Hamid Farahmand


Update: 2025-03-13

Hamid Farahmand

College of Agriculture and Natural Resources / Fisheries Sciences

Journal Paper

  1. "Cyprinid herpesvirus 3 (CyHV-3), koi herpes virus disease (KHVD) and their current status in Iran: A review"
    میثم باورصاد, Amirreza Abed-Elmdoust, محمدرضا تابنده, Hamid Farahmand, مجتبی علیشاهی, Ali Reza Mirvaghefi, امین آوازه, Adel M.., Jafari A.., Zorriehzahra M.J., Citarasu T..
    IRANIAN JOURNAL OF FISHERIES SCIENCES, Vol. 23, No 5, pp.783-802, 2024
  2. "Individual and mixture effects of Nano-TiO2and microplastics on antioxidant and immunological responses of Nile tilapia juvenile, Oreochromis niloticus(L.)"
    Behzad Nematdoust haghi, Ali Reza Mirvaghefi, Hamid Farahmand
    International Journal of Aquatic Biology, Vol. 10, No 5, pp.388-397, 2022
  3. "Enriched microbial communities for ammonium and nitrite removal from recirculating aquaculture systems Alireza"
    Alireza Neysi, Gholamreza Rafiei, Shadi Rahimi, Hamid Farahmand, Santhosh Pandic, Ivan Mijakovic
    Chemosphere, Vol. 295, No 1, pp.1-11, 2022
  4. "Effect of Zataria multiflora essential oil and potassium sorbate on inoculated Listeria monocytogenes , microbial and chemical quality of raw trout fillet during refrigerator storage"
    Forough Motavaf, Ali Reza Mirvaghefi, Hamid Farahmand, Seyed Vali Hosseini
    FOOD SCIENCE & NUTRITION, Vol. 45, No 254, pp.56-69, 2021
  5. "Effects of nanosilver on hematologic, histologic and molecular parameters of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)"
    Mitra Shabrang Harehdasht, Ali Reza Mirvaghefi, Hamid Farahmand
    AQUATIC TOXICOLOGY, Vol. 225, No 123, 2020
  6. "Is there low maternal genetic variation in West Asian populations of leopard?"
    Mohammad Sadegh Farhadinia, Mohammad Reza Ashrafzadeh, Helen senn, Sohrab Ashrafi, Hamid Farahmand, Muhammad Ghazali, Luke T. B. Hunter, David W. Macdonald
    MAMMAL RESEARCH, Vol. 65, No 4, 2020
  7. "Methylation levels of lysozyme gene in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) fed by commercial immunogen probiotic"
    Ali Choobkar, Hamid Farahmand, Ali Reza Mirvaghefi, Houshang Alizadeh, Amirreza Abed-Elmdoust
    International Journal of Aquatic Biology, Vol. 8, No 2, pp.148-153, 2020
  8. "Cold-Resistant Heterotrophic Ammonium and Nitrite-Removing Bacteria Improve Aquaculture Conditions of Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)"
    [] [], Gholamreza Rafiei, Hamid Farahmand, Shadi Rahimi, Ivan Mijakovic
    MICROBIAL ECOLOGY, Vol. 4, No 248, 2020
  9. "Pepsinogen expression during larval development of a Persian Gulf Sparid, Sobaity"
    Samira Nazemroaya, Mohammad Ali Nematollahi, Bi Bi Razieh Yazdan Parast, Hamid Farahmand, Annahita Rezaie, Mojtaba Zabayeh Najafabadi
    AQUACULTURE, Vol. 523, 2020
  10. "DNA damage, acetylcholinesterase activity, and hematological responses in rainbow trout exposed to the organophosphate malathion"
    Seyed Jalil Alavinia, Ali Reza Mirvaghefi, Hamid Farahmand, Gholamreza Rafiei, Seyed Jamal Alavinia, Nima Shiry, Saeed Moodi
  11. "Triiodothyronine reduces toxic effects of diazinon in Persian sturgeon (Acipenser persicus) embryos"
    Samane Nazeri, Bagher Mojazi Amiri, Hamid Farahmand, Jason C. Raine Raine
  12. "Interspecific morphological variation among members of the genus Cyprinion Heckel, 1843 (Teleostei: Cyprinidae) in Iran, using landmarkbased geometric morphometric technique"
    Manoochehr Nasri, Soheil Eigdari, Hamid Farahmand, Hasan Nezhadheydari
    Iranian Journal of Ichthyology (Iran. J. Ichthyol.), Vol. 6, No 1, 2019
  13. "Droplet vitrification versus straw cryopreservation for spermatozoa banking in Persian sturgeon (Acipenser persicus) from metabolite point of view"
    Amirreza Abed-Elmdoust, RUHOLLAH RAHIMI, Hamid Farahmand, Bagher Mojazi Amiri, Ali Reza Mirvaghefi, Gholamreza Rafiei
    THERIOGENOLOGY, Vol. 129, No 1, pp.110-115, 2019
  14. "1H NMR metabolic profiling of the cryopreserved spermatozoa of the wild endangered Persian sturgeon (Acipenser persicus) with the use of beta-cyclodextrin as an external cryoprotectant"
    RUHOLLAH RAHIMI, Hamid Farahmand, Ali Reza Mirvaghefi, Gholamreza Rafiei, Amirreza Abed-Elmdoust
    FISH PHYSIOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY, Vol. 45, No 189, pp.1-12, 2019
  15. "A method to quantify genotoxicity of malathion in rainbow trout using the weighted averaging"
    Hadi Poorbagher, Hamed Ghafari Farsani, Hamid Farahmand
    TOXICOLOGY MECHANISMS AND METHODS, Vol. 8, No 28, pp.1-8, 2018
  16. "Morphological diversity of Cyprinion Heckel, 1843 species (Teleostei: Cyprinidae) in Iran"
    Manoochehr Nasri, Soheil Eigdari, Yazdan Keivany, Hamid Farahmand, سالار درافشان , Hasan Nezhadheydari
    Iranian Journal of Ichthyology (Iran. J. Ichthyol.), Vol. 5, No 2, 2018
  17. "Effects of the prebiotic mannan-oligosaccharide on feed deprived zebrafish: Growth and reproduction"
    Mohammad Navid Forsatkar, Mohammad Ali Nematollahi, Gholamreza Rafiei, Hamid Farahmand, Christian Lawrence
    AQUACULTURE RESEARCH, Vol. 49, No 8, pp.2822-2832, 2018
  18. "Efficient osmolyte-based procedure to increase expression level and solubility of infectious hematopoietic necrosis virus (IHNV) nucleoprotein in E. coli"
    Rezvan Mohammadi Nezhad, Hamid Farahmand, Amir Hossain Jalili, Ali Reza Mirvaghefi
    APPLIED MICROBIOLOGY AND BIOTECHNOLOGY, Vol. 102, No 9, pp.4087-4100, 2018
  19. "In situ assessment of Karaj River genotoxic impact with the alkaline comet assay and micronucleus test, on feral brown trout ( Salmo trutta fario )"
    Meh Hariri, Ali Reza Mirvaghefi, Hamid Farahmand, Lobat Taghavi, Amir-Reza Shahabinia
  20. "Transcriptome and metabolome analysis of Ferulagummosa Boiss. to reveal major biosynthetic pathways of galbanum compounds"
    Ahmad Sobhani Najafabadi, Mohammad Reza Naghavi, Hamid Farahmand, Ali Reza Abbasi
    FUNCTIONAL & INTEGRATIVE GENOMICS, Vol. 17, No 2, pp.725-737, 2017
  21. "Effects of the prebiotic mannan-oligosaccharide on the stress response of feed deprived zebrafish ( Danio rerio )"
    Mohammad Navid Forsatkar, Mohammad Ali Nematollahi, Gholamreza Rafiei, Hamid Farahmand, Christian Lawrence
    PHYSIOLOGY & BEHAVIOR, Vol. 180, pp.70-77, 2017
  22. "NMR-based metabolomic study on the toxicological effects of pesticide, diazinon on adaptation to sea water by endangered Persian sturgeon, Acipenser persicus fingerlings"
    Ali Reza Mirvaghefi, Saeed Hajirezaee, Hamid Farahmand, Naser Agh
    CHEMOSPHERE, Vol. 185, No 21, pp.213-226, 2017
  23. "A metabolic approach to understanding adaptation to sea water by endangered Persian sturgeon, Acipenser persicus fingerlings"
    Saeed Hajirezaee, Ali Reza Mirvaghefi, Hamid Farahmand, Naser Agh
    AQUACULTURE RESEARCH, Vol. 49, No 1, pp.341-351, 2017
  24. "Mechanisms of peripheral phylogeographic divergence in the indo-Pacific: lessons from the spiny lobster Panulirus homarus"
    Ahmad Farhadi, Andrew G. Jeffs, Hamid Farahmand, Thankappan Sarasam Rejiniemon, Greg Smith, Shane D. Lavery
    BMC EVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGY, Vol. 17, No 1, pp.1-14, 2017
  25. "Effects of prebiotic mannan oligosaccharide on the growth, survival, and anxiety-like behaviors of zebrafish (Danio rerio)"
    Mohammad Navid Forsatkar, Mohammad Ali Nematollahi, Gholamreza Rafiei, Hamid Farahmand, Gonzalo Martinez-rodriguez
    JOURNAL OF APPLIED AQUACULTURE, Vol. 29, No 2, pp.1-14, 2017
  26. "Chemical Composition of the Essential Oil from Oleo-gum-resin and Different Organs of Ferula gummosa"
    Ahmad Sobhani Najafabadi, Mohammad Reza Naghavi, Hamid Farahmand, Ali Reza Abbasi, Najmeh Yazdanfar
    Journal of Essential Oil Bearing Plants, Vol. 20, No 1, pp.282-288, 2017
  27. "Metabolic changes in droplet vitrified semen of wild endangered Persian sturgeon Acipenser persicus (Borodin, 1997)."
    Amirreza Abed-Elmdoust, Hamid Farahmand, Bagher Mojazi Amiri, Gholamreza Rafiei, Ruhollah Rahimi
    CRYOBIOLOGY, Vol. 76, No 10, pp.111-118, 2017
  28. "Descriptive and comparative osteology of Bighead Lotak, Cyprinion milesi (Cyprinidae: Cypriniformes) from southeastern Iran"
    Manoochehr Nasri, Soheil Eigdari, Hamid Farahmand
    Vertebrate Zoology, Vol. 66, No 3, pp.251-260, 2016
  29. "Effects of diazinon on adaptation to sea-water by the endangered Persian sturgeon, Acipenser persicus, fingerlings"
    Saeed Hajirezaee, Ali Reza Mirvaghefi, Hamid Farahmand, Naser Agh
    ECOTOXICOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL SAFETY, Vol. 133, No 133, pp.413-423, 2016
  30. "Estimating the DNA strand breakage using a fuzzy inference system and agarose gel electrophoresis, a case study with toothed carp Aphanius sophiae exposed to cypermethrin."
    Hadi Poorbagher, Maryam Nasrollah Pourmoghaddam, Soheil Eigdari, Hamid Farahmand
    ECOTOXICOLOGY, Vol. 25, No 5, pp.1040-1046, 2016
  31. "The complete description of the skeletal structure of Hafez loach, Turcinoemacheilus hafezi (Cypriniformes, Nemacheilidae"
    Nasrin Nikmehr, Soheil Eigdari, Hadi Poorbagher, Hamid Farahmand
    International Journal of Aquatic Biology, Vol. 4, No 2, 2016
  32. "Boule gene expression underpins the meiotic arrest in spermatogenesis in male rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) exposed to DEHP and butachlor"
    Sohrab Ahmadivand, Hamid Farahmand, Ali Reza Mirvaghefi, Ladan Teimoori-toolabi, Soheil Eigdari, Tom Geerinckx, Sara Shokrpoor, Hooman Rahmati-Holasoo
  33. "Osteological development of the head in a triploid sturgeon (Acipenser baeri × Huso huso)"
    Soheil Eigdari, Maryam Bahrami, Hadi Poorbagher, Hamid Farahmand, Shaghayegh Hassanpour, Hamed Mousavii-sabet
    ABAH BIOFLUX, Vol. 7, No 2, 2015
  34. "Genetic diversity status of Pacific white shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) using SSR markers in Iran"
    Saiwan Rezaee, Hamid Farahmand, Mohammad Ali Nematollahi
    AQUACULTURE INTERNATIONAL, Vol. in press, pp.1-12, 2015
  35. "DESCRIPTIVE OSTEOLOGY OF Oxynoemacheilus kermanshahensis (Bănărescu and Nalbant, 1966) (CYPRINIFORMES, NEMACHEILIDAE)"
    Parvin Mafakheri, Soheil Eigdari, Hamid Farahmand, Hamed Mousavii-sabet
    Ribarstvo, croation journal of fisheries, Vol. 73, No 1, pp.115-123, 2015
  36. "Ontogenetic development of digestive enzymes in sobaity sea bream sparidentex hasta larve under culture condition"
    Samira Nazemroaya, Bi Bi Razieh Yazdan Parast, Mohammad Ali Nematollahi, Hamid Farahmand, Qodrat Mirzadeh
    AQUACULTURE, Vol. 448, No 1, pp.545-551, 2015
  37. "Body shape changes of hatchery-reared triploid sturgeon (Acipenser baeri) x (Huso huso) during early development using geometric morphometric technique"
    Shaghayegh Hassanpour, Soheil Eigdari, Hadi Poorbagher, Hamid Farahmand, Maryam Bahrami
    AACL Bioflux, Vol. 8, No 3, 2015
  38. "Growth enhancement of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) by passive immunization against somatostatin-14"
    Amir Abas Bazyar, Hamid Farahmand, Werner Kloas, Ali Reza Mirvaghefi, Achim Trubiroha, Brian C. Peterson, Sven Wuertz
    AQUACULTURE INTERNATIONAL, Vol. 21, No 2, pp.128-139, 2015
  39. "Novel droplet vitrification combined with fish antifreeze protein type III enhances cryoprotection of semen in wild endangered Persian sturgeon Acipenser persicus"
    Amirreza Abed-Elmdoust, Hamid Farahmand, Bagher Mojazi Amiri, Gholamreza Rafiei, Ruholla Rahimi
    AQUACULTURE RESEARCH, Vol. 46, No 46, 2015
  40. "Sympatric morphological and genetic differentiation of the pearl oyster Pinctada radiata (Bivalvia Pterioida) in the northern Persian Gulf"
    Moein Rajaie, Hamid Farahmand, Hadi Poorbagher, محمد صدیق مرتضوی, Ahmad Farhadi
  41. "The Effects of Brackish Water on Growth Hormone Insulin-like Growth Factor-1 Gene Expression of the Caspian Trout, Salmo trutta caspius (Kessler, 1877), During the Early Stage of Smoltification"
    Sepideh Sharifi, Alireza Shoae, Bagher Mojazi Amiri, Hamid Farahmand
    JOURNAL OF THE WORLD AQUACULTURE SOCIETY, Vol. 46, No 2, pp.201-209, 2015
  42. "Simultaneous detection of Aeromonas hydrophila, and Escherichia coli in Rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) by Duplex PCR"
    Fatemeh Fatahi, Ali Reza Mirvaghefi, Hamid Farahmand, Gholamreza Rafiei, علیرضا عبدالهی
    International Journal of Aquatic Biology, Vol. 3, No 1, pp.52-59, 2015
  43. "Effects of (Anti) Androgenic Endocrine Disruptors (DEHP and Butachlor) on Immunoglobulin M (IgM) and Leukocytes Counts of Male Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)"
    Sohrab Ahmadivand, Hamid Farahmand, Ali Reza Mirvaghefi, Soheil Eigdari, Ashkan Zargar
  44. "Molecular and craniological analysis of leopard, Panthera pardus (Carnivora Felidae) in Iran: support for a monophyletic clade in Western Asia"
    Mohammad Sadegh Farhadinia, Hamid Farahmand, Alexander Gavashelishvili, Mohammad Kaboli, Mahmoud Karami, بیتا خلیلی , Shahabedin Montazemi
    BIOLOGICAL JOURNAL OF THE LINNEAN SOCIETY, Vol. 114, No 1, pp.721-736, 2015
  45. "Molecular and craniological analysis of leopard, Panthera pardus (Carnivora: Felidae) in Iran: support for a monophyletic clade in Western Asia"
    Mohammad Sadegh Farhadinia, Hamid Farahmand, Alexander Gavashelishvili, Bita Khalili, Shahabedin Montazemi
    BIOLOGICAL JOURNAL OF THE LINNEAN SOCIETY, Vol. 114, No 4, pp.721-736, 2015
  46. "Dietary fermentable fiber upregulated immune related genes expression, increased innate immune response and resistance of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) against Aeromonas hydrophila"
    Payman Yar Ahmadi, Hamed Kolangi Miandare, Hamid Farahmand, Ali Reza Mirvaghefi, M.h. Ebrahimi
    FISH & SHELLFISH IMMUNOLOGY, Vol. 41, No 2, pp.326-331, 2014
  47. "Histopathological and haematological response of male rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) subjected to butachlor"
    Sohrab Ahmadivand, Hamid Farahmand, Ali Reza Mirvaghefi, Soheil Eigdari, Sara Shokrpoor, Hooman Rahmati-Holasoo
    VETERINARNI MEDICINA, Vol. 59, No 9, pp.433-439, 2014
  48. "Osteological structure of Kiabi loach, Oxynoemacheilus kiabii (Actinopterygii: Nemacheilidae)"
    Parvin Mafakheri, Soheil Eigdari, Hamid Farahmand, Hamed Mousavii-sabet
    Iranian Journal of Ichthyology (Iran. J. Ichthyol.), Vol. 1, No 3, 2014
  49. "Patterns of sexual dimorphism in the Persian Leopard (Panthera pardus saxicolor) and implications for sex differentiation"
    Mohammad Sadegh Farhadinia, Mohammad Kaboli, Mahmoud Karami, Hamid Farahmand
    ZOOLOGY IN THE MIDDLE EAST, Vol. 60, No 3, pp.195-207, 2014
  50. "Evolutionary Divergence of Geographic Subspecies within the Scalloped Spiny Lobster Panulirus homarus (Linnaeus 1758)"
    Shane D. Lavery, Ahmad Farhadi, Hamid Farahmand, Tin-yam Chan, اشکان اژدهاکش پور , Vibhavari Thakur, Andrew G. Jeffs
    PLoS One, Vol. 9, No 6, pp.1-13, 2014
  51. "The effects of dietary Immunogen® on innate immune response, immune related genes expression and disease resistance of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)"
    Payman Yar Ahmadi, Hamid Farahmand, حامد کلنگی میان دره , Ali Reza Mirvaghefi, سیدحسین حسینی فر
    FISH & SHELLFISH IMMUNOLOGY, Vol. 37, No 2, pp.209-214, 2014
  52. "Improvement in wild endangered Persian sturgeon, Acipenser persicus (Borodin, 1897) semen cryopreservation by 2-hydroxypropyl-beta-cyclodextrin (HβCD)"
    Ruhollah Rahimi, Hamid Farahmand, Ali Reza Mirvaghefi, Gholamreza Rafiei, ارمغان عابد علم دوست
    AQUACULTURE RESEARCH, Vol. 21, No 3, 2014
  53. "Analysis of genetic diversity in Iranian mohair goat and its color types using Inter Simple Sequence Repeat (ISSR) markers"
    Mohammad-hossein Moradi, Jalal Rostamzadeh, Amir Rashidi, Khabat Vahabi, Hamid Farahmand
    Agricultural Communication, Vol. 2, No 1, pp.55-62, 2014
  54. "Interpopulation differences in shell forms of the pearl oyster, Pinctada imbricata radiata (Bivalvia: Pterioida), in the northern Persian Gulf inferred from principal component analysis and elliptic Fourier analysis"
    Moein Rajaei, Hadi Poorbagher, Hamid Farahmand, محمد صدیق مرتضوی, Soheil Eigdari
    TURKISH JOURNAL OF ZOOLOGY, Vol. 38, No 38, pp.42-48, 2014
  55. "Effect of a glyphosate-based herbicide in Cyprinus carpio: Assessment of acetylcholinesterase activity, hematological responses and serum biochemical parameters"
    Seyed Jalil Gholami, Ali Reza Mirvaghefi, Hamid Farahmand, Ali asghar Kosari
    ECOTOXICOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL SAFETY, Vol. 98, No 98, pp.135-141, 2013
  56. "Optimization of recovery patterns in common carp exposed to roundup using response surface methodology: Evaluation of neurotoxicity and genotoxicity effects and biochemical parameters"
    Seyed Jalil Gholami, Ali Reza Mirvaghefi, Hamid Farahmand, Ali asghar Kosari, سمیه غلامی, - غلامی
    ECOTOXICOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL SAFETY, Vol. 98, No 98, pp.152-161, 2013
  57. "Fourteen years after the Shahid-Rajaei dam construction: an evaluation of morphometric and genetic differentiation between isolated up- and downstream populations of Capoeta capoeta gracilis (Pisces: Cyprinidae) in the Tajan River of Iran"
    Hossein Anvarifar, Hamid Farahmand, D.m. Silva, R.p. Bastos, A. Khyabani, Hassan Anvarifar
    GENETICS AND MOLECULAR RESEARCH, Vol. 12, No 3, pp.3465-3478, 2013
  58. "Species identification reveals mislabeling of important fish products in Iran by DNA barcoding"
    رضا چنگیزی, Hamid Farahmand, Mahdi Soltani, Reza Asareh, Zahra Ghiasvand
    IRANIAN JOURNAL OF FISHERIES SCIENCES, Vol. 12, No 4, pp.783-791, 2013
  59. "Body shape comparison of Cyprinion macrostomum (Heckel, 1843) and Cyprinion watsoni (Day, 1872) using geometric morphometrics method"
    Manoochehr Nasri, Soheil Eigdari, Hamid Farahmand, ایرج هاشم زاده
    International Journal of Aquatic Biology, Vol. 1, No 5, pp.240-244, 2013
  60. "Species Identification of Some Fish Processing Products in Iran by DNA Barcoding"
    رضا چنگیزی, Hamid Farahmand, Mahdi Soltani, F. Darvish, Amir Reza Abed Elmdoust
    Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology, Vol. 15, No 1, pp.973-980, 2013
  61. "Mitochondrial DNA population structure of the scalloped lobster Panulirus homarus (Linnaeus 1758) from the West Indian Ocean"
    Ahmad Farhadi, Hamid Farahmand, Mohammad Ali Nematollahi, Andrew Jeffs, Shane D. Lavery
    ICES JOURNAL OF MARINE SCIENCE, Vol. 70, No 7, pp.1491-1498, 2013
  62. "The time course of L-gulono-gammalactone oxidase expression during the larval ontogeny of fish (Acipenser persicus)"
    Arash Akbarzadeh, Kamahldin Haghbeen, Hamid Farahmand, Mohammad Ali Nematollahi, Mikko Nikinmaa
  63. "Development of 16S rRNA Targeted PCR Method for the Detection of Escherichia coli in Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)"
    Fatemeh Fatahi, Ali Reza Mirvaghefi, Hamid Farahmand, Gholamreza Rafiee , Alireza Abdollahi
    IRANIAN JOURNAL OF PATHOLOGY, Vol. 8, No 1, pp.44-36, 2013
  64. "Developmental transcription of genes putatively associated with growth in two sturgeon species of different growth rate"
    Hamed Kolangi Miyandareh, Hamid Farahmand, ارش اکبرزاده , سیدهساناز رمضانپور , H Kaiya , M Miyazato , K Rytknen , M Nikinmaa
    GENERAL AND COMPARATIVE ENDOCRINOLOGY, Vol. 182, No 1, pp.41-47, 2012
  65. "Detection of morphometric differentiation between isolated up - and downstream populations of Siah Mahi ( Capoeta capoeta gracilis ( Pisces : Cyprinidae in the Tajan River Iran )"
    Hossein Anvarifar , Alireza Khyabani , Hamid Farahmand, Saber Vatandoust , Hassan Anvarifar , Shrinivas Jahageerdar
    HYDROBIOLOGIA, Vol. 673, No 1, pp.41-52, 2012
  66. "Biomarker responses in mudskipper (periohthalmus wal toni from the coastal areas of the Persian gulf with oil pollution"
    Ali Reza Mirvaghefi, Mehrnoosh Shirani , Hamid Farahmand, Mohammad Abdollahi
  67. "Determination of Protein and Moisture in Fishmeal by Near-Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy and Multivariate Regression Based on Partial Least Squares"
    Masoum Saeed, Alireza Alishahi, Hamid Farahmand, مریم شکرچی, .N Prieto
  68. "Effect of diet digestive enzymary Ergosan on growth performance digestive enzymes intestinal histology hematological parameters and body composition of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss"
    مرضیه حیدریه , Ali Reza Mirvaghefi, میلاد اکبری , Hamid Farahmand, نجمه شیخ زاده , امیر علی شهبازفر , مهدی بهگر
    FISH PHYSIOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY, Vol. 1, No 39, pp.123-130, 2012
  69. "Phylogenetic status of Iranian brown trout Salmo trutta 1 populations in five rivers from the southern Caspian Sea and two inland basins: a morphogenetic approach"
    Iraj Hashemzadeh Segherloo, Hamid Farahmand, اصغر عبدلی , L Bernatchez , A Primmer , S Swatdipong , Mahmoud Karami, بیتا خلیلی
    JOURNAL OF FISH BIOLOGY, Vol. 81, No 1, 2012
  70. "Enhancement and Characterization of Chitosan Extraction from the Wastes of Shrimp Packaging Plants"
    Alireza Alishahi , Ali Reza Mirvaghefi, M Rafiei Tehrani , Hamid Farahmand, Seyed Abbas Shojaosadati , F A Dorkoosh , Maher Z Elsabee
    JOURNAL OF POLYMERS AND THE ENVIRONMENT, Vol. 19, No 3, pp.776-783, 2012
  71. "effect if duetart ergisab on growth performance digestive enzymes intestinal histology hematological parameters and body composition of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss"
    مرضیه حیدریه , Ali Reza Mirvaghefi, میلاد اکبری , نجمه شیخ زاده , Hamid Farahmand, امیر علی شهبازفر , مهدی باقری
  72. "Effects of ghrelin on some plasma hormonal changes in juvenile Persian sturgeon ( Acipenser persicus )"
    Hamed Kolangi Miandare , Hamid Farahmand, Sanaz Ramezanpour , Mohammad Ali Nematollahi, Gholamreza Rafiei, Bagher Mojazi Amiri
    Comparative Clinical Pathology, Vol. 21, pp.1099-1102, 2012
  73. "Masculinization of Blue Hap (Sciaenochromis ahli) Treated with 17methyltestosterone"
    Amir Reza Abed Elmdoust, Hamid Farahmand, Gholamreza Rafiei, Bagher Mojazi Amiri, Ali Reza Mirvaghefi
    Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology, Vol. 13, No 2, pp.173-180, 2011
  74. "Enhancement and Characterization of Chitosan Extraction from the Wastes of Shrimp Packaging Plants"
    Ali Reza Mirvaghefi, Alireza Alishahi, Mohsen Tehranizadeh, Hamid Farahmand, Seyed Abbas Shojaosadati, ف. ا. دورکوش, Maher Z Elsabee
    JOURNAL OF POLYMERS AND THE ENVIRONMENT, Vol. 19, No 3, pp.776-783, 2011
  75. "Shelf life and delivery enhancement of the vitamin C using chitosan nanoparticles"
    Alireza Alishahi, Ali Reza Mirvaghefi, Mr. Tehrani, Hamid Farahmand, سیدعباس شجاع الساداتی, ف. ا. دورکوش, Maher Z Elsabee
    FOOD CHEMISTRY, Vol. 3, No 126, pp.935-940, 2011
  76. "Shelf life and delivery enhancement of vitamin C using chitosan nanoparticles"
    Ali Reza Alishahi , Ali Reza Mirvaghefi , Rafiee Tehrani , Hamid Farahmand, Seyyed Abbass Shojaosadati , F A Dorkoosh , Maher Z Elsabee
    FOOD CHEMISTRY, Vol. 126, No 3, pp.935-940, 2011
  77. "Chitosan nanoparticle to carry vitamin C through the gastrointestinal tract and induce the non-specific immunity system of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)"
    Alireza Alishahi, Ali Reza Mirvaghefi, M.r. Tehrani, Hamid Farahmand, S.. Koshio, F.a. Dorkoosh, Maher Z. Elsabee
    CARBOHYDRATE POLYMERS, Vol. 86, No 1, pp.142-146, 2011
  78. "A Genotoxicological Study in Persian Gulf on Rock Oyster ( Soccostrea cucullata ) using Micronuclei and RAPID Assays"
    Ali Reza Mirvaghefi, Hamid Farahmand, Ahmad Farhadi , Bita Khalili
    International Journal of Environmental Research, Vol. 5, No 2, pp.567-572, 2011
  79. "Chromosome studies on the marine shrimp Penaeus Fenneropenaeus merguiensis from the Persian Gulf"
    Mansouri S M , Hamid Farahmand, Khalilabadi F
    IRANIAN JOURNAL OF FISHERIES SCIENCES, Vol. 10, No 4, pp.753-760, 2011
  80. "The transcription of l - gulono - gamma - lactone oxidase a key enzyme for biosynthesis of ascorbate during development of Persian sturgeon Acipenser persicus"
    Arash Akbarzadeh, Hamid Farahmand, فروزنده محجوبی, Mohammad Ali Nematollahi, Piia Leskinen , Kalle Rytkonen , Mikko Nikinmaa
  81. "PCR Assay for Experimental Detection of Streptococcus agalctiae Based on ScpB Gene in Rainbow Trout ( Oncorhynchus mykiss )"
    Samira Rashidi Monfared , Ali Reza Mirvaghefi, Hamid Farahmand, Mohammad Ali Nematollahi, Sa Pour Bakhsh
    Fisheries International, Vol. 6, No 4, pp.75-80, 2011
  82. "Identification of transgenic foods using NIR spectroscopy : A review"
    Ali Reza Alishahi , Hamid Farahmand, N Prieto , D Cozzolino
  83. "Morphological variation of pikeperch Sander lucioperca in the southern caspian sea"
    A Akbarzadeh , Hamid Farahmand, A A Shabani , Mahmoud Karami, Mohammad Kaboli, K Abbasi , Gholamreza Rafiei
    JOURNAL OF APPLIED ICHTHYOLOGY, Vol. 25, No 5, pp.576-582, 2009
  84. "Genetic study of Persian gazelle of Sohrein, Zanjan"
    Bahare Aeini , Hamid Farahmand, Harami , G B Hartl , Mahmoud Karami
    International Journal of Environmental Research, Vol. 1, No 4, pp.321-324, 2007
  85. "Induction of tetraploidy in transgenic tilapia ( Oreochromis niloticus ) using physical shocks"
    Hamid Farahmand, Sh Abdul Razak , Gyn Lin Hwang , N Maclean , Ma Rahman
    IRANIAN JOURNAL OF FISHERIES SCIENCES, Vol. 7, No 1, pp.27-46, 2007
  86. "Evaluation of the physiological effects of Trichoderma sp. on growth factors, hematology and approximate analysis of carcass composition in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)"
    Fereshteh Zeraatpisheh, Hamid Farahmand, Ali Reza Mirvaghefi, مرضیه حیدریه, Samira Shahbazi
    Iranian Scientific Fisheries Journal, Vol. 77, No 1, pp.93-105, 2024
  87. "Investigating the effect of different concentrations of lead chloride on the expression of genes effective in the immune factors of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)"
    Behnaz Jafari, Amirreza Abed-Elmdoust, Hamid Farahmand
    Journal of Fisheries(Iranian Journal Of Natural Recources), Vol. 76, No 4, 2024
  88. "Development of Loop-mediated Isothermal Amplification (LAMP) Assay for Rapid Detection of Cyprinid Herpesvirus-3 (CyHV-3) and its comparison to PCR"
    میثم باورصاد, Amirreza Abed-Elmdoust, محمدرضا تابنده, Hamid Farahmand, Ali Reza Mirvaghefi, مجتبی علیشاهی
    Journal of Fisheries(Iranian Journal Of Natural Recources), Vol. 75, No 4, 2023
  89. "Morphological diversity of Southern Nase, Chondrostoma regium, populations in the northern catchment sub-basins of the Persian Gulf using geometric morphometric technique"
    Neda Dastanpoor, Soheil Eigdari, Hamid Farahmand, Seyedhamed Mousavi, حمیدرضا اسماعیلی
    Iranian Scientific Fisheries Journal, Vol. 31, No 4, 2022
  90. "Exposure of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niluticus) to titanium oxide nanoparticles and microplastics: Impact on blood parameters"
    Behzad Nematdoust haghi, Ali Reza Mirvaghefi, Hamid Farahmand
    Quarterly Aquaculture sciences, Vol. 10, No 1, pp.102-112, 2022
  91. "Effect of some detergents (Anionic surfactants) on embryogenesis, hatch percentage, larvae abnormalities, and cortisol levels in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)"
    Maryam Soleimanpour, Bagher Mojazi Amiri, Hamid Farahmand, Ali Reza Mirvaghefi, Yasin Dastar
    Journal of Fisheries(Iranian Journal Of Natural Recources), Vol. 75, No 1, pp.1-16, 2022
  92. "The effect of some detergents (anionic surfactants) in the rearing environment on the embryogenesis, eying percentage, embryonic abnormalities and cortisol levels in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)"
    Maryam Soleimanpour, Bagher Mojazi Amiri, Hamid Farahmand, Ali Reza Mirvaghefi, Yasin Dastar
    Journal of Fisheries(Iranian Journal Of Natural Recources), Vol. 1, No 75, pp.1-16, 2022
  93. "Distribution, Conservation Status and Identification Key of Luciobarbus Heckel 1843 in Iran"
    Arash Jouladeh-roudbar, Hamid Farahmand, Amirreza Abed-Elmdoust, Bagher Mojazi Amiri, Soheil Eigdari
    Experimental Animal Biology, Vol. 10, No 2, pp.77-92, 2021
  94. "Identifying the species of the genus Alosa using the scales, wavelet and outline analyses"
    Sara Saffari, Hadi Poorbagher, Soheil Eigdari, Hamid Farahmand
    Journal of Fisheries(Iranian Journal Of Natural Recources), Vol. 74, No 2, pp.315-324, 2021
  95. "Morphological Variations and Diagnostic Characteristics of Chondrostoma regium Populations in Iranian Inland Waters"
    Neda Dastanpoor, Soheil Eigdari, Hamid Farahmand, seyed hamed mousavi
    Taxonomy and Biosystematics, Vol. 13, No 46, pp.72-92, 2021
  96. "The effect of hydrolyzed protein, vitamin E and oxidized oil on growth performance, hematology and fillet quality of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)"
    Najafi Esfandyar, Seyed Vali Hosseini, Hamid Farahmand, Bagher Mojazi Amiri, Mahdi Soltani
    Journal of Fisheries(Iranian Journal Of Natural Recources), Vol. 74, No 1, 2021
  97. "Detecting the Let-7 isoforms of Salmonids using bioinformatics data"
    Ahmad Bahmani nejad, Hamid Farahmand, Amirreza Abed-Elmdoust
    Journal of Fisheries(Iranian Journal Of Natural Recources), Vol. 73, No 4, 2021
  98. "Taxonomic status of the Turcinoemacheilus populations (Nemachilidae) of the Gaveh River using the COI gene"
    Nasrin Nikmehr, Soheil Eigdari, Hadi Poorbagher, Hamid Farahmand
    Wetland ecobiology, Vol. 12, No 4, 2020
  99. "Ontogeny of the digestive tract with special reference to the acid and alkaline protease capacity in Sobaity (Sparidentex hasta)"
    سمیرا ناظم رعایا , Mohammad Ali Nematollahi, Bi Bi Razieh Yazdan Parast, Hamid Farahmand, Annahita Rezaie
    Journal of Fisheries(Iranian Journal Of Natural Recources), Vol. 73, No 2, pp.255-272, 2020
  100. "Investigation of sex maturity and morphohistology of gonad in the broodstock of (Hamilton, 1822) Danio rerio influenced by probiotic (Lactobacillus plantarum)"
    Zohreh Saeidi, Ali Reza Mirvaghefi, Amirreza Abed-Elmdoust, Hamid Farahmand, Roghaye Safari
    Iranian Scientific Fisheries Journal, Vol. 29, No 2, 2019
  101. "Phylogenetic Relationships of the Genus Turcinoemacheilus in Iran using Osteological Characteristics"
    Seyedeh nasrin Nikmehr, Soheil Eigdari, Hadi Poorbagher, Hamid Farahmand
    Taxonomy and Biosystematics, Vol. 11, No 40, 2019
  102. "Correlation between SNPs in Toll-like receptor5 membrane form (TLR5m) gene and immune respond in Rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) exposed to Aeromonas hydrophila"
    Kobra Rahimi, Hamid Farahmand, Ali Reza Mirvaghefi, Bagher Mojazi Amiri, Amirreza Abed-Elmdoust
    manabe tabie iran, Vol. 2, No 72, 2019
  103. "Study of separation between fall and spring run populations of Caspian lamprey, Caspiomyzon wagneri, in the southern Caspian Sea (Shirud River) due to different migration time using microsatellite markers"
    Ahmad Bahmani Nejad, Hamid Farahmand, Soheil Eigdari, Amirreza Abed-Elmdoust
    Quarterly Aquaculture sciences, Vol. 6, No 10, pp.73-81, 2019
  104. "Effect of Extracted Sterols from Persian Gulf Red Algae on Human Skin Cells Collagen"
    فاطمه پیشه ورزاد, Seyed Vali Hosseini, Hamid Farahmand, ماریانو لاسترا, سونیا لوپز
    Journal of Fisheries(Iranian Journal Of Natural Recources), Vol. 71, No 3, pp.208-215, 2018
  105. "Effects of Commercial Dietary Prebiotic (Agrimos®) and Probiotic (Batocell®) Supplements on Intestinal Lactic Acid Bacteria, Salinity and Thermal Stress Resistance in Zebrafish (Danio rerio)"
    مهرنوش شیرانی , Nasrollah Mahbobi Sofiyani, Hamid Farahmand, سید امیر حسین جلالی
    Journal of Fisheries(Iranian Journal Of Natural Recources), Vol. 71, No 2, pp.198-206, 2018
  106. "Low genetic variation of Persian leopard (Panthera pardus saxicolor) based on NADH5 mitochondrial gene"
    Mohammad Sadegh Farhadinia, Sohrab Ashrafi, Hamid Farahmand, محمد رضا اشرف زاده, Mohammad Kaboli
    Journal of Natural Environment (Iranian Journal of Natural Resources), Vol. 71, No 1, pp.79-92, 2018
  107. "Non-destructive Molecular Detection of Streptococcus agalactiae in Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)"
    Mehrnoosh Farid, Ali Reza Mirvaghefi, Hamid Farahmand, Mohammad Ali Nematollahi
    Journal of Fisheries(Iranian Journal Of Natural Recources), Vol. 70, No 3, pp.319-326, 2017
  108. "Histopathological Changes of the Gill and Liver of Aphanius sophiae Exposed to Carbaryl"
    Shiva Nedaei, Hadi Poorbagher, Soheil Eigdari, Hamid Farahmand
    Journal of Fisheries(Iranian Journal Of Natural Recources), Vol. 70, No 2, 2017
  109. "assessing impressibility of benthic riverine macroinvertebrate fauna from wastewater of fish culture farm using alpha diversity index and principal component analysis"
    Lima Tayebi, Hadi Poorbagher, Hamid Farahmand, Gholamreza Rafiei, Ali Reza Mirvaghefi
    The Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, Vol. 19, No 5, 2017
  110. "Allometric growth patterns in a hybrid triploid-sturgeon (Huso huso♀x Acipenser baeri♂) during early development"
    Soheil Eigdari, Maryam Bahrami, Hadi Poorbagher, Hamid Farahmand, Hamid Eshaghzadeh
    Iranian Scientific Fisheries Journal, Vol. 26, No 1, 2017
  111. "Gonad Histology of One-year and Two-year old Cultured Beluga (Huso huso) from Qom Province"
    Farbod Emami, Ali Reza Mirvaghefi, Hamid Farahmand, Bagher Mojazi Amiri
    Journal of Fisheries(Iranian Journal Of Natural Recources), Vol. 3, No 69, 2016
  112. "Using Discriminant Analysis to Examine Ecological Effects of Rainbow Trout Farms Wastewater on Benthic Community Structure, a Case Study with the Gamasiab River."
    Lyma Tayebi, Hadi Poorbagher, Hamid Farahmand, Gholamreza Rafiei, Ali Reza Mirvaghefi
    Journal of Fisheries(Iranian Journal Of Natural Recources), Vol. 69, No 2, 2016
  113. "Effects of Malathion on DNA Breakage in the Liver and Gill of Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus Mykiss) Using Weighted Averaging."
    Hamed Ghafari Farsani, Hadi Poorbagher, Hamid Farahmand
    Journal of Fisheries(Iranian Journal Of Natural Recources), Vol. 69, No 1, 2016
  114. "Geometric morphometric comparison of neurocranium and its ability to identify various species of Iranian Cyprinion genera"
    Manoochehr Nasri, Soheil Eigdari, Hamid Farahmand
    Journal of Applied Ichthylogical Research, Vol. 3, No 4, pp.19-34, 2016
  115. "Descriptive osteology of Persian loach (Oxynemacheilius persa)"
    Parvin Mafakheri, Soheil Eigdari, Hamid Farahmand, Hamed Mousavii-sabet
    Taxonomy and Biosystematics, Vol. 7, No 24, pp.1-16, 2015
  116. "Effect of early co feeding weaning on Sobaity sea bream larvae performance (Sparidentex hasta)"
    Samira Nazemroaya, Mohammad Ali Nematollahi, Bi Bi Razieh Yazdan Parast, Hamid Farahmand, قدرت میرزاده
    Journal of Fisheries(Iranian Journal Of Natural Recources), Vol. 68, No 2, pp.313-328, 2015
  117. "The survey of effect of bacillus and lactobacillus on growth factor"
    سعید ضیایی نژاد , Gholamreza Rafiei, Ali Reza Mirvaghefi, Hamid Farahmand
    Journal of Fisheries(Iranian Journal Of Natural Recources), Vol. 68, No 2, pp.287-298, 2015
  118. "Study of Bacillus subtilis and lactobacillus on growthsurvival of larvea"
    Saied Ziaeinejad, Gholamreza Rafiei, Ali Reza Mirvaghefi, Hamid Farahmand
    Journal of Fisheries(Iranian Journal Of Natural Recources), Vol. 68, No 2, pp.287-299, 2015
  119. "Sedimentology of Sea Turtle Nesting"
    Maryam Mahtabi, Afshin DanehKar, Sohrab Ashrafi, Hamid Farahmand
    Environmental Researches, Vol. 6, No 11, pp.257-264, 2015
  120. "Investigate the possibility of Sex determination of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) using molecular markers"
    Hamid Farahmand, Mohammad Akhavan Bahabadi, Mohammad Ali Nematollahi, Ali Reza Mirvaghefi
    Journal of Fisheries(Iranian Journal Of Natural Recources), Vol. 68, No 1, pp.1-11, 2015
  121. "Accumulation of Mn, Cd, Cr and Pb in Pinctada radiata (Bivalvia: Pterioida) in the Hendourabi and Lavan Islands, the Persian Gulf"
    Moein Rajaie, Hadi Poorbagher, Hamid Farahmand, Mohammad Sedigh Mortazavi, Fereidoon Aflaki, Amir Hossein Hamidian
    Journal of Natural Environment (Iranian Journal of Natural Resources), Vol. 68, No 1, 2015
  122. "The possibility of ascorbate biosynthesis in early development of Persian sturgeon"
    Arash Akbarzadeh, Hamid Farahmand, Frozandeh Mahjobi, Mohammad Ali Nematollahi, کمال الدین حق بین , Hamed Kolangi Miyandareh
    Journal of Utilization and Cultivation of Aquatics, Vol. 2, No 2, pp.49-63, 2015
  123. "Study of Hemaetological and biochimistry profile in Rainbow trout serum ..."
    Payman Yar Ahmadi, Hamid Farahmand, Hamed Kolangi Miandare, Ali Reza Mirvaghefi
    Iranian Scientific Fisheries Journal, Vol. 67, No 2, pp.455-465, 2014
  124. "Selection of the best gene Candidates for Real-Time study in Ontogeny stage in Persian sturgeon (Acipenser persicus)"
    Arash Akbarzadeh, Hamid Farahmand, Frozandeh Mahjobi, Mohammad Ali Nematollahi, Kamahldin Haghbeen, Hamed Kolangi Miyandareh
    Journal of Aquatic Ecology, Vol. 2, No 3, pp.1-13, 2014
  125. "Antioxidant responses, lipid peroxidation and blood aminotransferase activity in Liza persicus in the northern Persians Gulf (case study: the Boushehr Province)"
    Dara Bagheri, Bagher Mojazi Amiri, Hadi Poorbagher, Hamid Farahmand, افشار بارگاهی
    Journal of Fisheries(Iranian Journal Of Natural Recources), Vol. 67, No 2, 2014
  126. "The expression of Vitellogenin Gene in the Liver of Juvenile rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Exposed to Pulp and paper Mills of Iran"
    Amir Aramoon, Hamid Farahmand, Ali Reza Mirvaghefi, Mohammad Ali Nematollahi
    Journal of Fisheries(Iranian Journal Of Natural Recources), Vol. 67, No 2, pp.149-163, 2014
  127. "Intraspecific morphological variation of Sabzug, Cyprinion watsoni (Day, 1872) from southern and southeastern Iran based on Geometric morphometrics method"
    Manoochehr Nasri, Soheil Eigdari, Hamid Farahmand
    Journal of Applied Ichthylogical Research, Vol. 2, No 2, pp.1-13, 2014
  128. "Assessing the effect of oil pollution of the Persian Gulf on activities of 3 different enzymatic biomarkers in gill of Mudskipper (Periophthalmus waltoni)"
    Mehrnoosh Shirani, Ali Reza Mirvaghefi, Hamid Farahmand, Mohammad Abdollahi
    Journal of Natural Environment (Iranian Journal of Natural Resources), Vol. 67, No 2, pp.175-184, 2014
  129. "Investigation of the genetic variability in Litopenaeus vannamei shrimp, using SSR markers, in Jask port of Hormozgan province"
    Sivan Rezaee, Hamid Farahmand, Mohammad Ali Nematollahi
    Journal of Fisheries(Iranian Journal Of Natural Recources), Vol. 67, No 1, pp.61-74, 2014
  130. "accumulation of zinc, magnesium, iron and cupper in soft tissues of the pearl oyster (Pinctada radiata) in hendourabi and vlavan islands, persian gulf"
    Moein Rajaie, Hadi Poorbagher, Hamid Farahmand, Mohammad Sedigh Mortazavi, فریدون افلاکی, Seyed Vali Hosseini, Soheil Eigdari
    Journal of Fisheries(Iranian Journal Of Natural Recources), Vol. 66, No 3, pp.297-305, 2014
  131. "Study of damage induced by silver nanoparticles on rainbow trout gonadal cell lines in vitro conditions"
    Mahmood Ghobadi, Hamid Farahmand, Ali Mirjalili
    ژنتیک نوین, Vol. 34, No 3, pp.251-260, 2013
  132. "Conservation Approached for Sea Turtles"
    Maryam Mahtabi, Afshin DanehKar, Sohrab Ashrafi, Hamid Farahmand
    see, Vol. 28, No 203, pp.54-61, 2013
  133. "Study of proper condition for blood conserve"
    Saiid Moodi, Hamid Farahmand, Ali Reza Mirvaghefi, Ali asghar Kosari, جمیله خلیلی
    Journal of Natural Environment (Iranian Journal of Natural Resources), Vol. 66, No 2, pp.203-212, 2013
  134. "Sea turtle regeneration success"
    Maryam Mahtabi, Afshin DanehKar, Sohrab Ashrafi, Hamid Farahmand
    mojesabz, Vol. 11, No 46, pp.9-13, 2013
  135. "Nest selection of Hawksbill Sea Turtle (Eretmochelys imbricata) in Shib-deraz area - Qeshm Island; looking into slope"
    Maryam Mahtabi, Afshin DanehKar, Sohrab Ashrafi, Hamid Farahmand
    Wetland ecobiology, Vol. 5, No 15, pp.5-14, 2013
  136. "Transformation of hrGFP gene to zebra fish ZF4 cell line using virE2 & virD2 recombinant proteins"
    Neda Ghovvati Gogozani, Hamid Farahmand, Houshang Alizadeh
    Journal of Fisheries(Iranian Journal Of Natural Recources), Vol. 66, No 2, pp.233-238, 2013
  137. "Detection of Vertical Transmission of the Bacterium Streptococcus Agalactiae in Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus Mykiss) Brooders Using the PCR of the Gene Scpb"
    Samira Rashidi Monfared, Ali Reza Mirvaghefi, Hamid Farahmand, Mohammad Ali Nematollahi, Seyed Ali Poorbakhsh, Abbas Ashtari
    Journal of Fisheries(Iranian Journal Of Natural Recources), Vol. 66, No 1, pp.49-58, 2013
  138. "Sea Turtle Monography"
    Maryam Mahtabi, Afshin DanehKar, Sohrab Ashrafi, Hamid Farahmand
    Aquatic animals World, Vol. 10, pp.17-21, 2013
  139. "Management of brown trout, Salmo trutta L. 1758, populations: approaches based on Metapopulation and Evolutionary significant units criteria"
    Seyedeh Narjes Tabatabaei, Iraj Hashemzadeh Segherloo, Hamid Farahmand, Ahmad Farhadi
    ژنتیک نوین, Vol. 31, No 4, pp.1-5, 2013
  140. "Identification of Brown Trout of Mardagh River in Liqvan using Microsatellite loci"
    ایرج هاشم زاده , Hamid Farahmand, اصغر عبدلی , L Bernatchez , Mahmoud Karami
    Journal of Fisheries(Iranian Journal Of Natural Recources), Vol. 65, No 3, pp.327-336, 2012
  141. "The protective effect of vit E on DNA integrity of frozen thawed Beluga"
    Saeed Mahmodi, Hamid Farahmand, Ali Reza Mirvaghefi, حمید اسحاق زاده , رضوان اله کاظمی
    ژنتیک نوین, Vol. 1, No 3, 2012
  142. "Evaluation of Oxytetracycline Resistance in Aeromonas hydrophila Isolated from reared Oncorhynchous mykiss"
    صغری ضرغامی , Ali Reza Mirvaghefi, Hamid Farahmand, Mohammad Ali Nematollahi, مریم موسوی , Bita Khalili
    manabe tabie iran, Vol. 65, No 2, pp.195-205, 2012
  143. "Introdution of Cyt b Gene as usfuel gene for identification of caspian Sturgeon Caviar"
    Hamed Kolangi Miyandareh, Hamid Farahmand, S.m. Aghilinejhad, Arash Akbarzadeh
    Journal of Utilization and Cultivation of Aquatics, Vol. 1, No 2, pp.51-62, 2012
  144. "Investigation of morphometric variation and differentiation Siah Mahi ..."
    H. Anvarifar, Hamid Farahmand, حسین رحمانی , Mohammad Ali Nematollahi, Mahmoud Karami, Arash Akbarzadeh
    Biological Science Promotion, Vol. 25, No 2, pp.20-26, 2012
  145. "Association analysis between morphometric and RAPD markers in siah mahi, Capoeta capoeta gracilis, within tajan river"
    حسین انوری فر , Hamid Farahmand, Mohammad Ali Nematollahi, حسین رحمانی , Mahmoud Karami, بیتا خلیلی
    ژنتیک نوین, Vol. 7, No 2, pp.165-173, 2012
  146. "Assessing the antioxidant enzymes activity as biomarkers of oil Bushehr..."
    مهرنوش شیرانی , علیرضا میرواقفی , Hamid Farahmand, محمد عبدالهی
    Journal of Animal Environment, Vol. 3, No 4, pp.63-72, 2012
  147. "اثر سد شهید رجائی بر تنوع و تمایز ژنتیکی سیاه ماهی ( Capoeta capoeta gracilis در رودخانه تجن ساری با استفاده از انگشت نگاری RAPD"
    حسین انوری فر , Hamid Farahmand, Mohammad Ali Nematollahi, حسین رحمانی , Mahmoud Karami, بیتا خلیلی
    manabe tabie iran, Vol. 63, No 3, pp.211-222, 2010
  148. "توالی یابی فاکتور رشد شبه انسولین - یک IGF-I در فیل ماهی Huso huso و بررسی بیان آ در بافت های مختلف"
    فاطمه پیکان حیرتی , Bagher Mojazi Amiri, Hamid Farahmand
    ژنتیک نوین, Vol. 4, No 3, pp.17-25, 2009
  149. "Bacterial anzyme production by Isolated bacteria from intestinal duct of Acanthopagrus lates in vitro condition"
    Gholamreza Rafiei, Saied Ziaeinejad, جاسم غفله مرمضی , Ali Reza Mirvaghefi, Hamid Farahmand
  150. "بررسی اثر سه جیره غذایی برگ درخت بر بازماندگی گاماروس کومارکی در شرایط ازمایشگاهی"
    Gholamreza Rafiei, مهرداد سرخیل , احمدی فر نصراله , Hamid Farahmand
    پژوهش و سازندگی, Vol. 21, No 2, pp.95-101, 2008
  151. "طراحی و بررسی عملکرد کشت توام ماهی تیلاپیا ( Oreochromis sp ) و کاهو ( Lactuca sativa var longifolia ) در یک سازگان مدار بسته"
    Gholamreza Rafiei, Hamid Farahmand, محمد صالح کامارودین
    manabe tabie iran, Vol. 59, No 1, pp.167-187, 2006

Conference Paper

  1. "Bioinformatic applications in aquaculture"
    Ahmad Bahmani nejad, Hamid Farahmand, Amirreza Abed-Elmdoust
    7th International Congress on Fisheries and Aquatic Research, 2023
  2. "Protective effects of Lactobacillus plantarum against Aeromonas hydrophila infection and histopathological alterations in zebrafish (Danio rerio)"
    Zohreh Saeidi, Ali Reza Mirvaghefi, Amirreza Abed-Elmdoust, Hamid Farahmand, Roghaye Safari, عیسی شریف پور
    7th International Congress on Fisheries and Aquatic Research, 2023
  3. "Semi quantitative expression of pepsinogen gene during larval development of Sobaity seabream, Sparidentex hasta"
    Samira Nazemroaya, Mohammad Ali Nematollahi, Bi Bi Razieh Yazdan Parast, Hamid Farahmand, Godrat Allah Mirzadeh
    1st International and 9th National Biotechnology Congress of Islamic Republic of Iran, 2015
  4. "Identification key of three Iranian endemic nemachilid species based on the neurocranium features"
    Parvin Mafakheri, Soheil Eigdari, Hamid Farahmand, Hamed Mousavii-sabet
    International Conference on Sustainable Development, Strategies & Challenges With a Focus on Agriculture, Natural Resources, Environment and Tourism, 2015
  5. "Allometric growth patterns of a triploid sturgeon (Acipenser baeri x (Huso huso during early development"
    مریم بهرامی زیارانی, Soheil Eigdari, Hadi Poorbagher, Hamid Farahmand
    First international larviculture conference in Iran, 2012
  6. "The effect of long-term triiodothyronin implantation on the growth performance and physiology of cultured female grate sturgeon (Huso huso("
    مهدی پاک طینت, مهوش خدابنده, Bagher Mojazi Amiri, Hamid Farahmand
    Domestication in finfish Aquaculture, 2012
  7. "A Simple Method for Purification of Low Levels of Beluga (Huso huso Vitellogenin"
    مهدی پاک تینت, مهوش خدابنده, Bagher Mojazi Amiri, Hamid Farahmand
    International Conference on Applied Life Sciences (ICALS2012, 2012
  8. "Erod GST Responses in Liver of Mudskipper periophthalmus waltoni at oil Polluted Areas"
    مهرنوش شیرانی, Ali Reza Mirvaghefi, Hamid Farahmand, محمد عبدالهی
    International confrenge proceddings of PSRC, 2012
  9. "Nuclear damage in gill cells of rock oyster collected from two areas of persian gulf"
    Ali Reza Mirvaghefi, Hamid Farahmand, احمد فرهادی, محمد باقر نبوی, Arash Javanshir Khoei
    international conference on monitoring and modeling of marine pollution incomp 2008, 2008
  10. "phytoplankton population dynamics and diversity of phytoplankton in a south caspian estuary vsdr dtudy on tajan river and its mouth"
    Arash Javanshir Khoei, مریم شاپوری, Afshin DanehKar, Hamid Farahmand
    aquaculture 2007, 2007
  11. "Possibility of cryopreservation of the algal species Spirulina (Arthrospira platensis) by vitrification"
    Faezeh Abbasi Rostami, Mohammad Ali Nematollahi, Hamid Farahmand, Amirreza Abed-Elmdoust
    2nd National Conference on New Biological Findings, 2021
  12. "Ontogeny some of the digestive enzymes in larvae Sobaity"
    Samira Nazemroaya, Mohammad Ali Nematollahi, Bi Bi Razieh Yazdan Parast, Hamid Farahmand, Godrat Allah Mirzadeh
    National- Regional conference of Marine fish, 2016
  13. "Pepsinogen gene expression in larvae of Sobaity and relation with growth"
    Samira Nazemroaya, Mohammad Ali Nematollahi, Bi Bi Razieh Yazdan Parast, Hamid Farahmand, Godrat Allah Mirzadeh
    National- Regional conference of Marine fish, 2016
  14. "Comparison of the caudal skeletal structure of three endemic species of the genus Oxynoemacheilus (O. persa,O. kiabii and O. bergianus)"
    Parvin Mafakheri, Soheil Eigdari, Hamid Farahmand, Hamed Mousavii-sabet
    The Third Iranian Conference of Ichthyology, 2015
  15. "The importance of use of PCR on health control of aquatic animals"
    Fatemeh Fatahi, Ali Reza Mirvaghefi, Hamid Farahmand, Gholamreza Rafiei
    the 3th national conference on agriculture , food and aquaculture in Iran, 2013
  16. "study of environmental condition blood sampling on DNA"
    سعید مودی, Hamid Farahmand, Ali Reza Mirvaghefi, Ali asghar Kosari
    The twelveth Gentic symposium, 2012
  17. "Evaluation of condition and storage solutions of fish blood samples to evaluate DNA damage"
    Saiid Moodi, Hamid Farahmand, Ali Reza Mirvaghefi, Ali Kosari
    12th Iranian Genetics Congeress, 2012
  18. "The study of diazinon on fish gill rainbow trout"
    سعید مودی, Hamid Farahmand, Ali Reza Mirvaghefi, Ali asghar Kosari
    The twelveth Gentic symposium, 2012
  19. "Investigation of the Genotoxicity to rainbow trout"
    Saiid Moodi, Hamid Farahmand, Ali Reza Mirvaghefi, Ali Kosari
    12 Iranian Genetics Congress, 2012
  20. "investigation ..."
    Iraj Hashemzadeh Segherloo, Hamid Farahmand, اصغر عبدلی
    12th genetic congress, 2012
  21. "Study of ergosan on growth of rainbow trout"
    Ali Reza Mirvaghefi, میلاد اکبری , مرضیه حیدریه, Hamid Farahmand
    Sevententh Iranian Veterinary Congress, 2012
  22. "Study of effects of Nucleotide on growth factors on rainbow trout"
    میلاد اکبری, مرضیه حیدریه, Ali Reza Mirvaghefi, Hamid Farahmand
    Sevententh Iranian Veterinary Congress, 2012
  23. "comparative investigation ...."
    Mokaram Ghobadi, Hamid Farahmand, کاظم کوکرم
    food, 2011
  24. "level changes ..."
    فاطمه پیکان حیرتی, Bagher Mojazi Amiri, Hamid Farahmand
    the first conference.., 2011
  25. "The study of genotoxic on Soccostra cuculatta"
    Hamid Farahmand, احمد فرهادی, Ali Reza Mirvaghefi, سعید مودی
    the seventh biotechnology symposium, 2011
  26. "Genes involved in sex determination and differentiation in teleosts"
    Mohammad Akhavan Bahabadi, Hamid Farahmand
    7th National Biotechnology Congress, 2011
  27. "انتخاب مناسب ترین ژن های رفرنس جهت مطالعات Real-time PCR در مراحل ابتدایی رشد و تکامل تاسماهیان"
    Hamid Farahmand, آرش اکبرزاده, فروزنده محجوبی, کمال الدین حق بین, Mohammad Ali Nematollahi, کاله روتکنن, میکو نیکینما
    هفتمین همایش ملی بیوتکنولوژی جمهوری اسلامی ایران, 2011
  28. "Karaj brown trout, Salmo trutta L. 1758, a remnant of ancestral populations"
    Hamid Farahmand, Iraj Hashemzadeh Segherloo, اصغر عبدلی
    7th National Biotechnology Congress, 2011
  29. "The study of DNA integrity of Huso Huso"
    Hamid Farahmand, سعید مودی, Ali Reza Mirvaghefi, حمید اسحاق زاده, علیرضا علیپور
    the seventh biotechnology symposium, 2011