatehi
first international scientific online symposium entitle" Corona virus pandemic and its impact on animal production,
"COVID-19 Transmission by Dairy Products"
Farhang Fatehi
first international scientific online symposium entitle" Corona virus pandemic and its impact on animal production,
"Evaluation of industrial-dairy waste as protein source in livestock nutrition to change environmental threats to green opportunities"
Farhang Fatehi,
Farhad Parnian Khajehdizaj,
Mohammad Tar
first international conference of agri science 2019,
"The Effect of Vinasse (condensed molasses soluble) on performance of high yielding Holstein dairy cows under heat stress condition"
Amin Rahimi,
Farhang Fatehi,
Abolfazl Zali
1 st International Agri sciences Conference,
"The study of interaction between season and forage particle size on milk production, milk composition and feed efficiency in high-yielding dairy cows"
Somayeh Jalalinia,
Farhang Fatehi,
Mehdi Dehghan Banadaky
first international conference of agri science 2019,
"A review on livestock production systems, and feed production and feeding systems in Iran: Challenges and Opportunity"
Farhang Fatehi,
Abolfazl Zali,
Ayub Mohammadi,
Amirhosein Sarzaeem
technological Innovation and Education Training in Animal Production with a Focus on Feeding and Feed Production,
"In vitro evaluation of agro-industrial by-products replacing barley in diets to dairy cows"
S. J. Krizsan,
R. Sporndly,
Farhang Fatehi,
P. Huhtanen,
M. Ramin
Proceedings of the 8 th Nordic Feed Science Conference, Uppsala, Sweden,
"the comparison of nutritive value of potato processing waste and barley grain as a feedstuff"
Sasan Ghamari,
Farhang Fatehi,
Abolfazl Zali
9th conference on food security,
"The effect of heat stress on nutrient metabolism of dairy cows"
Sasan Ghamari,
Farhang Fatehi,
Saman Hossein Abadi
6th International Congress of Developing Agriculture, Natural Resources, Environment and Tourism of Iran,
"Effect of milk feeding level on growth and efficiency of Suckling Saanen goat kids"
Fatemeh Ahmadi,
Farhang Fatehi,
Abolfazl Zali,
Farhad Parnian Khajehdizaj
Fifth National Conference on Innovation in Agriculture, Animal Sciences and Veterinary Medicine,
"Effect of milk feeding level on Skeletal growth Parameters of Suckling Saanen goat kids"
Fatemeh Ahmadi,
Farhad Parnian Khajehdizaj,
Abolfazl Zali,
Farhang Fatehi
Fifth National Conference on Innovation in Agriculture, Animal Sciences and Veterinary Medicine,
"Effect of nutrition with protected omega-3 and omega-9 fatty acids on nutrient digestibility in fattening lambs"
Farhang Fatehi
9th Iranian & 1st International Animal Sciences congress,
"Interaction effects of season and dietary forage particle size on blood metabolites in early lactating Holstein dairy cows"
Farhang Fatehi,
Hossein Rokhforoz
9th Iranian & 1st International Animal Sciences congress,
"Effect of nutrition with protected omega-3 and omega-9 fatty acids on fattening lambs performance"
Azadeh Mirshamsollahi,
Mahdi Ganjkhanlou,
Farhang Fatehi,
Abolfazl Zali,
Mostafa Sadeghi Sadeghi
9th Iranian & 1st International Animal Sciences congress,
"Evaluation of the effects of season and year on raw milk’s quality of some farms in Qazvin province delivered to a dairy industry company"
Hossein Rokhforoz,
Abed Zarghami,
Farhang Fatehi,
Farhad Parnian Khajehdizaj
9th Iranian & 1st International Animal Sciences congress,
"Using agricultural by products as animal feed"
Farhang Fatehi
Third national conference on innovation in agriculture, animal science and veterinary medicine,
"Effect of using of potato steam peels on milk production and component of lactating dairy cows"
Farhang Fatehi
Second National Conference on Innovation in Agriculture, Animal Sciences and Veterinary Medicine,
"Effect of Potato steam peels on ruminal fermentation of lactating dairy cows"
Farhang Fatehi
Second National Conference on Innovation in Agriculture, Animal Sciences and Veterinary Medicine,
"Replacement of wet potato processing coproducts silage with barley grain on ruminal fermentation parameters of finishing male Holstein calves"
Farhang Fatehi
Second National Conference on Innovation in Agriculture, Animal Sciences and Veterinary Medicine,
"Replacement of wet potato processing coproducts silage with barley grain on nutrient digestibility of finishing male Holstein calves"
Farhang Fatehi
Second National Conference on Innovation in Agriculture, Animal Sciences and Veterinary Medicine,
"The effect of vinasse on nutrient digestibility of Holstein Male calves"
Mehdi Eftekhari,
Abolfazl Zali,
Farhang Fatehi,
Mahdi Ganjkhanlou
7th congress on animal science of Iran,
"effects of diet physical form on sorting behavior in high yielding dairy cows"
Farhang Fatehi,
Ali Assadi Alamouti,
Mohammad Hossein Sirjani,
Mohammad Tar
7 th Iran animal science congress,
"The relation between physical and chemical property of grain in diet of dairy cows and fecal starch concentration"
Hossin Rokhforouz,
Farhang Fatehi,
Abolfazl Zali,
Mahdi Ganjkhanlou
7th congress on animal science of Iran,
"The effect of partial replacement of starch with, saturated or unsaturated fatty acids on feed intake and performance of lactating Holstein cows"
Bakhtiyar Babaei,
Mehdi Dehghan Banadaky,
Farhang Fatehi
the 7th congress of nanimal science of iran,
"The effect of different level of zinc on blood metabolite in holstein lactating cows"
Shahpor Kheyrabadi,
Farhang Fatehi,
Sina Allahyari,
Parviz Goodarzi
5th National Conference of Iran Holstein,
"The effect of dairy factory waste waters on the lactating cow performance"
Mohammad Tar,
Farhang Fatehi,
Shahpor Kheyrabadi,
Mohammad Hossein Moazeni Zadeh
5th National Conference of Iran Holstein,
"A comparision between steam flake corn grain and grind corn grain on nutrient digestibilty of the lactating cows"
Mehdi Sadeghi,
Farhang Fatehi,
Davood Akbari,
Mohammad Hadi Khabazan
5th National Conference of Iran Holstein,
"The relationship between feed efficency and net profit in dairy farms"
Kobra Pour Asad Astemal,
Nemat Hedayat,
Farhang Fatehi
the 4th national congress on organic and conventional agriculture,
"Probiotics in ruminant and poultry production"
Mohammad Hossein Sirjani,
Mohammad Reza Bahrami,
Farhang Fatehi
The 4th national congress on organic and conventional agriculture,
"The effect of different sources of non fiber carbohydrate on dry matte intake and performance of mid lactating dairy cows"
Abolfazl Zali,
Farhang Fatehi,
Mehdi Dehghan Banadaky,
محسن دانش مسگران
6th animal congress,