پروفایل اساتید - دانشکده کشاورزی agri
Journal Paper
"How biofertilizers and intercropping pattern affect yield and nitrogen efficiency indices of maize?"
Reza Fatemi,
Seyed Mohammad Bagher Hoseini,
Hosain Moghadam,
Babak Motesharezadeh,
Zahra Ahmadabadi
Arabian Journal of Geosciences,
Vol. 16,
No 6,
"Earlier sowing combined with nitrogen fertilization to adapt to climate change effects on yield of winter wheat in arid environments Results from a field and modeling study"
Hosain Moghadam,
Mosataf Oveisi,
Mostafa Keshavarz Mehr,
Javad Bazrafshan,
محمدحسین نعیمی,
Behnaz pourmorad Kaleibar,
هاینز مولر
Vol. 146,
No 2,
"Agronomic, phytochemical and drought tolerance evaluation of Iranian cannabis (Cannabis sativa L.) ecotypes under different soil moisture levels: a step towards identifying pharmaceutical and industrial populations"
صادق اسدی,
Hosain Moghadam,
حسنعلی نقدی بادی,
Mohammad Reza Naghavi,
Seyed Alireza Salami Salami
Crop & Pasture Science,
Vol. 75,
No 6,
"Corn forage yield prediction using unmanned aerial vehicle images at mid-season growth stage"
Hafez Fathipoor,
Hossein Arefi,
Reza Shah Hosseini,
Hosain Moghadam
Journal of Applied Remote Sensing,
Vol. 13,
No 3,
"On-farm energy flow in grape orchards"
Mohsen Karimi,
Hosain Moghadam
Journal of the Saudi Society of Agricultural Sciences,
Vol. 17,
No 2,
"Surfactant and Limited Irrigation Effects on Forage and Seed Production and Water Use Efficiency in Alfalfa (Medicago Sativa L.)"
Sepide Rezayee Jafari,
Mohammad Reza Chaei Chi,
Hosain Moghadam
Vol. 7,
No 9,
"Response of a new and a commonly grown forage sorghum cultivar to limited irrigation and planting density"
Emad Jahanzad ,
Mahshid Jorat ,
Hosain Moghadam,
Amir Sadeghpour ,
Mohammad Reza Chaei Chi,
Mohammad Dashtaki
Vol. 117,
"Irrigation, phosphorus fertilizer and phosphorus solubilizing microorganism effects on yield and forage quality of Turnip (Brassica napa L.) in an arid region of Iran"
Reza Keshavarz Afshar,
Mohammad Reza Chaei Chi,
Hosain Moghadam,
Seied Mohammad Reza Ehteshami
Vol. 1,
No 4,
"Effect of Method and Time of Nitrogen Fertilizer Application on Growth,Development and Yield of Grain Sorghum"
Hosain Moghadam,
Mohammad Reza Chaei Chi,
Hamid Rahimiyan Mashhadi,
Gholamreza Savaghebi Firouz Abadi,
Abdolhadi Hosein Zadeh
Asian Journal of Plant Sciences,
Vol. 6,
No 1,
"Comparison of Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) and Onion (Allium cepa L.) Production Systems in Terms of Energy and Economic Indicators, and Greenhouse Gas Emissions Potential (Case Study of Cities in Alborz Province)"
Sadegh Nasirpour,
Mohammad Reza Jahansouz,
Hosain Moghadam,
Arash Mohammad Zadeh
Iranian Journal of Field Crop Science,
Vol. 54,
No 4,
"Evaluation of Energy Indicators in Monoculture, Intercropping, and Agroforestry Systems of Okra (Abelmoschus esculentus L.) Production in Khuzestan Province"
اشکان جلیلیان,
Mohammad Reza Jahansouz,
Hasan Ghasemimobtaker,
Mosataf Oveisi,
Hosain Moghadam
Iranian Journal of Field Crop Science,
Vol. 54,
No 2,
"The Effects of Deficit Irrigation, Planting Date and Biofertilizers on Phenological Traits, Yield and Quality of Quinoa"
Mohammad Jabbari Oranj,
Hosain Moghadam,
Mohammad Reza Jahansouz,
Ali Ahmadi,
Babak Motesharezadeh
Journal of Crops Improvement,
Vol. 25,
No 1,
"Evaluation of Environmental Indicators of Okra (Abelmoschus esculentus L) Production in Monoculture, Intercropping and Agroforestry Systems in Khuzestan Province"
اشکان جلیلیان,
Mohammad Reza Jahansouz,
Hasan Ghasemimobtaker,
Mosataf Oveisi,
Hosain Moghadam
Research in Mechanics of Agricultural Machinery,
Vol. 12,
No 1,
"Evaluation of economic and competitive indicators of okra (Abelmoschus esculentus) intercropping with cucumber (Cucumis sativus) in Khuzestan province"
اشکان جلیلیان,
Mohammad Reza Jahansouz,
Hasan Ghasemimobtaker,
Mosataf Oveisi,
Hosain Moghadam
Iranian Journal of Field Crop Science,
Vol. 54,
No 1,
"Effect of Deficit Irrigation, Planting Date and Biofertilizers on Agro-Morphological Traits, Leaf Nitrogen and Carbon Concentration and Seed Yield on Quinoa under Ardabil conditions"
Mohammad Jabbari Oranj,
Hosain Moghadam,
Mohammad Reza Jahansouz,
Ali Ahmadi,
Babak Motesharezadeh
Iranian Field crops research,
Vol. 21,
No 1,
"Evaluating root traits of Maize with different tillage, Nitrogen levels and drought"
اسماعیل افشون,
Hosain Moghadam,
Mohammad Reza Jahansouz,
Mosataf Oveisi,
Ehsan Rabieyan
Environment Stress in Crop Sciences,
Vol. 15,
No 3,
"Evaluation of physiological responses of cannabis ( Cannabis sativa L.) ecotypes under different levels of irrigation"
صادق اسدی,
Hosain Moghadam,
حسینعلی نقدی بادی,
Mohammad Reza Naghavi,
Seyed Alireza Salami Salami
Environment Stress in Crop Sciences,
Vol. 15,
No 2,
"Evaluation of light consumption efficiency in a Mixture of Maize and Beans Cultivation under the influence of biologic and organic fertilizers"
Reza Fatemi,
Seyed Mohammad Bagher Hoseini,
Hosain Moghadam,
Babak Motesharezadeh
Journal of Crops Improvement,
Vol. 23,
No 4,
"The Effect of Deficient Irrigation on Growth Period Duration and Phenology of Some Cannabis Ecotypes"
صادق اسدی,
Hosain Moghadam,
حسنعلی نقدی بادی,
Mohammad Reza Naghavi,
Seyed Alireza Salami Salami
Journal of Crops Improvement,
Vol. 23,
No 3,
"Evaluation of Yield and Yield Components of Rice cv. ‘Tarom Hashemi’ in System of Rice Intensification (SRI) and Conventional Systems"
Shayan Hossein poor,
Hosain Moghadam,
Hemmatollah Pirdashti
Agriculture Science and Sustainable Production,
Vol. 31,
No 3,
"Effect of tillage, stress of water deficit and nitrogen fertilizer on yield of forage corn (Zea mays L.)"
اسماعیل افشون,
Hosain Moghadam,
Mohammad Reza Jahansouz,
Mosataf Oveisi
Environment Stress in Crop Sciences,
Vol. 14,
No 3,
"Effect of tillage, water stress and nitrogen fertilizer on forage quality of maize in Karaj"
اسماعیل افشون,
Hosain Moghadam,
Mohammad Reza Jahansouz,
سعید صوفی زاده,
Mosataf Oveisi
Iranian Journal of Field Crop Science,
Vol. 52,
No 3,
"Effect of tillage, nitrogen fertilizer and water stress on crop growth indices and yield of forage corn (Zea mays L.)"
اسماعیل افشون,
Mohammad Reza Jahansouz,
Hosain Moghadam,
Mosataf Oveisi
Journal of Crops Improvement,
Vol. 23,
No 2,
"Parameterization and Evaluation of APSIM-Wheat Model for Winter Wheat: Model Application under Climate Change"
Mostafa Keshavarz Mehr,
Hosain Moghadam,
Mosataf Oveisi,
Javad Bazrafshan
Journal of Crops Improvement,
Vol. 23,
No 1,
"Effect of organic and bio-fertilizers and additive and replacement intercropping systems on corn (Zea maize L.) and bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) yields."
Reza Fatemi,
Seyed Mohammad Bagher Hoseini,
Hosain Moghadam,
Babak Motesharezadeh
Iranian Journal of Field Crop Science,
Vol. 51,
No 4,
"Alfalfa yield prediction by some vegetative indices and environmental variables in Southern Khorasan: Case study of Sarayan"
سید عبداله محمدی,
Nasser Majnoun Hosseini,
Hosain Moghadam,
Mosataf Oveisi
Iranian Journal of Field Crop Science,
Vol. 51,
No 1,
"A review on agronomic, phytochemical and pharmacological aspects of cannabis (Cannabis sativa L.)"
Sadegh Asadi,
Hosain Moghadam,
Hasanali Naghdi Badi,
Mohammad Reza Naghavi,
Seyed Alireza Salami Salami
Journal of Medicinal Plants,
Vol. دوم- سال هجدهم,
"Effects of artificial seed aging on germination indices, seedling establishment and yield of two red kidney bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) cultivars"
Arash Mohammadzadeh,
Sadegh Asadi,
Nasser Majnoun Hosseini,
Hosain Moghadam,
Mohsen Jamali
Iranian Journal of Seed Science and Technology,
Vol. هفتم,
No 2,
"Journal of Agroecology"
Morad Mohammady,
Moh Reza Ghane,
Nasser Majnoun Hosseini,
Hosain Moghadam
Agricultural Ecology,
Vol. 10,
No 4,
"Yield & physiological traits response of Lentil (Lens culinaris) to chemical and bio-phosphorus fertilizers under different irrigation regimes"
Morad Mohammady,
Moh Reza Ghane,
Nasser Majnoun Hosseini,
Hosain Moghadam
Agricultural Ecology,
Vol. 10,
No 4,
"The effect of storage conditions on seed germination inidices and viability constant of lentil (Lens culinaris) and pea (Cicer arientinum) seed"
Asma Moeinzadeh,
Reza Tavakool Afshari,
Hosain Moghadam,
Amin Baghizadeh
Iranian Journal of Field Crop Science,
Vol. 49,
No 2,
"The Effect of Tillge system and plant densities on yield components of Soybean cultivars in Karaj condition"
اسماعیل افشون,
Mohammad Reza Jahansouz,
Seyed Mohammad Bagher Hoseini,
Hosain Moghadam
Iranian Journal of Field Crop Science,
Vol. 49,
No 2,
"effect of different water stress and nitrogen fertilizers levels on two red bean yield and characteristics"
Khyrolah Bayati,
Nasser Majnoun Hosseini,
Hosain Moghadam,
Reza Basiri
Iranian Journal of Field Crop Science,
Vol. 48,
No 4,
"effect of cover crop pre-planting and nitrogen application on some quantitative traits and yield of forage corn varieties"
Meysam Taheri,
Farhad Bayat,
Hosain Moghadam,
Nasser Majnoun Hosseini
Iranian Journal of Field Crop Science,
Vol. 48,
No 4,
"The mycorrhiza iron and zinc foliar application on quantitative and qualitative characteristics of forage sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L.)"
Mohsen Bagheri Dehabadi,
Hosain Moghadam,
Mohammad Reza Chaei Chi,
Nasrin Zilooei
Journal of Crops Improvement,
Vol. 19,
No 3,
"Study the effect of vetch (Vicia pannonica) as a first season sowing and green manure along with nitrogen fertilizer levels on forage maize yield"
Meisam Taheri,
Farhad Bayat,
Hosain Moghadam,
Nasser Majnoun Hosseini
Iranian Journal of Field Crop Science,
Vol. 48,
No 1,
"Isolation and characterization of growth-promoting bacteria from rhizosphere of Thymus danenensis and study of their potential for enhancement of seed germination"
Amirhosein Aghaahmadi,
Hosain Moghadam,
Farzad Najafi,
Darush Mazaheri,
Ahmad Ali Pourbabaee
Iranian Journal of Field Crop Science,
Vol. 47,
No 1,
"Effect of hydroprime and growth hormons on seed of vicia villosa"
Samana Ebadati,
Mohammad Entesari,
Nasser Majnoun Hosseini,
Hosain Moghadam
Iranian Journal of Seed Science and Technology,
Vol. 3,
No 2,
"Effect of Hydropriming and different levels of growth regulators, Salisilic acid, 2-4-D and Benzil Aminopyorin on amendment of seed decadence of hairy vetch and American vetch"
Samaneh Ebadati,
Mohammad Entesari,
Nasser Majnoun Hosseini,
Hosain Moghadam
Iranian Journal of Seed Science and Technology,
Vol. سوم,
No 2,
"Effect of density on quantitative and qualitative yield of forage sorghum under water limitation"
Yaghoob Raee,
Masoomeh Joorat,
Hosain Moghadam,
Mohammad Reza Chaei Chi,
Veria Visani
Agriculture Science and Sustainable Production,
Vol. 23,
No 4,
"Efficiency of reduced amounts of herbicides and integration of herbicides with mulch in controling of tomato weeds"
Sayed Shahram Shafiei,
Hassan Alizadeh,
Hosain Moghadam,
علیرضا یوسفی
Journal of Crops Improvement,
Vol. 15,
No 2,
"Study of effect of phosphorus, iron and zinc on quantity and quality characteristics of forage turnip"
Hosain Moghadam,
محمد دشتکی ,
مراد محمدی
Iranian Journal of Field Crop Science,
Vol. 43,
No 4,
"Evaluation of chemical weed management on two varieties of red beans in stale seedbed system"
محمد فرهنگ فر ,
هادی صیدی ,
محمد انتصاری ,
Hamid Rahimiyan Mashhadi,
Hosain Moghadam
Iranian Journal of Weed Science,
Vol. 8,
No 8,
"Effect of dry stress and levels of nitrogen fertilizer on physiologic characteristics of two red beans"
آرش محمدزاده ,
Nasser Majnoun Hosseini,
Hosain Moghadam,
مهدی اکبری
Iranian Journal of Crop Sciences,
Vol. 14,
No 2,
"water stress & Nitrogen effects on seed yield of two bean cultivars"
آرش محمدزاده ,
Nasser Majnoun Hosseini,
Hosain Moghadam,
مهدی اکبری
Iranian Journal of Field Crop Science,
Vol. 4,
No 1,
"Effect of deficit irrigation regims and chemical and biological phosphorous fertilizers on the quantity and quality of forage turnip"
Reza Keshavarz Afshar,
Mohammad Reza Chaei Chi,
Hosain Moghadam,
سید محمدرضا احتشامی
Iranian Journal of Field Crop Science,
Vol. 43,
No 3,
"Study the effect of chemical and biological fertilizers on yield and yield components of two lentil cultivars in different moisture conditions"
Morad Mohammadi,
Hosain Moghadam,
Nasser Majnoun Hosseini,
Ali Ahmadi,
Kazem Khavazi
Iranian Journal of Field Crop Science,
Vol. 42,
No 4,
"Effects of Foliar Application of Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria on Forage and Grain Yield of Forage Sorghum (var. Speedfeed)"
رضا کشاورز افشار ,
Mohammad Reza Chaei Chi,
علی علیپور جهانگیری ,
محیا انصاری جوینی ,
Hosain Moghadam,
سید محمدرضا احتشامی ,
کاظم خاوازی
Iranian Journal of Field Crop Science,
Vol. 42,
No 3,
Conference Paper
"Evaluation of phenotypic properties and seed oil content of hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) ecotypes in Iran"
Sadegh Asadi,
Hosain Moghadam,
Hasanali Naghdi Badi,
Mohammad Reza Naghavi,
Seyed Alireza Salami Salami
9th International conference on science, engineering and technology (WICSET2019),
"Effects of phosphorous solubilizing bacteria on Turnip forage production at limited irrigation system"
رضا کشاورزافشار,
Mohammad Reza Chaei Chi,
Hosain Moghadam,
سیدمحمد رضا احتشامی
International conference on organic agriculture in scope of environmental problems,
"Study the effect of phosphorus and iron fertilizers on yield and yield components of two wheat cultivars"
Sadegh Nasirpour,
Hosain Moghadam
17th national congress and 3rd international congress of agronomy and plant breeding sciences,
"Germination responses of two cultivars of wheat to temperature and potassium nitrate"
Akbar Seifi,
Mojtaba Hoseinian,
Narges Asadian,
Hamidreza Kazemian,
Atefeh Aziztooli,
Niloofar Amini,
Aliasghar Aghamohamadi,
Taiebeh Sabzevari,
Hosain Moghadam
3rd International & 15th National Iranian Crop Science Congress,
"Predicting seed longevity of mungbean (Vigna radiata) seeds in different conditions of storage"
Asma Moeinzadeh,
Reza Tavakol Afshari,
Hosain Moghadam,
Amin Baghizadeh
2nd international & 14th national Iranian crop science congress,
"Effect of deficit irrigation and nitrogen on bean yield"
Khyrolah Bayati,
Nasser Majnoun Hosseini,
Hosain Moghadam
The 6 Iranian pulse crops symposium,
"Effect of biofertilizer (Azorizobium bacteria) in different stages of growth and development on yield and yield components of wheat"
Farhad Bayat,
Hosain Moghadam
The 1st annual Iranian agriculture research conference,
"Response of forage sorghum to application of biofertizer and spaying of micronutrients"
Mohsen Bagheri Dehabadi,
Hosain Moghadam,
Mohammad Reza Chaei Chi
First national conference of food health,
"study of some morphological characters of forage sorghum effected by application of biofertilizer and foliar micoelements"
Mohsen Bagheri Dehabadi,
Hosain Moghadam,
Mohammad Reza Chaei Chi,
Nasrin Zilooei,
Reza Hoseinipoor,
Aminallah Moosavi
First international and thirteenth Iranian crop science congress and third Iranian seed science and technology conference,
"Effect of biological fertilizer and foliar application of some micoelements on some physiological , quality characteries of forage in sorghum (pegah var)"
Mohsen Bagheri Dehabadi,
Hosain Moghadam,
Mohammad Reza Chaei Chi,
Nasrin Zilooei,
Aminallah Moosavi,
Reza Hoseinipoor
First international and thirteenth Iranian crop science congress and third Iranian seed science and technology conference,
"Effects of cover crops on protection and productivity of soil and sustainable production"
Farhad Bayat,
Meisam Taheri,
Hosain Moghadam
National confrence of climate changes and engineering of sustainable development of agriculture and natural resources,
"Study the effects of different fertilizing systems include biological, organic and chemical on growth and essential oil in cultivation of Thymus daenensis"
Amirhosein Aghaahmadi,
Hosain Moghadam,
Farzad Najafi,
Darush Mazaheri,
Ahmad Ali Pourbabaee
3rd national congress on medicinal plants,
"Study of effect of Mycorrhiza biofertilizer and foliar Fe and Zn on the concentration of these elements in forage sorghum"
Mohsen Bagheri Dehabadi,
Hosain Moghadam,
Mohammad Reza Chaei Chi,
Nasrin Zilooei,
Mehdi Ebadi,
Keivan Poorhoseini
Third Iranian national conference of plant physiology,
"Food security and sustainable development of agriculture and natural resources"
Farhad Bayat,
Hosain Moghadam
National conference of engineering and management of sustainable agriculture, environment and natural resourcesl,
"Application of Humic substances a step towards of sustainable production of agricultural products"
Farhad Bayat,
Hosain Moghadam
National conference of engineering and management of sustainable agriculture, environment and natural resources,
"Effect of Azorhizobium bacteria in providing nitrogen of non-host plants and decrease application of nitrogen chemical fertilizer"
Farhad Bayat,
Hosain Moghadam
National conference of engineering and management of sustainable agriculture, environment and natural resources,
"Effect of some biofertilizers on germination and primary growth of corn undesr salinity stress in greenhouse condition"
Ali Saffar,
Hosain Moghadam,
Seiedeh Anis Sadeghian Dehkordi
First national congress of sustainable development of agriculture with application of agronomic pattern,
"Evaluation stale seedbed method in weed management on two varieties of red beans"
Mohammad Farhangfar,
Hamid Rahimiyan Mashhadi,
Mostafa Oveisi,
Hosain Moghadam
5 th iranian weed science congress,
"Evaluating theefficiency of pre-emergence herbicides integrated with mulchesin tomato weed control"
Sayed Shahram Shafiei,
Hosain Moghadam,
Sirvan Babaei,
Hassan Alizadeh
5th Iranian Weed Science Congress,
"Effect of bio & chemical fertilizers on"
Nasser Majnoun Hosseini,
Morad Mohammadi,
Hosain Moghadam
fourth Iranian pulse crops symposium,
"study of nano chelated fertilizer on"
Nasser Majnoun Hosseini,
حسن مجیدی دیزج,
Arash Moham,
Hosain Moghadam,
Nasim Bagh
12Th Iranian soil science congress,
"Effect of nano chelated iron on"
Nasser Majnoun Hosseini,
Arash Mohammad Zadeh,
Hassan Majidi,
Hosain Moghadam,
Nasim Bagha
2nd national conference of plant physiology in Iran,
"Effect of water deficiet condition and different phosphate fertilizer on qualitative characteristics of turnip shoot forage"
رضا کشاورزافشار,
Mohammad Reza Chaei Chi,
Hosain Moghadam,
محمد رضا احتشامی
ifth congress on new ideas in agriculture,
"Comparison of qualitative characteristics of turnip shoot and tuber forage under limited irrigation regimes and phosphate biological fertilizer"
رضا کشاورزافشار,
Mohammad Reza Chaei Chi,
Hosain Moghadam,
محمد رضا احتشامی
Fifth congress on new ideas in agriculture,
"effect of drought stress on 15 lentil genotypes in germination period and seedling growth using PEG"
Morad Mohammadi,
Nasser Majnoun Hosseini,
Hosain Moghadam,
Ali Ahmadi,
Arash Moham
11th Iranian congress of crop science,
"Effect of foliar application of plant growth promoting bacteria on Yield and physiological indices of forage sorghum"
رضا کشاورزافشار,
Mohammad Reza Chaei Chi,
Hosain Moghadam,
سیدمحمد رضا احتشامی ,
کاظم خاوازی,
علی علیپور جهانگیری,
محیا انصاری جوینی
Eleventh congress of agronomy and plant breeding of Iran,