Gholamreza Rafiei


Update: 2025-03-13

Gholamreza Rafiei

College of Agriculture and Natural Resources / Fisheries Sciences

Journal Paper

  1. "Early morphological and histological development and allometric growth of Caspian kutum, Rutilus frisii"
    Ghadir Ghorbanzadeh, Hadi Poorbagher, Soheil Eigdari, Gholamreza Rafiei, Andrew Jeffs, reza nahavandi
    BIOLOGIA, Vol. 79, No 10, 2024
  2. "Effect of pH, osmolality, Na+ and K+ on spermatozoa motility of the orange-spotted grouper, Epinephelus coioides"
    Faraz Panjvini, Reza Davoodi, Gholamreza Rafiei, Soheil Eigdari
    JOURNAL OF APPLIED AQUACULTURE, Vol. 35, No 4, pp.1-11, 2023
  3. "Assessment of vitamin C different levels in aquaponic system on Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) and saffron (Crocus sativus): growth performances, hematology, serum biochemistry, and digestive enzyme activity"
    Sina Javanmardi, Kamran Rezaei Tavabe, Gholamreza Rafiei, saeid Moradi, Divya Sivaji
    AQUACULTURE INTERNATIONAL, Vol. 2, No 2, pp.1-19, 2022
  4. "Enriched microbial communities for ammonium and nitrite removal from recirculating aquaculture systems Alireza"
    Alireza Neysi, Gholamreza Rafiei, Shadi Rahimi, Hamid Farahmand, Santhosh Pandic, Ivan Mijakovic
    Chemosphere, Vol. 295, No 1, pp.1-11, 2022
  5. "Abatement of water nutrient load in a fish culture system using the aquatic trophic levels"
    Hadi Poorbagher, Gholamreza Rafiei, Kamran Rezaei Tavabe, Fateh Moezi
    WATER ENVIRONMENT RESEARCH, Vol. 93, No 12, pp.3011-3022, 2021
  6. "The enrichment of diet with beneficial bacteria (single- or multi- strain) in biofloc system enhanced the water quality, growth performance, immune responses, and disease resistance of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus)"
    Ghasem Mohammadi, Gholamreza Rafiei, Kamran Rezaei Tavabe, Hany Abdel-Latif, Mahmoud Dawood
    AQUACULTURE, Vol. 539, No 6, 2021
  7. "Toxicity of polystyrene microplastics on juvenile Oncorhynchus mykiss (rainbow trout) after individual and combined exposure with chlorpyrifos"
    Samane Karbalaei, Parichehr Hanachi, Gholamreza Rafiei, Parvaneh Seifori, Tony walker
    JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS, Vol. 6, No 403, pp.1-13, 2021
  8. "Effects of utilization of Lactococcus lactis and Pediococcus pentosaseus as probiotic to improve quality of west white leg shrimp ( Litopenaeus vannamei ) postlarvae"
    Amin Hashemi panah mehr abadi, Gholamreza Rafiei, Kamran Rezaei Tavabe, Sepideh Bozorgi, Ali Reza Mirvaghefi
    AQUACULTURE RESEARCH, Vol. 52, No 4, pp.1724-1732, 2021
  9. "Feed-nutrients uptake rates of different weight groups of red tilapia (Oreochromis sp.) in a recirculating aquaculture system"
    Gholamreza Rafiei, Che Roos Saad, Mohd Salleh Kamarudin, Mohammad Razi Esmaeil Esmaeil, قمرالزمان سیجام
    International Journal of Aquatic Biology, Vol. 5, No 8, pp.337-343, 2020
  10. "The growth performance, antioxidant capacity, immunological responses, and the resistance against Aeromonas hydrophila in Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) fed Pistacia vera hulls derived polysaccharide"
    [] [], Gholamreza Rafiei, Mohammad Al Basuni, Hany Abdollatif, Mahmood Dawood
    FISH & SHELLFISH IMMUNOLOGY, Vol. 106, No 2, pp.115-130, 2020
  11. "Oregano (Origanum vulgare), St John's-wort (Hypericum perforatum), and lemon balm (Melissa officinalis) extracts improved the growth rate, antioxidative, and immunological responses in Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) infected with Aeromonas hydrophila"
    [] [], Gholamreza Rafiei, Mohammad Al Basuni, Hen Van Dawood, Hamada Ahmad, Mahmoud Davoudi, Hany Abdel-Latif
    Aquaculture Reports, Vol. 18, No 2, 2020
  12. "Beneficial effects of Bacillus subtilis on water quality, growth, immune responses, endotoxemia and protection against lipopolysaccharide‐induced damages in Oreochromis niloticus under biofloc technology system"
    [] [], Tida Jouliano Ederino, Gholamreza Rafiei
    AQUACULTURE NUTRITION, Vol. 26, No 5, pp.1476-1492, 2020
    Reza Rezanejad, S. M. OJAGH, مرضیه حیدریه, Mojtaba Raeizi, علیرضا عالیشاهی, Gholamreza Rafiei, S.H Mousavi, S.N ABIZADEH
    Bulgarian Journal of Veterinary Medicine, Vol. 1, No 1, 2020
  14. "Cold-Resistant Heterotrophic Ammonium and Nitrite-Removing Bacteria Improve Aquaculture Conditions of Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)"
    [] [], Gholamreza Rafiei, Hamid Farahmand, Shadi Rahimi, Ivan Mijakovic
    MICROBIAL ECOLOGY, Vol. 4, No 248, 2020
  15. "Effects of dietary Lactobacillus plantarum (KC426951) in biofloc and stagnant-renewal culture systems on growth performance, mucosal parameters, and serum innate responses of Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus"
    [] [], Gholamreza Rafiei, Hisham A.Abdolrahman
  16. "DNA damage, acetylcholinesterase activity, and hematological responses in rainbow trout exposed to the organophosphate malathion"
    Seyed Jalil Alavinia, Ali Reza Mirvaghefi, Hamid Farahmand, Gholamreza Rafiei, Seyed Jamal Alavinia, Nima Shiry, Saeed Moodi
  17. "Effects of chronic lead and cadmium exposure on the oriental river prawn (Macrobrachium nipponense) in laboratory conditions"
    Kamran Rezaei Tavabe, Bahman Pouryounes, Gholamreza Rafiei, Machael Frinsko
  18. "The Impact of Diets Supplemented with Different Forms of Rosemary and BHA on Chemical, Microbial and Sensory Properties of Rainbow Trout Fillet"
    Reza Rezanejad, Seyed Mahdi Ojagh, مرضیه حیدریه, Mojtaba Raeizi, Alireza Alishahi, Gholamreza Rafiei
    Journal of Aquatic Food Product Technology, Vol. 28, No 5, 2019
  19. "Characterization of Gamma-Irradiated Rosmarinus officinalis L. (Rosemary)"
    Reza Rezanejad, Seyed Mahdi OJAGH, Marzieh HEIDARIEH, Mojtaba Raeisi, Gholamreza Rafiei, Alireza Alishahi
    Turkish Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Vol. 16, No 1, 2019
  20. "Droplet vitrification versus straw cryopreservation for spermatozoa banking in Persian sturgeon (Acipenser persicus) from metabolite point of view"
    Amirreza Abed-Elmdoust, RUHOLLAH RAHIMI, Hamid Farahmand, Bagher Mojazi Amiri, Ali Reza Mirvaghefi, Gholamreza Rafiei
    THERIOGENOLOGY, Vol. 129, No 1, pp.110-115, 2019
  21. "1H NMR metabolic profiling of the cryopreserved spermatozoa of the wild endangered Persian sturgeon (Acipenser persicus) with the use of beta-cyclodextrin as an external cryoprotectant"
    RUHOLLAH RAHIMI, Hamid Farahmand, Ali Reza Mirvaghefi, Gholamreza Rafiei, Amirreza Abed-Elmdoust
    FISH PHYSIOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY, Vol. 45, No 189, pp.1-12, 2019
  22. "Investigation of different levels of glycerol on cyst hatching percentage, total length and survival of Phallocryptus spinosa and Artemia franciscana"
    Poorya Gholamzadeh, Kamran Rezaei Tavabe, Gholamreza Rafiei, مسعود صیدگر
    International Journal of Aquatic Biology, Vol. 6, No 4, pp.235-241, 2019
  23. "Effects of supplementary nutrients in an Aquaponic system for production of ornamental red tilapia.."
    Gholamreza Rafiei, Che Roos Saad, Mohd Salleh Kamarudin, Mohd Razi Ismail, Kamarozaman Sijam
    آبزیان زینتی, Vol. 1, No 1, pp.57-68, 2018
  24. "Effects of the prebiotic mannan-oligosaccharide on feed deprived zebrafish: Growth and reproduction"
    Mohammad Navid Forsatkar, Mohammad Ali Nematollahi, Gholamreza Rafiei, Hamid Farahmand, Christian Lawrence
    AQUACULTURE RESEARCH, Vol. 49, No 8, pp.2822-2832, 2018
  25. "Effects of the prebiotic mannan-oligosaccharide on the stress response of feed deprived zebrafish ( Danio rerio )"
    Mohammad Navid Forsatkar, Mohammad Ali Nematollahi, Gholamreza Rafiei, Hamid Farahmand, Christian Lawrence
    PHYSIOLOGY & BEHAVIOR, Vol. 180, pp.70-77, 2017
  26. "Comparing Na/K-ATPase activity of Macrobrachium rosenbergii (de Man) larvae at specific developmental stages, using different sodium vs potassium and calcium vs magnesium concentrations, and sodium potassium adsorption ratio (SPAR) mediums"
    Kamran Rezaei Tavabe, Gholamreza Rafiei, Machael Frinsko, Harry Daniels
    AQUACULTURE, Vol. 479, No 1, 2017
  27. "Effects of prebiotic mannan oligosaccharide on the growth, survival, and anxiety-like behaviors of zebrafish (Danio rerio)"
    Mohammad Navid Forsatkar, Mohammad Ali Nematollahi, Gholamreza Rafiei, Hamid Farahmand, Gonzalo Martinez-rodriguez
    JOURNAL OF APPLIED AQUACULTURE, Vol. 29, No 2, pp.1-14, 2017
  28. "Metabolic changes in droplet vitrified semen of wild endangered Persian sturgeon Acipenser persicus (Borodin, 1997)."
    Amirreza Abed-Elmdoust, Hamid Farahmand, Bagher Mojazi Amiri, Gholamreza Rafiei, Ruhollah Rahimi
    CRYOBIOLOGY, Vol. 76, No 10, pp.111-118, 2017
  29. "Comparative study on the gastrointestinal tract of mature and maturing female and male of Caspian lamprey, Caspiomyzon wagneri (Kessler, 1870) in the southern Caspian Sea (Cephalaspidomorphi: Petromyzontidae)"
    Saleh Benam, Bagher Mojazi Amiri, Gholamreza Rafiei, Majid Abedi, Ashraf Namdariyanrad
    Iranian Journal of Ichthyology (Iran. J. Ichthyol.), Vol. 3, No 2, pp.140-149, 2016
  30. "Combined effects of dietary mannan- and fructo-oligosaccharide on growth indices, body composition, intestinal bacterial flora and digestive enzymes activity of regal peacock (Aulonocara stuartgranti)"
    Soolmaz Mirzapoor Rezaei, Mehrdad Farhangi, Gholamreza Rafiei
    AQUACULTURE NUTRITION, Vol. 23, No 4, pp.1-8, 2016
  31. "Interactions of different sodium and potassium concentrations on Macrobrachium rosenbergii (de Man) offspring quality parameters"
    Kamran Rezaei Tavabe, Gholamreza Rafiei, Machael Frinsko, Harry Daniels
    AQUACULTURE RESEARCH, Vol. 46, No 9, 2015
  32. "Effects of Water Hardness and Calcium: Magnesium Ratios on Reproductive Performance and Offspring Quality of Macrobrachium rosenbergii"
    Kamran Rezaei Tavabe, Gholamreza Rafiei, Mohammdmehdi Shoeiry, Shadab Houshmandi, Machael Frinsko, Harry Daniels
    JOURNAL OF THE WORLD AQUACULTURE SOCIETY, Vol. 46, No 5, pp.519-530, 2015
  33. "Hydrocortisone treatment may enhance survival and stocking of Beluga sturgeon (Huso huso Linnaeus, 1758) in estuaries of the Caspian Sea"
    Nastaran Mazlumi, Bagher Mojazi Amiri, Mohammad Ali Nematollahi, Gholamreza Rafiei
    International Journal of Aquatic Biology, Vol. 3, No 3, pp.129-134, 2015
  34. "Influence of supplemented diet with Pediococcus acidilactici on non-specific immunity and stress indicators in green terror (Aequidens rivulatus) during hypoxia"
    Alireza Neissi, Gholamreza Rafiei, Mohammad Ali Nematollahi, Seyed Hadi Razavi, Fatemeh Maniei
    FISH & SHELLFISH IMMUNOLOGY, Vol. 45, No 1, pp.13-18, 2015
  35. "The Effect of Zeolite and Nitrifying Bacteria on Remediation of Nitrogenous Wastewater Substances Derived fromCarp Breeding Farm"
    Babak Motesharezadeh, Ahmad Arasteh, Ahmad Ali Pourbabaee, Gholamreza Rafiei
    International Journal of Environmental Research, Vol. 9, No 2, pp.553-560, 2015
  36. "Novel droplet vitrification combined with fish antifreeze protein type III enhances cryoprotection of semen in wild endangered Persian sturgeon Acipenser persicus"
    Amirreza Abed-Elmdoust, Hamid Farahmand, Bagher Mojazi Amiri, Gholamreza Rafiei, Ruholla Rahimi
    AQUACULTURE RESEARCH, Vol. 46, No 46, 2015
  37. "Simultaneous detection of Aeromonas hydrophila, and Escherichia coli in Rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) by Duplex PCR"
    Fatemeh Fatahi, Ali Reza Mirvaghefi, Hamid Farahmand, Gholamreza Rafiei, علیرضا عبدالهی
    International Journal of Aquatic Biology, Vol. 3, No 1, pp.52-59, 2015
  38. "Effects of various sodium adsorption ratio (SAR) mediums on larval performance of the freshwater prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergii (de Man)"
    Gholamreza Rafiei, Kamran Rezaei Tavabe, Michel Frinsko, Harry Daniels
    AQUACULTURE RESEARCH, Vol. 46, No 3, pp.725-735, 2015
  39. "Early development and allometric growth patterns of beluga Huso huso (Linnaeus, 1758)"
    Ernic Gisbert, Reza Asgari, Gholamreza Rafiei, ناصر آق, Soheil Eigdari, Hamid Eshagh Zadeh, Carlous Alcaraz
  40. "The effect of sub-lethal exposure to copper and the time course of recovery in clean water on biochemical changes in juvenile fish ( Acipenser persicus )"
    سعید زاهدی, Ali Reza Mirvaghefi, مریم رفعتی, Gholamreza Rafiei, Bagher Mojazi Amiri, مهدی هدایتی, چنگیز مخدومی, موسی زارعی دنگسرکی
  41. "Effects of the mixed probiotic microalgae-bacteria, Skeletonema costatum-Bacillus subtilis, on Stress tolerance and innate immunity prophenoloxidase (proPO ) activating in Penaeus monodon larvae"
    Gholamreza Rafiei, Ahmad Ali Pourbabaee, Ali Agharokh, Mehran Avakhkeysami
    Journal of Biodiversity and Environmental Sciences (JBES), Vol. 4/5, No 5, pp.273-284, 2014
  42. "Ontogeny of the digestive system in hatchery produced Beluga (Huso huso Linnaeus, 1758); a comparative study between Beluga and genus Acipenser"
    Reza Asgari, Gholamreza Rafiei, Soheil Eigdari, Reza Shahrooz, Hadi Poorbagher, ناصر آق, Ernic Gisbert
    AQUACULTURE NUTRITION, Vol. 2014, No 1, pp.1-14, 2014
  43. "Enhanced growth and retarded gonadal development of farmed rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum) following a long-day photoperiod"
    Ahmad Noori, Bagher Mojazi Amiri, Ali Reza Mirvaghefi, Gholamreza Rafiei, Bita Kalvani
    AQUACULTURE RESEARCH, Vol. 1, No 1, 2014
  44. "Improvement in wild endangered Persian sturgeon, Acipenser persicus (Borodin, 1897) semen cryopreservation by 2-hydroxypropyl-beta-cyclodextrin (HβCD)"
    Ruhollah Rahimi, Hamid Farahmand, Ali Reza Mirvaghefi, Gholamreza Rafiei, ارمغان عابد علم دوست
    AQUACULTURE RESEARCH, Vol. 21, No 3, 2014
  45. "Effects of different calcium and magnesium concentrations separately and in combination on Macrobrachium rosenbergii (de Man) larviculture"
    Kamran Rezaei Tavabe, Gholamreza Rafiei, Harry Daniels, Machael Frinsko
    AQUACULTURE, Vol. 10, No 1016, pp.160-166, 2013
  46. "The effect of Pediococcus acidilactici bacteria used as probiotic supplement on the growth and non-specific immune responses of green terror, Aequidens rivulatus"
    Alireza Neissi, Gholamreza Rafiei, Mohammad Ali Nematollahi, Omid Safari
    FISH & SHELLFISH IMMUNOLOGY, Vol. 35, No 1, pp.1976-1980, 2013
  47. "Effects of different calcium concentrations separately and in combination on Macrobrachium rosenbergii (de Man) larviculture"
    Kamran Rezaei Tavabe, Gholamreza Rafiei, Michel Frinsko, Harry Daniels
    AQUACULTURE, Vol. 412-413, No 1, pp.160-166, 2013
  48. "Ontogeny of the digestive enzyme activities in hatchery produced Beluga (Huso huso)"
    Reza Asgari, Gholamreza Rafiei, Soheil Eigdari, Farzaneh Noori, ناصر آق, Hadi Poorbagher, Enric Gisbert
    AQUACULTURE, Vol. 416-417, No 3, pp.33-40, 2013
  49. "Effects of various sodium adsorption ratio (SAR) mediums on larval performance of the freshwater prawn"
    Gholamreza Rafiei, Kamran Rezaei Tavabe, Machael Frinsko, Harry Daniels
    AQUACULTURE RESEARCH, Vol. 1, No 1111, 2013
  50. "Body shape changes during the early development of the Beluga (Huso huso)"
    Reza Asgari, Soheil Eigdari, Gholamreza Rafiei, Hadi Poorbagher, ناصر آق, Hamid Eshaghzadeh
    International Journal of Aquatic Biology, Vol. 1, No 1, pp.1-5, 2013
  51. "Effects of different photoperiods on the survival and growth of beluga sturgeon larvae"
    Hamid Eshaghzadeh, Gholamreza Rafiei, Soheil Eigdari, Hadi Poorbagher, - کاظمی
    International Journal of Aquatic Biology, Vol. 1, No 1, pp.41-36, 2013
  52. "Effects of Water Temperature on the Susceptibility of Rainbow Trout to Streptococcus agalactiae."
    Ali Sepahi, مرضیه حیدری, Ali Reza Mirvaghefi, Gholamreza Rafiei, Mehrnoosh Farid, نجمه شیخ زاده
    Acta Scientiae Veterinariae, Vol. 41, No 1, pp.1-5, 2013
  53. "Effect of Different Levels of Dietary Calcium and Potassium on Growth Indices, Biochemical composition and Some Whole Body Minerals in Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus Mykiss) Fingerlings"
    Sha Kalantarian, Gholamreza Rafiei, Mehrdad Farhangi, Bagher Mojazi Amiri
    TISSUE & CELL, Vol. 04, No 3, pp.1-10, 2013
  54. "Effect of Different Concentrations of Waterborne Sodium on the Hatching Rate and Ions Content of Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Eggs"
    مهرداد سرخیل, Gholamreza Rafiei, Bagher Mojazi Amiri, Mehrdad Farhangi
    Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, Vol. 14, No 1, pp.59-65, 2013
  55. "Mudulating Gut microbiota and digestive enzyme activities of atemia urmiana by administration of different"
    Hamid Reza Ahmadnia Motlagh , Mehrdad Farhangi , Gholamreza Rafiei, Farzaneh Noori
    AQUACULTURE INTERNATIONAL, Vol. 20, No 4, pp.693-705, 2012
  56. "Comparative analysis of reproductive performance between spring and autumn forms of Persian sturgeon Acipenser persicus Bordin 1897: with an emphasis on sex steroids and milt quality"
    Saeed Hajirezaee , Gholamreza Rafiei
    AQUACULTURE RESEARCH, Vol. 43, No 5, pp.641-648, 2012
  57. "Effects of ghrelin on some plasma hormonal changes in juvenile Persian sturgeon ( Acipenser persicus )"
    Hamed Kolangi Miandare , Hamid Farahmand, Sanaz Ramezanpour , Mohammad Ali Nematollahi, Gholamreza Rafiei, Bagher Mojazi Amiri
    Comparative Clinical Pathology, Vol. 21, pp.1099-1102, 2012
  58. "An Investigation on As, Cd, Mo and Cu Contents of Soils Surrounding the Meyduk Tailings Dam"
    Maryam Kargar , Nemat Allah Khorasani , Mahmud Karami , Gholamreza Rafiei, Reza Naseh
    International Journal of Environmental Research, Vol. 6, No 1, pp.173-184, 2012
  59. "Diazinon Fate and Toxicity in the Tajan River (Iran Ecosystem"
    Yosefali Ahmadi Mamaqani , Nematollah Khorasani, Khalil Talebi Jahromi, Seyed Hosein Hashemi, Gholamreza Rafiei, Fatemeh Bahadori Khosroshahi
    ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE, Vol. 28, No 12, pp.859-868, 2011
  60. "Masculinization of Blue Hap (Sciaenochromis ahli) Treated with 17methyltestosterone"
    Amir Reza Abed Elmdoust, Hamid Farahmand, Gholamreza Rafiei, Bagher Mojazi Amiri, Ali Reza Mirvaghefi
    Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology, Vol. 13, No 2, pp.173-180, 2011
  61. "Effects of long-term silymarin oral supplementation on the blood biochemical profile of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)"
    Mahdi Banaee, آنتونی سوردا گومیل , Ali Reza Mirvaghefi, Gholamreza Rafiei
    FISH PHYSIOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY, Vol. 37, No 4, pp.885-896, 2011
  62. "statistical source identification of major and trace elements in groundwater downward the tailig dam of Miduk copper complex Kerman Iran"
    Maryam Kargar , Nematollah Khorasani, Mahmood Karami , Gholamreza Rafiei, Reza Naseh
    ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING AND ASSESSMENT, Vol. 11, No 1411, pp.137-218, 2011
  63. "application ofthe white rot fungus phaenochatae chrysosporium in biotreatment of bagass effluent"
    M Sharari , A Jahan Latibari , A Guillet , M Aurousseau , B Mouhamadou , Gholamreza Rafiei, A Mirshokraei , D Parsapaghouh
    BIODEGRADATION, Vol. 22, No 2, pp.421-430, 2011
  64. "comparative analysis of milt quality and steroid levels in blood and seminal fluid of Persion sturgeon males Acipenser persicus"
    Hajirezaee Saeed , Gholamreza Rafiei, Hushangi Ramtin
    BIOLOGIA, Vol. 66, No 1, pp.160-169, 2011
  65. "Masculination of Blue Hap ( Sciaenchromis oahli Treated with 17 methyl testostron"
    Alireza Mirvagefi , Bagher Mojazi Amiri , Gholamreza Rafiei, Hamid Farahman , Alireza Abed Elmdost
    Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology, Vol. 13, No 2, pp.173-180, 2011
  66. "Changes in Egg Calcium Content of Persian Sturgeon Acipenser persicus during Different Stages of Germinal Vesicle Migration"
    Gholamreza Rafiei, سعید حاج رضایی
    Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology, Vol. 13, No 13, pp.66-61, 2010
  67. "Changes in total calcium of persian sturgeon folicules during different stages of germinal vesicle migration"
    Gholamreza Rafiei, Saed Hajirezaee
    Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology, Vol. 13, pp.61-66, 2010
  68. "germinal vesicle breakdown rates in oocytes and steroid levels inblood andovarian fluid ofpersian sturgeon acipenser persicus"
    Saeed Hajirezaee , Gholamreza Rafiei, Ramtin Hushangi , Ruhollah Rahimi , Hamid Niksirat , Rezvan Kazemi
    International Aquatic Reseach, Vol. 2, pp.75-71, 2010
  69. "stress responses of persion sturgeon Acipenser persicus torepetition of a management stressor ( handstripping of milt )"
    Saeed Hajirazaee , Gholamreza Rafiei
    Journal of Applied Biological Sciences, Vol. 4, No 2, pp.9-12, 2010
  70. "Morphological variation of pikeperch Sander lucioperca in the southern caspian sea"
    A Akbarzadeh , Hamid Farahmand, A A Shabani , Mahmoud Karami, Mohammad Kaboli, K Abbasi , Gholamreza Rafiei
    JOURNAL OF APPLIED ICHTHYOLOGY, Vol. 25, No 5, pp.576-582, 2009
  71. "Influence of the time to egg stripping on eyeing and hatching rates in rainbow trout oncorhynchus mykis under cold temparature"
    Azin Mohagheghi Samarin, Mohammadreza Ahmadi, Teruo Azuma, Gholamreza Rafiei, Bagher Mojazi Amiri, Mohammad Reza Naghavi
    AQUACULTURE, Vol. 278, No 2, pp.195-198, 2008
  72. "ifluence of time to egg stripping on eyeing and hatching rates in rainbow trout Onchoryhnchus mykiss under cold temperature"
    Azin Mohagheghi Samarin , Mohammad Reza Ahmadi , Teruo Azuma , Gholamreza Rafiei, Bagher Mojazi Amiria , Mohammad Reza Naghavi
    AQUACULTURE, Vol. 278, pp.198-195, 2008
  73. "zeolite ( clinoptiolitr ) on aquaponic production of red tilapia ( oeochromis sp ) and lettuce ( lactuca sativa ) and improvement of water quality"
    Gholamreza Rafiei, چیروز سعد
    Iranian Journal of Agriculture Science, Vol. 8, No 8, pp.322-313, 2008
    Gholamreza Rafiei, Chirooz Saad
    IRANIAN JOURNAL OF FISHERIES SCIENCES, Vol. 7, No 2, pp.47-58, 2008
  75. "Effect of sub lethal Diazinon Concentration on Blood Plasma Biochemistry"
    Mohammad Banaee , Ali Reza Mirvagefei , Gholamreza Rafiei, Bagher Mojazi Amiri
    International Journal of Environmental Research, Vol. 2, No 2, pp.189-198, 2008
  76. "Cryopreservation of semen from the endangered Caspian brown trout (Salmo trutta caspius)"
    K Sarvi , H Niksirat , Bagher Mojazi Amiri, S M Mirtorabi , Gholamreza Rafiei, M Bakhtiyari
    AQUACULTURE, Vol. 5, No 41406, pp.109-118, 2006
  77. "Cryopreservation of semen from the endangered Caspian brown trout (Salmo trutta caspius)"
    K Sarvi , H Niksirat , Bagher Mojazi Amiri, S M Mirtorabi , Gholamreza Rafiei, M Bakhtiyari
    AQUACULTURE, Vol. 256, No 41365, pp.569-564, 2006
  78. "Seasonal Fluctuation in Heavy Metal Pollution in Irann s Siahroud River ( APriliminary Study )"
    Ah Charkhabi , M Sakizadeh , Gholamreza Rafiei
    Environmental Science and Pollution Research, Vol. 12, No 5, pp.270-264, 2005
  79. "Nutrient cycle and sludge production during different stage of red tilapia growth in a recirculating aquaculture system"
    Gholamreza Rafiei, Che Roos Saad
    AQUACULTURE, Vol. 244, pp.109-118, 2005
  80. "Adaptability, growth and efficiency of feeding with different diets and salinities in Shirbout, Arabibarbus grypus (Heckel, 1843)"
    Mohadese Majidi, Mohammad Ali Nematollahi, Gholamreza Rafiei
    Quarterly Aquaculture sciences, Vol. 12, No 2, pp.13-20, 2024
  81. "Glazing is an effective method to increase the shelf life and maintain the quality of frozen seafood"
    Reza Rezanezhad, Gholamreza Rafiei
    علوم و فنون بسته بندی, Vol. 15, No 59, 2024
  82. "Plankton and fertilizers transferring to the ponds and their effects on growth and survival of chinese carps"
    Gholamreza Rafiei, Mehran Moslemi, Mehrdad Farhangi, Hadi Poorbagher
    Journal of Fisheries(Iranian Journal Of Natural Recources), Vol. 77, No 2, pp.173-183, 2024
  83. "Effects of Polystyrene Nanoplastics on Liver Histological Indices and Growth and Survival Indices of Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)"
    Melika Mirzaei, Kamran Rezaei Tavabe, Amirreza Abed-Elmdoust, Gholamreza Rafiei, Hassan Rahimian, بهزاد شیرکوند هداوند
    Journal of Fisheries(Iranian Journal Of Natural Recources), Vol. 77, No 1, pp.25-36, 2024
  84. "The effect of simultaneous feeding of BioAqua probiotics and soy-bean lecithin on reproductive performance of female rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Faraz Panjvini1 , Gholamreza Rafiee"
    [] [], Gholamreza Rafiei
    Iranian Scientific Fisheries Journal, Vol. 76, No 4, pp.525-537, 2024
  85. "The effect of salinity on the body shape of platyfish Xiphophorus maculatus (Teleostei: Poeciliidae) during early stages of development using geometric morphometric method"
    Ali Reza Radkhah, Soheil Eigdari, Abdolmajid Abdy, Hadi Poorbagher, Gholamreza Rafiei
    Journal of Animal Researches, Vol. 36, No 3, 2023
  86. "Assessing water quality indices and self-purification capacity of Balighli-Chai and Ghare-Sou Rivers using QUAL2Kw model"
    Gholamreza Rafiei, Fateh Moezi, Hadi Poorbagher, Kamran Rezaei Tavabe, Mohammad Ali Nematollahi
    Journal of Environment and Water Engineering, Vol. 9, No 3, 2023
  87. "Role of temperature changes in embryo development of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss), and larvae and fingerlings growth indices"
    Gholamreza Rafiei, Melika Mirzaei, Poorya Gholamzadeh
    Journal of Fisheries(Iranian Journal Of Natural Recources), Vol. 76, No 2, pp.329-340, 2023
  88. "Determining the effects of different levels of polystyrene nanoplastics on the expression of immune-related- genes in Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)"
    Melika Mirzaei, Kamran Rezaei Tavabe, Amirreza Abed-Elmdoust, Gholamreza Rafiei, Hassan Rahimian, بهزاد شیرکوند هداوند
    Quarterly Aquaculture sciences, Vol. 11, No 20, pp.105-113, 2023
  89. "Assessment of three Different Recirculating Tilapia Culture Systems Using Biological Filters and Mineral Nutrient"
    Gholamreza Rafiei, Fariborz Narimani zad
    Fish nutrition, Vol. 9, No 1, pp.63-75, 2023
  90. "Comparison of cartilage and bone staining methods based on using acid and acid-free protocols for study of ontogeny in common Bream (Abramis brama)"
    Mohammadreza Sahraeian, Soheil Eigdari, Gholamreza Rafiei, Arash Zibaei, محمد مرادی قرخلو
    Animal Physiology and Development, Vol. 15, No 4, 2022
  91. "Study of different levels of Lactobacillus spp and Bacillus spp probiotics in larval-culture tanks on larvae quality indices of Litopenaeus vannamei"
    Mostafa Alishiri joonaghani, Kamran Rezaei Tavabe, Gholamreza Rafiei, Bahman Jamshidi
    Journal of Animal Environment, Vol. 14, No 3, pp.253-260, 2022
  92. "Entrance of different levels of Bacillus subtilis and Lactobacillus plantarum probiotics separately in shrimp tank and their effects on larvae quality, growth index of Macrobrachioum rosenbergii and water quality"
    Yasin Dastar, Kamran Rezaei Tavabe, Gholamreza Rafiei, زهره ابراهیمی
    Journal of Fisheries(Iranian Journal Of Natural Recources), Vol. 75, No 3, pp.329-342, 2022
  93. "The Effect of different salinities on pigment content, chemical composition and growth of Dunaliella salina microalgae in two culture media Guillard (f/2) and Modified Johansson (DUM)"
    [] [], Gholamreza Rafiei, Mohammad Ali Nematollahi
    Journal of Utilization and Cultivation of Aquatics, Vol. 11, No 3, pp.29-40, 2022
  94. "The effect of using rotifers enriched with microscopic algae on growth indices, survival and quality of rainbow trout body (Oncorhynchus mykiss)"
    Erfan Salamroodi, Gholamreza Rafiei, Kamran Rezaei Tavabe
    Journal of Fisheries(Iranian Journal Of Natural Recources), Vol. 75, No 2, pp.255-266, 2022
  95. "Study of different levels of Lactobacillus spp and Bacillus spp probiotics inoculated in larvi-culture system on larval quality indices of the western white leg shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei)"
    Mostafa Alishiri joonaghani, Kamran Rezaei Tavabe, Gholamreza Rafiei, Bahman Jamshidi
    Journal of Fisheries(Iranian Journal Of Natural Recources), Vol. 75, No 2, 2022
  96. "Production of marine microalgae Nannochloropsis sp. using commercial minerals"
    Gholamreza Rafiei, Kamran Rezaei Tavabe, Nazanin Motamedi
    Quarterly Aquaculture sciences, Vol. 10, No 18, pp.34-44, 2022
  97. "Study on water quality of the Balighli-chai and Ghare-Sou Dareh Roud Rivers using the biotic indices of aquatic invertebrates and Iran's water resources quality index (IRWQISC)"
    Gholamreza Rafiei, Fateh Moezi, Hadi Poorbagher, Kamran Rezaei Tavabe, Mohammad Ali Nematollahi
    Journal of Natural Environment (Iranian Journal of Natural Resources), Vol. 74, No 4, pp.797-808, 2022
  98. "Effects of using different levels of animal and plant proteins in the diets of frog larvae (Rana ridibunda) during metamorphism (tadpole to froglet)"
    Gholamreza Rafiei, FARZANEH SHOGHALI NAYERI, Arash Javanshir Khoei
    Fish nutrition, Vol. 7, No 4, pp.1-13, 2022
  99. "Evaluation of the effects of diets containing Lactobacillus rhamnosus JCM 1136 microencapsulated with sodium alginate and chitosan on the growth of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)"
    Amir Veisi, Hossein Oragi, Gholamreza Rafiei, فرید فیروزبخش , عبدالصمد کرامت
    Journal of Fisheries(Iranian Journal Of Natural Recources), Vol. 3, No 74, pp.401-416, 2021
  100. "Effects of diet containing different levels of yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae and plant proteins on growth indices, carcass biochemical composition and total intestinal bacteria count in a recirculating aquaculture system for rearing rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss"
    Gholamreza Rafiei, Ieda Vafadar
    Fish nutrition, Vol. 7, No 2, pp.57-71, 2021
  101. "Efficacy of supplementary diet with a mixture of Bacillus spp. and Lactobacillus spp. probiotics in enhancing water quality, growth performances, serum and skin mucus parameters of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) in two recirculating and exchange water systems"
    [] [], Farhad Konyeh, Gholamreza Rafiei
    Journal of Fisheries(Iranian Journal Of Natural Recources), Vol. 2, No 74, pp.295-313, 2021
  102. "Effect of different levels of ethanolic extract of Salicornia persica halophytic plant on growth indices, body composition and antioxidant enzymes activities of the Litopenaeus vannamei shrimp"
    Saeedeh Bameri, Kamran Rezaei Tavabe, Gholamreza Rafiei, Zahra Aminikhoei
    Iranian Scientific Fisheries Journal, Vol. 30, No 1, 2021
  103. "Evaluating the water quality changes and formation of Bio-Floc in a zeroexchange water of common carp (Cyprinus carpio) culture system using different ratios of carbon to nitrogen (C:N)"
    Rahil Hosseinifar, Gholamreza Rafiei, Ahmad Ali Pourbabaee
    Fish nutrition, Vol. 4, No 6, pp.65-83, 2020
  104. "Effects of different levels of oxidation reduction potential (ORP) of water on reproductive performance of the giant freshwater prawn (Macrobrachium rosenbergii) in a water recirculating system"
    Yasin Dastar, Kamran Rezaei Tavabe, Gholamreza Rafiei, Mohammdmehdi Shoeiry, Paria Akbary
    Journal of Fisheries(Iranian Journal Of Natural Recources), Vol. 73, No 4, pp.541-549, 2020
  105. "The effect of magnetized water on blood biochemical parameters of Rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)."
    Fatemeh Moshayedi, Seyed Vali Hosseini, Gholamreza Rafiei
    Tarbiyat Modares, Vol. 9, No 3, pp.212-221, 2020
  106. "Investigation into reproductive biology and larval rearing technique of Acanthopagrus latus in captivity"
    Behzad Sarvi Amoqin, Gholamreza Rafiei, جاسم غفله مرمزی, Mojtaba Zabayeh Najafabad, seyed Hadi seyedal Hoseini
    Iranian Scientific Fisheries Journal, Vol. 28, No 5, pp.1-12, 2020
  107. "Effect of increasing vitamin B3 in a combined Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) and lettuce (Lactuca sativa), and a functional study of plant and fish growth indices"
    Erfan Salamroodi, Gholamreza Rafiei, Kamran Rezaei Tavabe, Ehsan Hashemi
    Journal of Fisheries(Iranian Journal Of Natural Recources), Vol. 2, No 73, pp.163-174, 2020
  108. "Formulation of new medium for production of marine microalgae, Isochrysis sp."
    Nazanin Motamedi, Gholamreza Rafiei, Kamran Rezaei Tavabe
    Quarterly Aquaculture sciences, Vol. 8, No 14, pp.59-66, 2020
  109. "Use of Duck weed (Lemna minor) meal in Caspian Kutum (Rutilus frisii kutum) diets and its effects on growth indices and carcass composition"
    Gholamreza Rafiei, Somayeh Karimi, Seyed Vali Hosseini
    Fish nutrition, Vol. 6, No 1, pp.55-70, 2020
  110. "Treatment of Aquaculture effluent using an integrated system: fish-phytoplankton-zooplankton"
    Hadi Poorbagher, Gholamreza Rafiei, Kamran Rezaei Tavabe, Fateh Moezi
    Journal of Fisheries(Iranian Journal Of Natural Recources), Vol. 73, No 1, 2020
  111. "Effects of Vitamin C Adding in an Integrated aquaculture system rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) and (Lactuca sativa) and evaluation of the fish and plant performances"
    Erfan Salamroodi, Gholamreza Rafiei, Kamran Rezaei Tavabe
    Journal of Animal Environment, Vol. 12, No 1, 2020
  112. "Effect of four kinds of tree leaf as feed on survival, reproduction and culture (development) of Daphnia magna"
    Gholamreza Rafiei, Nazanin Motamedi, Nazanin Fakhari
    Journal of Fisheries(Iranian Journal Of Natural Recources), Vol. 72, No 1, 2019
  113. "Effects of different levels of inorganic supplementation in hydroponic system on growth and hemato-immunological responses of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus)"
    Ebrahim Motaghi, Gholamreza Rafiei, Ali Reza Mirvaghefi, Bagher Mojazi Amiri, عیسی ابراهیمی
    Fish nutrition, Vol. 5, No 2, pp.115-130, 2019
  114. "Effects of different media in production of marine microalgae Chlorella spp. using commercial agriculture fertilizers"
    Gholamreza Rafiei, Kamran Rezaei Tavabe, Nazanin Motamedi
    Fish nutrition, Vol. 5, No 2, pp.51-60, 2019
  115. "Replacement of Astaxanthin with carrot powder in the Rainbow trout's diet: effects on the carotenoid content of skin, fillets and blood"
    علی بیگی کلشتری, Seyed Vali Hosseini, Mehrdad Farhangi, Gholamreza Rafiei
    Quarterly Aquaculture sciences, Vol. 7, No 13, pp.165-173, 2019
  116. "Extraction of highly purified chitosan from shrimp shells with high de-acetylation degree"
    هادی کنعانی, Mahdi Jonoobi, Payam Moradpour, Gholamreza Rafiei
    Journal of Wood & Forest Science & Technology, Vol. 26, No 2, pp.87-101, 2019
  117. "Replacement of carrot powder with synthetic astaxanthin in the rainbow trout diet: effect on the growth performance and blood parameters"
    علی بیگی کلشتری, Seyed Vali Hosseini, Mehrdad Farhangi, Gholamreza Rafiei
    Fish nutrition, Vol. 5, No 1, 2019
  118. "The effect of increasing water hardness on rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) and lettuce (Lactuca sativa) growth indices in a combined aquaculture"
    Erfan Salamroodi, Gholamreza Rafiei, Kamran Rezaei Tavabe
    Quarterly Aquaculture sciences, Vol. 7, No 2, pp.77-90, 2019
  119. "Investigation of different calcium and magnesium levels on fairy shrimp (Phallocryptus spinosa) reproduction performance"
    Poorya Gholamzadeh, Kamran Rezaei Tavabe, Gholamreza Rafiei, مسعود صیدگر
    Journal of Animal Environment, Vol. 11, No 1, pp.303-308, 2019
  120. "Effect of serial ozonation on growth indices of rainbow trout fish ..."
    [] [], Gholamreza Rafiei
    Iranian Scientific Fisheries Journal, Vol. 71, No 4, pp.342-351, 2019
  121. "Investigation of different treated urban wastewater concentrations effects on blood factors, cortisol hormone, liver and gill tissues of Common carp (Cyprinus carpio)"
    Kamran Rezaei Tavabe, Gholamreza Rafiei, Keyvan Elhaghi, Ali Reza Mirvaghefi, Arash Javanshir Khoei
    Journal of Aquatic Ecology, Vol. 8, No 2, pp.1-13, 2018
  122. "Study on effects of lead heavy metal on bioaccumulation and degeneration of hepatopancreas and muscle tissues of eastern freshwater prawn (Macrobrachium nipponense)"
    Bahman Pouryounes, Kamran Rezaei Tavabe, Gholamreza Rafiei, Hamid Alaffnoveyrian
    Journal of Animal Environment, Vol. 10, No 3, pp.405-412, 2018
  123. "Investigation on effects of common carp (Cyprinus carpio) and the silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix) presence on qualitative incises of the wastewater (Case study: Semnan wastewater treatment plant)"
    Kamran Rezaei Tavabe, Gholamreza Rafiei, Fatemeh Moteshafi, Ali Taya
    Quarterly Aquaculture sciences, Vol. 6, No 10, pp.1-12, 2018
  124. "Roles of vitamin B1 in an aquaponic system using Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) and Saffron plant (Crocus stavius), and its effects on fish and plant growth"
    Sina Javanmardi, Gholamreza Rafiei, Kamran Rezaei Tavabe
    Quarterly Aquaculture sciences, Vol. 6, No 9, pp.51-59, 2018
  125. "Effects of dietary supplementation of synthetic astaxanthin on reproductive performance of giant freshwater prawn (Macrobrachium rosenbergii)"
    قاسم رشیدیان, Gholamreza Rafiei, Mohammad Ali Nematollahi, Kamran Rezaei Tavabe
    Fish Physiology and Biotechnology, Vol. 6, No 2, pp.65-86, 2018
  126. "Histostructural ontogeny of esophagus in common bream (Abramis brama) during early developmental study using light microscopy and transmission electron microscope (TEM)"
    Mohammadreza Sahraeian, Soheil Eigdari, Gholamreza Rafiei, Arash Zibaei, Jose Meseguer
    Aquatic Nutrition and Biochemistry, Vol. 4, No 1, pp.55-64, 2018
  127. "The study of different levels of hardness and different rations of Ca and Mg water hardness on cyst hatching and larval quality of Artemia franciscana"
    Pouria Gholamzade alinoudehi, Kamran Rezaei Tavabe, Gholamreza Rafiei, مسعود صیدگر
    Quarterly Aquaculture sciences, Vol. 6, No 8, pp.65-73, 2018
  128. "Effects of enriched Artemia with two probiotics on growth indices larvae of west white leg shrimp"
    امین هاشمی پناه بهابادی, Gholamreza Rafiei, احسان نیکبخت, سپیده بزرگی
    Journal of Animal Environment, Vol. 10, No 2, pp.239-246, 2018
  129. "Effect of diets with different percentages of lettuce (Lactuca Savita) on growth indices and biochemical composition of Rutilus kutum frisii."
    Gholamreza Rafiei, Amin Hashemi Panah, Mehdi Esmaeili Bidhendi
    Journal of Fisheries(Iranian Journal Of Natural Recources), Vol. 70, No 4, pp.376-385, 2017
  130. "assessing impressibility of benthic riverine macroinvertebrate fauna from wastewater of fish culture farm using alpha diversity index and principal component analysis"
    Lima Tayebi, Hadi Poorbagher, Hamid Farahmand, Gholamreza Rafiei, Ali Reza Mirvaghefi
    The Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, Vol. 19, No 5, 2017
  131. "Histological and Biochemical Properties of Overripped Oocytes in the Persian Sturgeon (Acipenser persicus Borodin, 1897) Broodstocks"
    Ghaffar Ebrahimi, Bagher Mojazi Amiri, Gholamreza Rafiei, Ali Shabani
    Journal of Fisheries(Iranian Journal Of Natural Recources), Vol. 70, No 2, pp.189-203, 2017
  132. "Review on the Iranian Members of the Family Cichlidae (Actinopterygii) with First Record of Nile Tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus"
    Gholamreza Rafiei, Arash Jouladeh-roudbar, Soheil Eigdari
    Journal of Fisheries(Iranian Journal Of Natural Recources), Vol. 70, No 1, pp.1-10, 2017
  133. "Investigation of effects of different concentrations of treated wastewater effluent on blood biochemical factors, cortisol level, liver and gill tissues of silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix)"
    Keyvan Elhaghi, Kamran Rezaei Tavabe, Gholamreza Rafiei, Ali Reza Mirvaghefi, Arash Javanshir Khoei
    Journal of Fisheries(Iranian Journal Of Natural Recources), Vol. 70, No 1, pp.11-25, 2017
  134. "effects of different ratios of C:N:P on growth indives of chinense carps and frequency of phytoplankton"
    Mehran Moslemi, Gholamreza Rafiei, Hadi Poorbagher, Arash Javanshir Khoei
    Journal of Fisheries(Iranian Journal Of Natural Recources), Vol. 69, No 4, 2016
  135. "Using Discriminant Analysis to Examine Ecological Effects of Rainbow Trout Farms Wastewater on Benthic Community Structure, a Case Study with the Gamasiab River."
    Lyma Tayebi, Hadi Poorbagher, Hamid Farahmand, Gholamreza Rafiei, Ali Reza Mirvaghefi
    Journal of Fisheries(Iranian Journal Of Natural Recources), Vol. 69, No 2, 2016
  136. "Effects of Various Sodium and Potassium Concentrations Mediums on Na/K-Atpase Activity and Condition Indices at Different Larval Stages of Macrobrachium rosenbergii"
    Kamran Rezaei Tavabe, Gholamreza Rafiei
    Journal of Fisheries(Iranian Journal Of Natural Recources), Vol. 2, No 69, pp.154-145, 2016
  137. "Allometric growth patterns and morphological development of the common bream (Abramis brama) during early development under cultural condition"
    Mohammad Reza Sahraein, Soheil Eigdari, Arash Zibaei, Gholamreza Rafiei, Reza Khomeirani
    Animal Physiology and Development, Vol. 9, No 2, pp.13-22, 2016
  138. "Probiotic effects of Pediococcus acidilactici to enhance growth indices, gastric enzymes activity and chemical analyzed of whole body (%dry matter basis) in Green Terror fish (Aequidens rivulatus)"
    Alireza Neissi, Gholamreza Rafiei, Mohammad Ali Nematollahi, Seyed Hadi Razavi
    Journal of Fisheries(Iranian Journal Of Natural Recources), Vol. 68, No 4, pp.629-642, 2016
  139. "Investigation of Vitamin C and hardness concentrations in holding tanks on reproductive indices of freshwater prawn"
    Kamran Rezaei Tavabe, Gholamreza Rafiei
    Journal of Fisheries(Iranian Journal Of Natural Recources), Vol. 68, No 4, pp.533-544, 2016
  140. "The impact of diet containing canthaxanthin extracted from Dietzia natronolimnaea -HS1 bacteria on growth and non-specific immune responses improvement of Green Terror, Aequidens rivulatus (Günther, 1860)."
    Alireza Neissi, Gholamreza Rafiei, Mohammad Ali Nematollahi, Seyed Hadi Razavi
    Journal of Applied Ichthylogical Research, Vol. 3, No 3, pp.95-106, 2015
  141. "Effect of dietary canthaxanthin of Dietzia natronolimnaea-HS1"
    Alireza Neissi, Gholamreza Rafiei, Mohammad Ali Nematollahi, Seyed Hadi Razavi
    Journal of Applied Ichthylogical Research, Vol. 3, No 3, pp.2-12, 2015
  142. "The effect of replacement of fish oil by some plant oils on gonad development and some reproductive hormones in female rainbow trout"
    Seyedeh Marzieh Hosseini, Bagher Mojazi Amiri, Gholamreza Rafiei, Mehrdad Farhangi, سید مهیا موسوی
    Journal of Fisheries(Iranian Journal Of Natural Recources), Vol. 68, No 3, pp.355-368, 2015
  143. "Comparative performance and efficiency of two automated (based on fuzzy logic) and conventional rearing system, in red Pacu (Piaractus brachypomus) production"
    Mahdi Saadat Fard, Hojat Ahmadi, Gholamreza Rafiei, Seyed Saeid Mohtasebi
    Journal of Aquatic Animals and Fisheries, Vol. 68, No 2, pp.239-253, 2015
  144. "The survey of effect of bacillus and lactobacillus on growth factor"
    سعید ضیایی نژاد , Gholamreza Rafiei, Ali Reza Mirvaghefi, Hamid Farahmand
    Journal of Fisheries(Iranian Journal Of Natural Recources), Vol. 68, No 2, pp.287-298, 2015
  145. "Study of Bacillus subtilis and lactobacillus on growthsurvival of larvea"
    Saied Ziaeinejad, Gholamreza Rafiei, Ali Reza Mirvaghefi, Hamid Farahmand
    Journal of Fisheries(Iranian Journal Of Natural Recources), Vol. 68, No 2, pp.287-299, 2015
  146. "Investigating the effect of BIODROF systems based on algae-bacterial biofilm in treatment of urban wastewater"
    Amir Mani Varnoosfaderani, Arash Javanshir Khoei, Gholamreza Rafiei
    Journal of Aquatic Ecology, Vol. 4, No 4, pp.8-17, 2015
  147. "Cholinesterase activity evaluation in Capoeta capoeta gracilis as Biomarker of enviromental monitoring in Gorgan-roud basin"
    Nima Shiri, Ali Reza Mirvaghefi, Khalil Talebi Jahromi, Gholamreza Rafiei
    manabe tabie iran, Vol. 67, No 4, pp.565-583, 2015
  148. "Ontogeny of alpha - amylase activity during early development of the common bream (Abramis brama)"
    Mohammad Reza Sahraein, Soheil Eigdari, Arash Zibaee, Gholamreza Rafiei, Ahmad Ghanaatparast, Samad Darvishi
    Aquatic Nutrition and Biochemistry, Vol. 1, No 3, pp.37-44, 2014
  149. "Early development and allometric growth patterns in Caspian kutum (Rutilus frisii kutum)"
    Mostafas Gorbanzadeh, Gholamreza Rafiei, Soheil Eigdari, Hadi Poorbagher, ایرج عفت پناه
    Tarbiyat Modares, Vol. 3, No 2, 2014
  150. "Changes in proteolitic activity of digestive system of Giant sturgeon (Huso huso) during larval ontogeny"
    Reza Asgari, Soheil Eigdari, Gholamreza Rafiei, Hadi Poorbagher, ناصر آق
    Aquatic Nutrition and Biochemistry, Vol. 1, No 1, 2014
  151. "study on brackish water sources on the Malaysian prawn (M. rosenbergii) larviculture"
    Gholamreza Rafiei, Kamran Rezaei Tavabe, Michel Frinsko, Harry Daniels, Mohammdmehdi Shoeiry
    Journal of Fisheries(Iranian Journal Of Natural Recources), Vol. 67, No 2, pp.236-223, 2014
  152. "A comparative study of healthy and lost larvae of Beluga (Huso huso) body shape using geometric morphometric method"
    Hamid Eshaghzadeh, Soheil Eigdari, Hadi Poorbagher, Gholamreza Rafiei
    Journal of Fisheries(Iranian Journal Of Natural Recources), Vol. 67, No 1, pp.137-147, 2014
  153. "Study of different dietary inclusion levels of Astaxanthin on some biochemical and non specific immune responses of white leg shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) juvenile exposed to hypoxia stress"
    Mehrdad Farhangi, Somayeh Ahmadi, Gholamreza Rafiei, بابک قاعد نیا, Delaram Taghavi
    JOURNAL OF MARINE SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, Vol. 12, No 2, pp.103-114, 2013
  154. "ontogeny of optic system in Huso huso"
    Hamid Eshagh Zadeh, Gholamreza Rafiei, Rezvanolah Kazemi, Soheil Eigdari, Bagher Mojazi Amiri
    Journal of Animal Environment, Vol. پنجم, No 2, pp.50-43, 2013
  155. "staining protocol of great bleuga"
    Reza Asgari, Soheil Eigdari, Gholamreza Rafiei, ناصر آق, Hadi Poorbagher, Hamid Eshaghzadeh
    Journal of Animal Environment, Vol. 5, No 2, pp.1-10, 2013
  156. "The effect of different concentration"
    Hamed Kalantarian, Gholamreza Rafiei, Mehrdad Farhangi, Bagher Mojazi Amiri
    Iranian Veterinary Journal, Vol. 9, No 1, pp.54-63, 2013
  157. "Toxi evaluation of Malathion, Carbaryle and Glyphosate in common carp fingerlings (Cyprinus carpio, Linnaeus, 1758)"
    Syed Jalil Gholami Syed Kolahi, Nima Shiri, Ali Reza Mirvaghefi, Gholamreza Rafiei, مخدومی
  158. "Effects of different level administration of Bacillus subtilis and Bacillus licheniformis on growth performance and survival rate of Artemia urmiana"
    حمیدرضا احمدنیامطلق, Mehrdad Farhangi, Gholamreza Rafiei, فرزانه نوری
    Journal of Fisheries(Iranian Journal Of Natural Recources), Vol. 65, No 4, pp.353-364, 2013
  159. "study on macrobenthic fauna abundance and their relationship with sediments in south east coasts of the caspian sea (golestan province)"
    Javad Mirdar, Gholamreza Rafiei, Hadi Poorbagher, سعید یلقی, حمید رضا رضایی مارنانی
    Journal of Natural Environment (Iranian Journal of Natural Resources), Vol. 65, No 4, pp.533-542, 2012
  160. "Blood biochemical and liver Histopathological Changes in Rainbow trout"
    Ali Reza Mirvaghefi, Mahdi Banaee, آنتونی سوردا گومیل , Gholamreza Rafiei, کمال احمدی
    Journal of Natural Environment (Iranian Journal of Natural Resources), Vol. 65, No 3, 2012
  161. "The effects of Rotin flavonid on glucous level ana its regulatoriy enzymes of sparus aurata"
    Ahmad Imani, Mehrdad Farhangi, Mehrdad Farhangi, Gholamreza Rafiei, Gholamreza Rafiei, Bi Bi Razieh Yazdan Parast
  162. "the effects of copper and Cadmium exposure on biochemical factors of Plasma"
    سعید زاهدی , Ali Reza Mirvaghefi, Bagher Mojazi Amiri, Gholamreza Rafiei, مهدی هدایتی , چنگیز مخدومی , موسی زارعی دانگسرکی , سعید مهدوی صاحبی
    Journal of Fisheries(Iranian Journal Of Natural Recources), Vol. 65, No 3, pp.271-282, 2012
    محمد هرسیج , Gholamreza Rafiei, Ali Reza Mirvaghefi, هادی اسدی دادقانسرایی
    Journal of Fisheries(Iranian Journal Of Natural Recources), Vol. 65, No 3, pp.339-352, 2012
  164. "Effects of different levels of yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) feeding on grwoth factors and survival of Artemia urmiana"
    حمیدرضا احمدنیامطلق, Mehrdad Farhangi, Gholamreza Rafiei, فرزانه نوری
    Journal of Fisheries(Iranian Journal Of Natural Recources), Vol. 65, No 2, pp.99-108, 2012
    Ali Reza Mirvaghefi, مهدی بنایی , Bagher Mojazi Amiri, Gholamreza Rafiei
    Journal of Fisheries(Iranian Journal Of Natural Recources), Vol. 65, No 2, pp.119-133, 2012
  166. "Recirculation Aquaculture Effluent Treatment by Using Clinoptilolite"
    Zahir Shokouh Salgoghi, Gholamreza Rafiei, اکبر ملک پور, Arash Javanshir Khoei, Ali Reza Mirvaghefi
    manabe tabie iran, Vol. 65, No 1, 2012
  167. "اثر سطوح مختلف پروتیین جیره غذایی و زمان غذا دهی بر تولید آلاینده های نیتروژنی در یک سازگان نیمه بسته"
    مجید بختیاری , Mehrdad Farhangi, کمال شفق , Gholamreza Rafiei
    manabe tabie iran, Vol. 64, No 4, pp.293-281, 2012
  168. "بررسی شاخص های آلاینده های پساب ذخیره سازی تر باگاس و تاثیر زمان و دما برآنها"
    معراج شرری , Ahmad Jahan Letibari, Gholamreza Rafiei, سیداحمد میرشکرایی , Davoud Parsapajooh
  169. "TitleEffect of Different Ratio of Trypsin Enzyme, Times and Temperatures on Protein Recovery of Viscera Yellow Fin Tuna (Thunus albacores)"
    Maryam Modanloo, Gholamreza Rafiei, Sohrab Moeini, علی معتمد نژاد, Ali Reza Mirvaghefi, محمود رضا اویسی پور
    Iranian Food Science and Technology, Vol. 2, No 7, pp.137-144, 2011
  170. "بررسی خون شناسی و آسیب شناسی بافتی در مسمومیت تجربی با دیازینون در ماهی کپور معمولی ( Cyprinus carpio )"
    مهدی بنایی , Ali Reza Mirvaghefi, Bagher Mojazi Amiri, Gholamreza Rafiei, بهزاد نعمت دوست
    manabe tabie iran, Vol. 64, No 1, pp.1-13, 2011
  171. "nitrate remove"
    ظهیر شکوه سلجوقی , اکبر ملک پور , Gholamreza Rafiei, احمد ایمانی , مجید بختیاری
    Journal of water and wastewater, Vol. 22, pp.46-54, 2011
  172. "بررسی شاخص های آلاینده های پساب ذخیره سازی تر باگاس و تاثیر همزمان زمان و دما بر آنها"
    معراج شرری , احمد جهان ‌لتیباری , Gholamreza Rafiei, سیداحمد میرشکرایی , داود پارساپژوه
  173. "Water quality of Tagan river and assessment of water pollutants"
    یوسفعلی احمدی ممقانی , Nematollah Khorasani, Gholamreza Rafiei
    Journal of Natural Environment (Iranian Journal of Natural Resources), Vol. 63, No 4, pp.327-317, 2011
  174. "تاثیر تجویز خوراکی سیلی مارین بر فاکتورهای بیوشیمیایی خون قزل آلای رنگین کمان"
    مهدی بنایی , Ali Reza Mirvaghefi, Gholamreza Rafiei, آنتونی سوردا گومیل
    manabe tabie iran, Vol. 63, No 4, pp.286-271, 2011
  175. "تاثیر دورههای نوری کوتاه و بلند مدت بر تکامل تخمک و میزان رشد بدن در ماهی ماده قزل آلای رنگین کمان"
    احمد نوری , Bagher Mojazi Amiri, Ali Reza Mirvaghefi, Gholamreza Rafiei, مهدی هدایتی , احمد نوری , مهدی هدایتی
    manabe tabie iran, Vol. 63, No 4, pp.342-335, 2011
  176. "بررسی مقایسه ای عملکرد زئولیت اصلاح شده و رزین آمبرلیت در جذی آنیون های نیتروژن دار از سیستم مدار بسته"
    Gholamreza Rafiei, ظهیر شکوه سلجوقی , اکبر ملک پور , مجید بختیاری , احمد ایمانی
    manabe tabie iran, Vol. 63, No 3, pp.183-178, 2010
  177. "بررسی عملکرد پروپیلن و پوشال درخت صنوبر ( Populus alba ) به عنوان پالایشگر زیستی بر کیفیت آب رشد و بازماندگی بچه ماهی کپور ( Cyprinus carpio Linnaeus 1758 ) در سیستم مدار بسته پرورشی"
    Gholamreza Rafiei, نفیسه حکمت
    Journal of Fisheries(Iranian Journal Of Natural Recources), Vol. 63, No 3, pp.173-181, 2010
  178. "تاثیرات شوری محیط بر میزان اسمولایته و سطوح یونی همولنف میگوی سفید غربی Litopenaeus vannamei"
    دارا باقری , Gholamreza Rafiei, Ali Reza Mirvaghefi, Bagher Mojazi Amiri, علی دهقانی عباس
    Journal of Fisheries(Iranian Journal Of Natural Recources), Vol. 63, No 3, pp.172-161, 2010
  179. "تاثرات شوری محیط بر میزان اسمولالیته و سطوح یونی همولنف میگوی سفید غربی Litopenause vannamei"
    دارا باقری , Gholamreza Rafiei, Bagher Mojazi Amiri, علیرضا میرواقفی , عباس علی دهقانی
    Journal of Fisheries(Iranian Journal Of Natural Recources), Vol. 3, No 3, pp.161-172, 2010
  180. "مطالعه تنوع ریختی کفال Liza aurata در سواحل جنوبی دریای خزر"
    پورفرج وهاب , حسین خارا , Gholamreza Rafiei, Mahmoud Karami, علی نظامی بلوچی شعبان
    Iranian Scientific Fisheries Journal, Vol. 17, No 2, pp.48-35, 2010
  181. "بررسی تاثیر مواد مغذی و زمان تیمار بر فعالیت های آنزیمی قارچ Phanerochaete chrysosporium"
    معراج شرری , احمد جهان لتیباری , Gholamreza Rafiei, سیداحمد میرشکرایی
    Iranian Journal of Wood and Paper Science Research, Vol. 25, No 2, pp.290-275, 2010
  182. "اثر غلظت های مختلف سدیم آب محیط تفریخ بر میزان دفع آمونیاک جنین قزل آلای رنگین کمان"
    مهرداد سرخیل , Gholamreza Rafiei, باقر مجازی امیری , Mehrdad Farhangi
    Journal of Fisheries(Iranian Journal Of Natural Recources), Vol. 3, No 3, pp.9-14, 2009
  183. "Bacterial anzyme production by Isolated bacteria from intestinal duct of Acanthopagrus lates in vitro condition"
    Gholamreza Rafiei, Saied Ziaeinejad, جاسم غفله مرمضی , Ali Reza Mirvaghefi, Hamid Farahmand
  184. "Comparative effects of modified zeolite and amberlite on removal of nitrogen annions from recirculation Aquaculture system"
    Gholamreza Rafiei, ظهیر سلجوقی , اکبر ملک پور , احمد ایمانی , مجید بختیاری
    manabe tabie iran, Vol. 4, No 4, pp.68-59, 2009
    Gholamreza Rafiei, Ali Reza Mirvaghefi, کامران رضائی توابع, Bagher Mojazi Amiri, Hosein Abdolhay
    Iranian Scientific Fisheries Journal, Vol. 17, No 4, pp.56-66, 2009
  186. "Study of ammonia excretion value by rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) eggs from fertilization until hatch stage"
    Gholamreza Rafiei, Ali Reza Mirvaghefi, Kamran Rezaei Tavabe, Bagher Mojazi Amiri, Hosein Abdolhay
    Pajouhesh Va Sazandgi, Vol. 21, No 4, pp.94-98, 2008
  187. "بررسی اثر سه جیره غذایی برگ درخت بر بازماندگی گاماروس کومارکی در شرایط ازمایشگاهی"
    Gholamreza Rafiei, مهرداد سرخیل , احمدی فر نصراله , Hamid Farahmand
    پژوهش و سازندگی, Vol. 21, No 2, pp.95-101, 2008
  188. "اثر سطوح مختلف رنگدانه آستازانتین بر شاخص های رشد و بازماندگی میگوی پا سفید جوان هفخحثدشثعس رشددشیثه"
    سمیه احمدی , مهرداد فرهنگی , Gholamreza Rafiei, بابک قاعدنیا
  189. "Effects of different levels of dietary astaxantin on growth and survival of Litopenaeus vannamei"
    سمیه احمدی , Mehrdad Farhangi, Gholamreza Rafiei, بابک قاعد نیا
  190. "تاثیر دما بر حفظ کیفیت تخمک پس از اوولاسیون در محوطه شکمی مولد ماده قزل آلای رنگین کمان"
    آذین محققی ثمرین , Gholamreza Rafiei, باقر مجازی امیری , محمدرضا احمدی , امیرسعید ویلکی , آذین محققی ثمرین , باقر مجازی امیری , محمدرضا احمدی , امیرسعید ویلکی
    Journal of Veterinary Research, Vol. 5, No 5, pp.268-263, 2008
  191. "بررسی روند تغییرات عناصر کلسیم منیزیم سدیم و پتاسیم در مراحل مختلف رشد تخم ماهی قزل الای رنگین کمان on corhynehus m ykiss"
    کامران رضایی توابع , Gholamreza Rafiei, Ali Reza Mirvaghefi, Bagher Mojazi Amiri, حسین عبدالحی
    Iranian Scientific Fisheries Journal, Vol. 16, No 4, pp.81-88, 2008
  192. "تاثیر دما بر کیفیت تخمک ها پس از سیال شدن آن ها در محوطه شکمی مولدین قزل آلای رنگین کمان Oncorhynchus mykiss"
    آدین محققی ثمرین , Gholamreza Rafiei, امیر سعید ویلکی , Bagher Mojazi Amiri, Mohammadreza Ahmadi, آدین محققی ثمرین , امیر سعید ویلکی
    Journal of Veterinary Research, Vol. 62, No 3, pp.263-268, 2007
  193. "تعیین دامنه تحمل گاماروس کومارکی به شوری"
    Gholamreza Rafiei, مهرداد سرخیل , Mehrdad Farhangi, نصراله احمدی فرد
    Journal of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, Vol. 1, No 1, pp.44-30, 2007
  194. "Changes on Macroelements.....during development of trout eggs"
    کامران رضایی توابع , Gholamreza Rafiei, Ali Reza Mirvaghefi, باقر امیری مجازی , Saber Qanbari
    موسسه تحقیقات شیلات ایران, Vol. 2, No 4, pp.47-35, 2007
  195. "طراحی و بررسی عملکرد کشت توام ماهی تیلاپیا ( Oreochromis sp ) و کاهو ( Lactuca sativa var longifolia ) در یک سازگان مدار بسته"
    Gholamreza Rafiei, Hamid Farahmand, محمد صالح کامارودین
    manabe tabie iran, Vol. 59, No 1, pp.167-187, 2006
  196. "Use of Aquaculture effluent on production of plant"
    Gholamreza Rafiei, چیروز سعد , محمد صالح کامارودین , محمد رازی اسماعیل , قمرالزمان سیجام
    manabe tabie iran, Vol. 59, No 2, pp.35-57, 2005
  197. "The effects of dietary zeolite on red tilapia growth"
    Gholamreza Rafiei, چیروز سعد
    manabe tabie iran, Vol. 58, No 2, pp.84-110, 2005

Conference Paper

  1. "Comparing the growth of giant freshwater shrimp, Macrobrachum rosenbergii, in different culture ecosystems using biofloc, aquaponics and synbiotic bacteria technologies"
    Mohammad Mehdi Fadaei, Gholamreza Rafiei, Kamran Rezaei Tavabe, Mohammad Ali Nematollahi, Msr Frinsko, Kiarsi Alikhani E
    7 th International Congress on Fisheries and Aquatic Research (ICFAR), 2023
  2. "Introducing a closed- tilapia and algae culture system and optimizing it by increasing nutrients in the diet”"
    Gholamreza Rafiei, ابراهیم متقی, Eisa Ebrahimi, Ali Reza Mirvaghefi
    7International congress on fisheries and aquatic research, 2023
  3. "Introducing an efficient tilapia culture system using biofloc, plant and bacterial biofilter"
    Gholamreza Rafiei, Dariborz Narimani
    7th International Congress on Fisheries and Aquatic Research (ICFAR), 2023
    Mohammadreza Sahraeian, Soheil Eigdari, Gholamreza Rafiei, Arash Zibaei, M.a. Esteban, J.. Meseguer
    Mohammadreza Sahraeian, Soheil Eigdari, Gholamreza Rafiei, Arash Zibaei, M.a. Esteban, J.. Meseguer
    Mohammadreza Sahraeian, Soheil Eigdari, Gholamreza Rafiei, Arash Zibaei, M.a. Esteban, J.. Meseguer
  7. "Investigation on Influence of brackish water"
    Kamran Rezaei Tavabe, Gholamreza Rafiei, Machael Frinsko, Harry Daniels
    World Aquaculture Society Meeting, 2013
  8. "Investigation on Influences of Different Brackish Water Sources on Larval Quality and Developmental Indices of Freshwater Prawn (Macrobrachium rosenbergii) in Iran"
    Kamran Rezaie Tavabe, Gholamreza Rafiei, Michel Frinsko, Harry Daniels
    The World Aquaculture Society Meeting 2013, 2013
  9. "Survey of changes in some pancreatic enzymes activity (trypsin chymotrypsin and amylase of beluga (Huso huso during larval ontogeny"
    رضا عسگری, Gholamreza Rafiei, Soheil Eigdari, فرزانه نوری, Hadi Poorbagher, ناصر اق
    First international larvicuture conference in Iran, 2012
  10. "Effect of Different Photoperiodic Regimes on the Survival and Growth of Beluga Sturgeon (Huso huso Eleuthero embryo"
    Soheil Eigdari, Mostafa Eshaghzadeh, Gholamreza Rafiei, Gholamreza Rafiei
    First International Larviculture Conference in Iran, 2012
  11. "Effects of feeding frequency on larval quality and survival rate of freshwater prawn (Macrobrachium rosenbergii)"
    Kamran Rezaie Tavabe, Gholamreza Rafiei, Michel Frinsko, Harry Daniels
    Iran Larvi conference, 2012
  12. "Ontogeny of Feeding Apparatus Skeletal System in Beluga (Huso huso"
    رضا عسگری, Soheil Eigdari, Gholamreza Rafiei, Hadi Poorbagher, ناصر آق
    First international larviculture conference in Iran, 2012
  13. "Changes in Body Shape of the Great Beluga (Huso huso During the Early Development"
    رضا عسگری, Soheil Eigdari, Gholamreza Rafiei, Hadi Poorbagher, ناصر آق
    First International Larviculture Conference in Iran, 2012
  14. "Study on the effect of different dietary inclusion levels of Mannanoligosaccharide and Frructooligosaccharide on growth and digestive enzyme activities in REGAL PEACOCK Aulonocara stuartgranti"
    Mehrdad Farhangi, سولماز میرزاپور رضایی, سعید رجبی فر, Gholamreza Rafiei, مرضیه حیدریه, امید صفری, حسینعلی قاسمی
    Australasian Aquaculture Conference, 2012
  15. "Biological Study of Shadadroud River in Kerman Province, Iran"
    Rezaei Tavabe Kamran, Gholamreza Rafiei
    International Conference on Chemical, Environmental and Biological Sciences (ICCEBS'2012), 2012
  16. "Study on ontogeny of digestive enzyme activities in Artemia urmiana"
    حمیدرضا احمدنیا مطلق, Mehrdad Farhangi, Gholamreza Rafiei, فرزانه نوری, امید صفری
    Asian Pacific Aquaculture Conference 2011, 2012
  17. "Optimization of hydrolysis condition of yellow tuna fish (Thunnus albacares visceral waste using trypsin enzyme"
    Ali Reza Mirvaghefi, مریم مدانلو کردکلایی, Sohrab Moeini, Gholamreza Rafiei, علی معتمد زادگان, محمودرضا اویسی پور
    world aquaculure 2011, 2011
  18. "Modulating gut microbiota of Artemia urmiana by administration of different levels of Bacillus subtilis and Bacillus licheniformis"
    حمید رضا احمد نیا, Mehrdad Farhangi, Gholamreza Rafiei, فرزانه نوری, سیدرضا مرتضایی
    Asian Pacific Aquaculture Conference 2011, 2011
  19. "Effects of diffrent levels of Bacillus subtilis and Bacilus lichenniformis on digestive enzym activities in artemis urmiana"
    حمید رضا احمد نیا, Mehrdad Farhangi, Gholamreza Rafiei, فرحناز نوری, امید صفری
    Asian Pacific Aquaculture Conference 2011, 2011
  20. "Biological Study of Shadadroud River in Kerman Province, Iran"
    Kamran Rezaei Tavabe, Gholamreza Rafiei
    International Conference on Chemical, Environmental and Biological Sciences (ICCEBS'2012) Penang, Malaysia, 2009
  21. "Macro and Micro elements changes in rainbow trout (Oncrohynchus mykiss) eggs during different stages of embrogenesis"
    Gholamreza Rafiei, Kamran Rezaei Tavabe, Ali Reza Mirvaghefi, آریا وزیرزاده, ظهیر شکوه سلجوقی
    Asian pacific aquaculture 2009, 2009
  22. "Aquaculture effluent treatment using modified Semnan green zeolite"
    Gholamreza Rafiei, ظهیر سلجوقی, علی مالک پور, Arash Javanshir Khoei, Ali Reza Mirvaghefi
    1st International confrence on advances in wastewater treatment and reuse, 2009
  23. "Combined effects of two different dietary protein levels and feeding time on growth and nitrogenous wastes production of rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss in a semi recirculating system"
    Majid Bakhtyari, احمد ایمانی, Mehrdad Farhangi, Shafagh Kamal, Gholamreza Rafiei
    Aquaculture Europe 2009, 2009
  24. "Incubation of rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss,eggs at different waterborne sodium concenrations"
    Gholamreza Rafiei, Mehrdad Sarkheil, Arash Javanshir Khoei
    The 1st European conference of Iranian scientists in agriculture and natural resources, 2008
  25. "Investigation on Ca variations in Rainbow trout eggs at embryogenesisi period"
    Kamran Rezaei Tavabe, Gholamreza Rafiei, Bagher Mojazi Amiri, Ali Reza Mirvaghefi, Leila Taheriazad
    The 15th national third international conference of biology, 2008
  26. "Study of capability of Asiian clam Corbicula fluminea in organic compounds of water indirect removal"
    لالیک ساریخانی, Arash Javanshir Khoei, Gholamreza Rafiei
    The 1st national conference on fisheries sciences and aquatic organisms, 2008
  27. "Effects and bioaccumulation of Ni on Rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss eggs at embryogenesis"
    Kamran Rezaei Tavabe, Gholamreza Rafiei, Ali Reza Mirvaghefi, Bagher Mojazi Amiri, Leila Taheriazad
    8th Asian Fisheries Forum, 2007
  28. "cultured sturgeon released to caspian sea in order to remaining their sustainability a review of sturgeon fisheries in south caspian sea with emphasis on persian sturgeon"
    Arash Javanshir Khoei, Afshin DanehKar, Gholamreza Rafiei
    Aquaculture2007, 2007
  29. "situation of sturgeon fishes in south caspian sea basin with emphasis on persian sturgeon acipenser persicus"
    Arash Javanshir Khoei, Afshin DanehKar, Gholamreza Rafiei
    internationa seminar on wetland and sustainability ISWS2007, 2007
  30. "Investigation of the effect of different hardness levels and different ratios of calcium and magnesium on the biological performance of Artemia franciscana and Phallocryptus spinosa"
    Kamran Rezaei Tavabe, Poorya Gholamzadeh, Gholamreza Rafiei, مسعود صیدگر
    3rd National Conference on Sciences and New Technologies in Aquatic Organisms, 2022
  31. "Design and Implementation of a Fuzzy Inference System for Automated Control of Water Quality in a Nominated Indoor Fish Culture System"
    Mahdi Saadat Fard, Seyed Saeid Mohtasebi, Gholamreza Rafiei, Hojat Ahmadi, Mohammad Jafar Dalvand
    9th National Congress on Agricultural Machinery Engineering and Mechanization, 2015
  32. "using of algal biofilm in wastwater treatment"
    Amir Mani, Arash Javanshir Khoei, Gholamreza Rafiei
    7th national meeting of environment, 2014
  33. "Practical and research recommendations for optimization of Beluga (Huso huso) larval rearing"
    Reza Asgari, Gholamreza Rafiei, Hadi Poorbagher, ناصر آق, Hamid Eshaghzadeh
    the second iranian conference of ichthyology, 2014
  34. "Echinodermataculture and propagation"
    Ashraf Namdarian, Gholamreza Rafiei
    The first conference on sustainable agiculture and natural resources, 2014
  35. "The importance of use of PCR on health control of aquatic animals"
    Fatemeh Fatahi, Ali Reza Mirvaghefi, Hamid Farahmand, Gholamreza Rafiei
    the 3th national conference on agriculture , food and aquaculture in Iran, 2013
  36. "Allometric growth in Persian sturgeon (Acipenser persicus)"
    Sajad Pishnamazzade, Soheil Eigdari, Gholamreza Rafiei, Bagher Mojazi Amiri
    The First Iranian Conference of Ichthyology, 2013
  37. "ایده پرورش جلبک های دریایی قرمز جنس گراسیلاریا به عنوان فیلتر زیستی در کانال های خروجی"
    محمود قبادی, Gholamreza Rafiei
    همایش ملی آبزیان و غذا, 2011
  38. "Comparative parameters affecting on groth of Gilt head seabream... due to isolated bacillus from the digestive gut"
    سعید ضیایی نژاد, Gholamreza Rafiei, سمیه گل محمدی
    The first intenational conference of aquaculture in Iran, 2011
  39. "Roleas of recirculating system on reduction of water use in aquaculture"
    هادی اسدی, Gholamreza Rafiei, بهناز اسدی مقدم, محمد هرسیج, امیر آرامون
    The first international conference on Aquaculture in Iran, 2011
  40. "Combined different dietary inclusion of mannanoligosaccharide and oligofructose on digestive microbiota of blue malavi (Aulonocara stuartgranti)"
    Soolmaz Mirzapoor Rezaei, Mehrdad Farhangi, سعید رجبی فر, مرضیه حیدریه, Omid Safari, حسینعلی قاسمی, Gholamreza Rafiei
    First National Aquaculture Conference, 2011
  41. "Combined effect oo different dietary inclusion levels of Mannanoligosacchrides and fructooligosachrides on the digestive enzyme activities of blue Malavi (Aulonocara stuartgranti)"
    سیده سولماز میرزاپور رضایی, Mehrdad Farhangi, سعید رجبی پور, Gholamreza Rafiei, مرضیه حیدریه, امید صفری, حسین علی قاسمی
    First Iranian National Conference of Aquaculture, 2011
  42. "The culture of red sea grass Gracillaria sp in south of Iran"
    محمود قبادی, Gholamreza Rafiei, محمدرضا داوودی راد
    The national conference on entrepreceurship for educated student from natural Resources and Agriculture faculties, 2011
  43. "Determinatuion the optimum level of feeding Artemia urmiana with yeast (saccharomyces cerevisiae) and effects of different levels of yeast on growth and survival of artemia"
    حمید رضا احمد نیا, Mehrdad Farhangi, Gholamreza Rafiei, پریا افضلی, Behnaz Asadi Moghaddam, Seyed Hossein Hoseinifar
    16th National and 4th International Conference of Biology, 2010
  44. "Effect of changing the dietary protein content in different feeding time on growth and the excretion of total inorganic nitrogen in rainbow trout culture"
    Majid Bakhtyari, Mehrdad Farhangi, Ahmad Imani, Shafagh Kamal, Gholamreza Rafiei
    First National Aquaculture Conference, 2009
  45. "changes on Calcium during trout embryo development"
    Kamran Rezaei Tavabe, Gholamreza Rafiei, Bagher Mojazi Amiri, Ali Reza Mirvaghefi, لیلا طاهری آزاد
    The 15th conference on biology in Iran, 2008
  46. "Study of capability of Asian clam (Corbicula fluminea) in organic compounds of water indirect removal"
    Lalik Sarikhani, Arash Javanshir Khoei, Gholamreza Rafiei
    1st National Conference on Fisheries and Aquaculture Sciences in Iran, 2008
  47. "Situation of sturgeon fishes along irannian coasta of the Caspian sea with emphasis on persian sturgeon"
    Arash Javanshir Khoei, Afshin DanehKar, Gholamreza Rafiei
    National seminar on biology, 2007
  48. "Investigating the process of phosphorus changes in rainbow trout eggs."
    Kamran Rezaei Tavabe, Gholamreza Rafiei, Leila Taheriazad
    National biology conference, 2007