Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak

Assistant Professor

Update: 2025-03-13

Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak

College of Agriculture and Natural Resources / ANIMAL SCIENCE

Journal Paper

  1. "Integrated analysis of inflammatory mRNAs, miRNAs, and lncRNAs elucidates the molecular interactome behind bovine mastitis"
    Aliakbar Hassankhani, Maryam Bakherad, Abolfazl Bahrami, Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak, Renzon D Cosme Pecho, Mohammad Moradi Shahrbabak
    Scientific Reports, Vol. 13, No 1, 2023
  2. "Fat-tailed and thin-tailed lambs responses to glucose and insulin challenges during different energy balances"
    Hossein Zakariapour Bahnamiri, Mahdi Ganjkhanlou, Abolfazl Zali, Mostafa Sadeghi Sadeghi, Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak, Sara Ataei
    Journal of Livestock Science and Technologies, Vol. 11, No 1, 2023
  3. "Population structure identification of Turkmen and Darehshori horses using PCA, DAPC, and SPC methods"
    Ghazaleh Javanmard, Mohammad Moradi Shahrbabak, Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak, جواد رحمانی نیا , Mahdi Abbasi Firoozjaei, محمدباقر زندی باغچه مریم
    Journal of Agricultural Biotechnology, Vol. 14, No 4, pp.201-220, 2023
  4. "Genome-wide association studies for methane emission and ruminal volatile fatty acids using Holstein cattle sequence data"
    Ali Jalil Sarghaleh, Mohammad Moradi Shahrbabak, Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak, Ardeshir Nejati Javaremi, Mehdi Saatchi, Majid Khansafid, یونس میار
    BMC GENETICS, Vol. 21, No 129, pp.1-14, 2020
    پوریا داوودی, Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak, Hasan Mehrabani Yganeh, سید محمد قریشی فرد, Sajad Gholami, Rustam Abdullah R Panahi
    Slovak Journal of Animal Science, Vol. 53, No 2, 2020
  6. "Correction to: Genomic measures of inbreeding coefficients and genome-wide scan for runs of homozygosity islands in Iranian river buffalo, Bubalus bubalis"
    سید محمد قریشی فرد, Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak, mohammad hossein fallahi, ali jalil sarghale, Mohammad Moradi Shahrbabak, Rostam Abdolahi, مجید خان سفید
    BMC GENETICS, Vol. 21, No 1, 2020
  7. "Study of whole genome linkage disequilibrium patterns of Iranian water buffalo breeds using the Axiom Buffalo Genotyping 90K Array"
    م مخبر , Mohammad Moradi Shahrbabak, Mostafa Sadeghi Sadeghi, Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak, Alessandra Stella, Ezequiel Nicolzzi, John L. Williams
    PLoS One, Vol. 14, No 5, 2019
  8. "Linkage disequilibrium and within-breed genetic diversity in Iranian Zandi sheep"
    سید محمد قریشی فرد, Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak, ناهید پرنا, پوریا داوودی, Majid Khansafid
    Archives animal breeding, Vol. 62, No 1, pp.143-151, 2019
  9. "Expression of genes related to liver fatty acid metabolism in fat‐tailed and thin‐tailed lambs during negative and positive energy balances"
    Hossien Zakaria Pour, Mahdi Ganjkhanlou, Abolfazl Zali, Mostafa Sadeghi Sadeghi, Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak, Gholam Ali Nehzati Paghaleh
  10. "Accuracy of imputation of single-nucleotide polymorphism marker genotypes for water buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis) using different reference population sizes and imputation tools"
    Seyed Mohammad Ghoreishifar, Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak, Mohammad Moradi Shahrbabak, Ezequiel L. Nicolazzi, John L. Williams, Daniela Iamartino, Ardeshir Nejati Javaremi
    Livestock Science, Vol. 216, No 11, pp.174-182, 2018
  11. "Association Between Plasma Metabolites and Insulin sensitivity Indexes in Fat-Tailed and Thin-Tailed Lambs During Negative and Positive Energy Balances"
    Hossien Zakaria Pour, Mahdi Ganjkhanlou, Abolfazl Zali, Mostafa Sadeghi Sadeghi, Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak
    Iranian Journal of Veterinary Medicine, Vol. 12, No 3, 2018
  12. "A genome-wide scan for signatures of selection in Azeri and Khuzestani buffalo breeds"
    Mehdi Mokhber, Mohammad Moradi Shahrbabak, Mostafa Sadeghi Sadeghi, Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak, Alessandra Stella, Ezequiel Nicolzzi, Javad Rahmani Nia, John L. Williams
    BMC GENOMICS, Vol. 19, No 1, pp.1-9, 2018
  13. "Regulation of lipid metabolism in adipose depots of fat-tailed and thin-tailed lambs during negative and positive energy balances"
    Hosein Zakariapour Banamiri, Abolfazl Zali, Mahdi Ganjkhanlou, Mostafa Sadeghi Sadeghi, Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak
    GENE, Vol. 641, No 641, pp.203-211, 2018
  14. "Association of the calpastatin genotypes, haplotypes, and SNPs with meat quality and fatty acid composition in two Iranian fat- and thin-tailed sheep breeds"
    Mohsen Ali, Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak, Mohammad Moradi Shahrbabak, Mostafa Sadeghi Sadeghi, Alireza Yousefi
    SMALL RUMINANT RESEARCH, Vol. 149, No 1, pp.40-51, 2017
  15. "Identification of novel SNP in caprine β-lactoglobulin gene"
    Leila Gharah Daghi, Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak, Mostafa Sadeghi Sadeghi
    JOURNAL OF GENETICS, Vol. 95, No 3, pp.485-490, 2016
  16. "Polymorphism in the SCD gene is associated with meat quality and fatty acid composition in Iranian fat- and thin-tailed sheep breeds"
    Mohsen Aali, Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak, Mohammad Moradi Shahrbabak, Mostafa Sadeghi Sadeghi, Hamid Kahram
    Livestock Science, Vol. 188, No 1, pp.81-90, 2016
  17. "Identification of point mutations in exon 2 of GDF9 gene in Kermani sheep"
    Rasul Khodabakhzadeh, Mohamad Reza Mohamad Abadi, Ali Esmailzadeh, Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak
    POLISH JOURNAL OF VETERINARY SCIENCES, Vol. 19, No 2, pp.281-289, 2016
    Sahereh Joezy-shekalgorabi, Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak, Ali Ghorbani
    Journal of Animal and Plant Sciences-JAPS, Vol. 25, No 3, pp.640-644, 2015
  19. "Association of pituitary specific transcription factor-1 (POU1F1) gene polymorphism with growth and biometric traits and blood metabolites in Iranian Zel and Lori-Bakhtiari sheep"
    Ali Jalil Sarghaleh, Mohammad Moradi Shahrbabak, Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak, Mostafa Sadeghi Sadeghi, M. C. Mura
    MOLECULAR BIOLOGY REPORTS, Vol. 41, No 9, pp.5787-5792, 2014
  20. "Accoracy of real-time ultrasonography in assessing carcass traits in Torki-Ghashghaei sheep"
    S. Mehdi Hosseini Vardanjani, Seyed Reza Miraei Ashtiani, Abbas Pakdel, Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak
    Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology, Vol. 16, No 3, pp.791-800, 2014
  21. "chromium downregulates the expression of acetil coa carboxylase 1 gene in lipogenic tissues of domestic goats: apotential strategy for meet quality improvment"
    Mohammad Javad Najafpanah, Mostafa Sadeghi Sadeghi, Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak, Abolfazl Zali
    GENE, Vol. 48, No 543, pp.253-258, 2014
  22. "Detecting novel SNPs and breed-specific haplotypes at calpastatin gene in Iranian fat- and thin-tailed sheep breeds and their effects on protein structure"
    Mohsen Aali, Mohammad Moradi Shahrbabak, Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak, Mostafa Sadeghi Sadeghi
    GENE, Vol. 537, No 1, pp.132-139, 2014
    Ali Jalil Sarghaleh, Mohammad Moradi Shahrbabak, Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak, Hossein Mohammadi, Rostam Abdolahi
    Slovak Journal of Animal Science, Vol. 47, No 1, pp.12-18, 2014
  24. "Divergent Selection Effect on Reproductive Trait in Japanese Quails"
    Raheleh Sadeghi, Abbas Pakdel, Mohammad Moradi Shahrbabak, Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak
    Research Journal of Poultry Sciences, Vol. 6, No 1, pp.18-22, 2013
  25. "identifying novel snps and allelic sequences of the stearoyl-coa desathurase gene (scd) in fat-tailed and thin-tailed sheep breeds"
    Mohsen Aali, Mohammad Moradi Shahrbabak, Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak, Mostafa Sadeghi Sadeghi
    APPLIED BIOCHEMISTRY AND BIOTECHNOLOGY, Vol. -, No 13, pp.9635-9639, 2013
  26. "pedigree analysis of iran-black sheep and inbreeding effects on growth and reproduction traits on growth and reproduction traits"
    م سخایی مختاری, Mohammad Moradi Shahrbabak, اسماعیل زاداه, Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak, J.p. Gutierrezd
    SMALL RUMINANT RESEARCH, Vol. -, No 116, pp.14-20, 2013
  27. "pedegree annalysis of iran-black sheep and inbreeding effects on growth and reproduction traits"
    M.s. Mokhtari, Mohammad Moradi Shahrbabak, A.k. Esmaeilizadeh, Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak
    SMALL RUMINANT RESEARCH, Vol. -, No 1, pp.45-52, 2013
  28. "analysis of genetic relationship between reproductive vs. lamb growth traits in makooei ewes"
    حسین محمدی, Mohammad Moradi Shahrbabak, Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak
    The Journal of Agricultural Sciences, Vol. 3, No 15, pp.45-53, 2013
  29. "Analysis of Genetic Relationship between Reproductive vs. Lamb Growth Traits in Makooei Ewes"
    Hossein Mohammadi, Mohammad Moradi Shahrbabak, Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak
    Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology, Vol. 15, No 1, pp.45-53, 2013
  30. "Behavior of mouse spermatogonial stem-like cells on an electrospun nanofibrillar matrix"
    Malak Shakeri, Hamid Kahram, Abdolhossein Shahverdi , Ahmad Zare Shahneh, Faranak Tavakolifar , Mahdi Pirouz , Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak, Morteza Koruji , Hossein Baharvand
  31. "study of sheep prop1 gene polymorphism using pcr- rflp"
    Ali Jalil Sarghaleh, Mohammad Moradi Shahrbabak, Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak, Mostafa Sadeghi Sadeghi
    GENETICS IN THE 3RD MILLENNIUM, Vol. 2, No 3, pp.368-375, 2012
  32. "estimation of (co) variance and genetic prameters for growth traits in arman sheep"
    M.s. Mokhtari, Mohammad Moradi Shahrbabak, Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak, Mostafa Sadeghi Sadeghi
    Livestock Science, Vol. -, No 1, pp.38-47, 2012
  33. "analysis phenotipic and genetic charcteristics of longevity in zandi sheep breed of iran"
    حسین محمدی , Mohammad Moradi Shahrbabak, Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak
    ANIMAL SCIENCE JOURNAL, Vol. 15, No 1, pp.1461-1465, 2012
  34. "genetic correlations emong early growth trait with reproductive and ewe productivity traits in zel sheep"
    حسین محمدی, Mostafa Sadeghi Sadeghi, Mohammad Moradi Shahrbabak, Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak
    ANIMAL SCIENCE JOURNAL, Vol. 15, No 1, pp.1386-1391, 2012
  35. "analysis of the genetic relationship between ewe prodctivity traits and weight traits in makooei sheep"
    حسین محمدی, Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak, Mohammad Moradi Shahrbabak
    ANIMAL SCIENCE JOURNAL, Vol. 15, No 2, pp.26-30, 2012
  36. "genetic correlations for total litter weight weaned with prolificacy and growth traits in zandi sheep"
    حسین محمدی, Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak, Mohammad Moradi Shahrbabak
    ANIMAL SCIENCE JOURNAL, Vol. 15, No 1, pp.41-48, 2012
  37. "polymorfism exon10 of ghrgene by pcr sscp method and its assosiation with growth traits inkermani sheep"
    Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak, اسدی علی, Parviz Azizi, Saeideh Elahian
    Journal Of Animal Production(journal of agriculture), Vol. 14, No 2, 2012
  38. "Genetic parameter estimates for growth traits and prolificacy in Raeini Cashmere goats"
    H Mohammadi , Mohammad Moradi Shahrbabak, Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak
    TROPICAL ANIMAL HEALTH AND PRODUCTION, Vol. 44, No 6, pp.1213-1220, 2012
  39. "study of polymorphisms in the5" flanking region of the ovin igf-i gene in zel sheep"
    محمود هنرور, Mostafa Sadeghi Sadeghi, Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak, Shahab Behzadi, Hossein Mohammadi, ابوالقاسم لواف
    World Applied Sciences Journal, Vol. 5, No 16, pp.1818-1823, 2012
  40. "Direct and maternal (co)variance components, genetic parameters, and annual trends for growth traits of Makooei sheep in Iran"
    H Mohammadi , Mohammad Moradi Shahrbabak, Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak, M Vatankhah
    TROPICAL ANIMAL HEALTH AND PRODUCTION, Vol. 45, No 1, pp.185-191, 2012
  41. "two snp in stat5b gene and their association with breeding value of growth and egg production traits in mazandaran indigenous chicken"
    Mostafa Sadeghi Sadeghi, شهرام نیک نفس , Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak, سید احمد فاطمی
    Livestock Science, Vol. -, No 12, pp.160-166, 2012
  42. "Genetic analysis of ewe productivity traits in Makooei sheep"
    Hossein Mohammadi , Mohammad Moradi Shahrbabak , Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak
    SMALL RUMINANT RESEARCH, Vol. 107, pp.105-110, 2012
  43. "the role of major genes on important proudactive and economic trait in gout"
    Ali Jalil Sarghaleh, Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak, Hamidreza Amini, Mona Khalghi
    GENETICS IN THE 3RD MILLENNIUM, Vol. 8, No 2, pp.3137-3155, 2012
  44. "genetic parameter estimates for growth traits and prolificacy in raeini cashmere goats"
    حسین محمدی, Mohammad Moradi Shahrbabak, Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak
    Scientific Journal of Animal Science, Vol. -, No 44, pp.1213-1220, 2012
  45. "Estimation of genetic parameters of reproductive traits in Zandi sheep using linear and threshold models"
    Hossein Mohammadi , Mohammad Moradi Shahrbabak, Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak, Mahmud Vatankhah
    CZECH JOURNAL OF ANIMAL SCIENCE, Vol. 57, No 8, pp.382-388, 2012
  46. "Estimation of genetic parameters for economic important traits in Moghani Iranian sheep"
    M Bayeriyar , A H Khaltabadi Farahani , Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak
    AFRICAN JOURNAL OF BIOTECHNOLOGY, Vol. 10, No 65, pp.14678-14683, 2011
  47. "Environmental factors affecting the shape component of the lactation curves in holestein dairy cattle of Iran"
    Hadi Atashi , Mohammad Moradi Shahrbabak, Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak
    Livestock Research for Rural Development, Vol. 21, No 5, 2009
  48. "Effect of different levels of digestible undegradable protein on the fattening performance of Kermani male lambs"
    Mohammad Soflaei Shahrbabak , Yousef Rozbahan , Mohammad Moradi Shahrbabak, Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak
  49. "whole blood potassium polymorphism and other blood electrolytes of varamini sheep"
    Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak, Mohammad Moradi Shahrbabak, Hasan Mehrabani Yganeh
  50. "Use of microbial phytase for decrease of pollutant due to environmental poultry excreta phosphorus"
    Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak, Ali Mousapour , Mohsen Afsharmanesh
  51. "The effects of cholecalciferol and phytase on phytate phosphorus utilization in laying hens"
    Ali Musapuor , Javad Pourreza , Ali Samie , Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak
  52. "Identification of genomic variants and considering their effects in Mazandarani buffaloes"
    [] [], Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak, Mohammad Moradi Shahrbabak
    Iranian Journal of animal Science(Iranian Journal Of Agriculture Science), Vol. 55, No 4, pp.713-725, 2024
  53. "Genom-wide association study to identify the loci related to resistance in Leukosis disease in Iranian Holstein cattle"
    Farnaz Argomand Kermani, Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak, Mohammad Moradi Shahrbabak, hoseyn mohammadi, Mehdi Javannikkhah, Younos Dosti
    Journal Of Animal Production(journal of agriculture), Vol. 26, No 3, 2024
  54. "Scanning genomic signatures of selection Turkoman and Thoroughbred horse breeds"
    [] [], Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak
    Journal of Agricultural Biotechnology, Vol. 16, No 1, pp.69-86, 2024
  55. "Genome-wide association study associated with first lambing age and lambing interval traits in Zandi sheep"
    حسین محمدی, Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak
    Journal of Agricultural Biotechnology, Vol. 16, No 1, pp.195-208, 2024
  56. "Genome-wide association study to identify genomic regions associated with Johne's disease in Iranian Holstein cattle"
    Younos Dosti, Mohammad Moradi Shahrbabak, Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak, hoseyn mohammadi, Mehdi Javan nikkhah, Farnaz Argomand Kermani
    Iranian Journal of animal Science(Iranian Journal Of Agriculture Science), Vol. 55, No 1, pp.31-45, 2024
  57. "Identification of genomic variations of Azeri buffaloes using whole genome sequencing"
    [] [], Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak, Mohammad Moradi Shahrbabak
    Journal of Agricultural Biotechnology, Vol. 15, No 4, pp.227-238, 2023
  58. "Identification and Classification of Genome Variants of Khuzestan River Buffalos Using Sequencing Technology"
    [] [], Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak, Mohammad Moradi Shahrbabak
    Research On Animal Production(Scientific and Research), Vol. 14, No 41, pp.98-104, 2023
  59. "Effect of conjugated linoleic acid and sodium acetate on dry matter imtake, performance and milk fatty acid profile in Holstein cows"
    Sahar Karimi, Mahdi Ganjkhanlou, Kamran Rezayazdi, Abolfazl Zali, Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak, Mahdi Zhandi, Hamed Khalilvandi Behroozyar
    Iranian Journal of animal Science(Iranian Journal Of Agriculture Science), Vol. 54, No 4, 2023
  60. "Genome wide association study based on pathway analysis relate to wool traits in Zandi sheep breed"
    hoseyn mohammadi, Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak, محمد شمس اللهی
    Journal Of Animal Production(journal of agriculture), Vol. 25, No 3, pp.241-254, 2023
  61. "Study of Polymorphism in Exon 4 of GH Gene and Exon 10 of GHR Gene and their Associati on with Carcass Traits in Zel Breed Sheep Using PCR -SSCP"
    Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak, [] [], Rasul Khodabakhzadeh
    Research On Animal Production(Scientific and Research), Vol. 14, No 40, pp.94-101, 2023
  62. "Investigating the genetic diversity of Iranian native and Holstein cattle breeds using genomic data"
    Parisa Biabani, Hasan Mehrabani Yganeh, Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak, Mehdi Mohkber
    Animal Science Journal, Vol. 1, No 138, pp.98-87, 2023
  63. "Analysis of SNP Chip 70k Genomic Data to Identify Loci Related to Differentiation of Caspian and Kurdish Horses using Selection Sweep"
    Mohadeseh Nasirpour, Mohammad Moradi Shahrbabak, Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak, Hasan Mehrabani Yganeh, Younos Dosti
    Research On Animal Production(Scientific and Research), Vol. 14, No 39, pp.154-162, 2023
  64. "The Effect of Sodium Acetate and Conjugated Linoleic Acid on Feed Intake, Body Weight, Blood Metabolites, Milk Production and Composition and Liver Health Indicators in Fresh Cows"
    Sahar Karimi, Mahdi Ganjkhanlou, Kamran Rezayazdi, Abolfazl Zali, Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak, Mahdi Zhandi
    Research On Animal Production(Scientific and Research), Vol. 13, No 38, 2023
  65. "Genomic scan for selection signatures in native (Sarabi, Najdi and Taleshi) and Holstein cattle breeds using hapFLK method"
    Mehdi Farzi, Mohammad Moradi Shahrbabak, Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak, محمدباقر زندی باغچه مریم
    Iranian Journal of animal Science(Iranian Journal Of Agriculture Science), Vol. 53, No 3, pp.209-203, 2022
  66. "Study of coding genes and SNPs in the brain tissue genome of honeybee related to behavioral traits in Italian and African subspecies using RNA-Seq data analysis"
    Aliakbar Hassankhani, Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak, Mohammad Moradi Shahrbabak, Abolfazl Bahrami, Gholam Ali Nehzati Paghaleh, Mohammad Hossein Banabazi
    Journal of Agricultural Biotechnology, Vol. 14, No 2, pp.171-192, 2022
  67. "Genome-wide association study based on gene set enrichment method (pathway analysis) associated with litter size at birth in Zandi sheep"
    hoseyn mohammadi, Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak, Amir Taheri-yeganeh
    Journal of Agricultural Biotechnology, Vol. 14, No 1, pp.101-116, 2022
  68. "Identification of selective signatures associated with resistance to bovine leukosis (BLV) in Iranian Holstein cows"
    Mehdi Javannikkhah, Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak, محمدحسین مرادی, علی صادقی سفیدمزگی
    Iranian Journal of animal Science(Iranian Journal Of Agriculture Science), Vol. 52, No 1, pp.23-35, 2021
  69. "Genome wide association study to identify genome region associated with methane emission in cattle using 30K panel"
    Ali Jalil Sarghaleh, Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak, Mohammad Moradi Shahrbabak, Ardeshir Nejati Javaremi, Mehdi Saatchi, یونس میار
    Biological Science Promotion, Vol. 34, No 1, 2021
  70. "Genomic inbreeding estimation and evaluation of runs of homozygosity in Sarabi and Najdi cattle population"
    احد خصالی اقطاعی, مهدی وفای واله, Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak, غلامرضا داشاب
    Animal Science Journal, Vol. 127, No 33, pp.13-30, 2020
  71. "Genetic evaluation of retained placenta and metritis and identification of risk factors associated with these traits in the first three parities of Iranian Holstein cows"
    Abdollah Rezagholivand lahrod, Mohammad Moradi Shahrbabak, Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak, مرتضی ستایی مختاری
    Animal Science Journal, Vol. 32, No 125, pp.41-58, 2020
  72. "Estimation of effective population size of Iranian water buffalo by genomic data"
    م مخبر , Mohammad Moradi Shahrbabak, Mostafa Sadeghi Sadeghi, Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak, جواد رحمانی نیا
    Iranian Journal of animal Science(Iranian Journal Of Agriculture Science), Vol. 50, No 3, pp.197-205, 2019
  73. "Detection of selection signatures in Azeri and Mazandrani buffalo populations by high density SNP markers"
    Mahdi Mokhber Yousefabad, Mohammad Moradi Shahrbabak, Mostafa Sadeghi Sadeghi, Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak, جواد رحمانی نیا
    Iranian Journal of animal Science(Iranian Journal Of Agriculture Science), Vol. 50, No 2, pp.89-102, 2019
  74. "Study of differential gene expression in queen, drone and worker honey bee using RNA-seq data"
    Mohamadreza Attari, Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak, Gholam Ali Nehzati Paghaleh, Mohammad Hossein Banabazi, Mohammad reza Hashemi
    Iranian Journal of animal Science(Iranian Journal Of Agriculture Science), Vol. 50, No 2, pp.103-113, 2019
  75. "Study of the correlation among milk production traits, its components and the breeding value of these traits with predicted methane using volatile fatty acids in Iranian Holstein cattle"
    Ali Jalil Sarghaleh, Mohammad Moradi Shahrbabak, Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak, Ardeshir Nejati Javaremi, Mehdi Saatchi
    Iranian Journal of animal Science(Iranian Journal Of Agriculture Science), Vol. 50, No 1, pp.1-10, 2019
  76. "The accuracy of genomic prediction for milk traits in najdi cattle breed"
    Sayyed Mehdi Hossaini, محمد مهدی شریعتی, Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak, Mojtaba Tahmoorespour
    پژوهش و سازندگی, Vol. 32, No 122, 2019
  77. "Genetic evaluation of reproductive disorders and fertility traits in Holstein cows under standard and recursive mixed models"
    Abdolah Rezagholivand, Mohammad Moradi Shahrbabak, Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak, مرتضی ستایی مختاری
    Journal Of Animal Production(journal of agriculture), Vol. 20, No 4, pp.499-511, 2019
  78. "Sex determination in the canary based on the CHD gene located at the sex chromosome using feather"
    Hamid Reza Abdollahi, Hasan Mehrabani Yganeh, Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak
    Iranian Journal of animal Science(Iranian Journal Of Agriculture Science), Vol. 49, No 2, pp.257-265, 2018
  79. "Invistigation of effictive populatioin, linkage disequilibrium and haplotype block structure in Azarbaijani breed buffalo using high density SNP markers"
    Mohammadhossain Falahi, Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak, Mohammad Moradi Shahrbabak, Rustam Abdullah R Panahi
    Iranian Journal of animal Science(Iranian Journal Of Agriculture Science), Vol. 49, No 2, pp.247-255, 2018
  80. "Linkage disequilibrium and identification of haplotype blocks in Sarabi cows breed"
    Hamid Marzbani, Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak, Mohammad Moradi Shahrbabak
    Journal Of Animal Production(journal of agriculture), Vol. 20, No 1, pp.29-41, 2018
  81. "Multivariate study of ghrelin receptor gene and its relationship with blood parameters and traits Carcasses in Zel Shell and Shawl Sheep"
    Mahdi Abbasi, Hasan Mehrabani Yganeh, Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak, Rasul Khodabakhzadeh
    journal of ruminant research, Vol. 6, No 1, pp.17-30, 2018
  82. "Genome-wide analysis for detection of loci under positive selection in Zandi sheep breed"
    حسین محمدی, Abbas Raefat, Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak, Jalil Shodja, Mohammadhossain Moradi
    Iranian Journal of animal Science(Iranian Journal Of Agriculture Science), Vol. 48, No 4, pp.533-548, 2018
  83. "Detection of Polymorphism in Exon 2 of GDF9 gene in Pure and Crossbred of Pakistani Sheep"
    Rasul Khodabakhzadeh, Mohamad Reza Mohamad Abadi, Ali Esmailzadeh, Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak
    Research On Animal Production(Scientific and Research), Vol. 8, No 16, pp.158-165, 2017
  84. "Comparison of PCA and DAPC methods for analysis of Iranian Buffalo population structure using SNPchip90k data"
    Zahra Azizi, Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak, Mohammad Moradi Shahrbabak
    Iranian Journal of animal Science(Iranian Journal Of Agriculture Science), Vol. 48, No 2, pp.153-161, 2017
  85. "DNA Extraction from Hair Roots using Modified Salting out Method"
    Mahdi Mokhber Yousefabad, Mostafa Sadeghi Sadeghi, Mohammad Moradi Shahrbabak, Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak, Javad Rahmani, Mahdyeh Yosefi Darestani
    Research On Animal Production(Scientific and Research), Vol. 8, No 16, pp.145-151, 2017
  86. "Genetic classification of Azari and North ecotype Buffalo population using SVM method"
    Zahra Azizi, Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak, Mohammad Moradi Shahrbabak, Abbas Raefat, Jalil Shoja
    Iranian Journal of animal Science(Iranian Journal Of Agriculture Science), Vol. 47, No 2, pp.279-290, 2016
  87. "Study of population structure and stratification two ecotype s buffalo with dense single nucleotide polymorphism markers using Admixture, MDS, PCA and GC methods"
    Zahra Azizi, Abbas Raefat, Jalil Shodja, Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak, Mohammad Moradi Shahrbabak
    Journal of Agricultural Biotechnology, Vol. 8, No 2, pp.53-68, 2016
  88. "Identification of novel SNP in promoter of Insulin - Like Growth"
    Homa Arabi, Mohammad Moradi Shahrbabak, عباس پاکدل, Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak, Ali Esmailizadeh Koshkoiyeh
    Iranian Journal of animal Science(Iranian Journal Of Agriculture Science), Vol. 47, No 2, pp.303-313, 2016
  89. "Association of the melanocortin-3(MC3R) receptor gene with growth and reproductive traits in Mazandaran indigenous chicken"
    Mohammad Moazeni, Mohamad Reza Mohamad Abadi, Mostafa Sadeghi Sadeghi, Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak, Ali Esmailzadeh
    Journal of Livestock Science and Technologies, Vol. 4, No 2, pp.51-56, 2016
  90. "Study the polymorphism of Exon 4 of GH gene and exon 10 of GHR"
    Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak, Rasul Khodabakhzadeh, Mostafa Sadeghi Sadeghi, Amir Taheri-yeganeh
    Iranian Journal of animal Science(Iranian Journal Of Agriculture Science), Vol. 47, No 1, pp.51-61, 2016
  91. "Evaluation of different animal models to predict breeding value for growth traits in Lori Bakhtiari sheep"
    Seyyed Mehdi Hossainyfard, Mojtaba Tahmourespour, Mohamad Mehdi Shariati, Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak
    journal of livestock research, Vol. 4, No 4, pp.1-11, 2016
  92. "Morphological diversity of honey bee populations across the country based PCA and minimum variance (WARD) methods"
    Hossin Hadavichaharborg, Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak, Gholam Ali Nehzati Paghaleh, Ardeshir Nejati Javaremi
    journal of livestock research, Vol. 4, No 3, pp.59-68, 2015
  93. "Unsupervised clustering analysis of population and subpopulation structure using dense SNP markers"
    Javad Rahmani Nia, Seyed Reza Miraei Ashtiani, Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak
    Iranian Journal of animal Science(Iranian Journal Of Agriculture Science), Vol. 46, No 3, pp.277-287, 2015
  94. "Determination of camel weight - Yazdi breed- using biometrical traits by multivariate linear regression Analysis"
    Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak, Hadi Moghbeli, Mohammad Moradi Shahrbabak, Seyed Reza Miraei Ashtiani
    Animal Science Journal, Vol. 27, No 108, pp.25-34, 2015
  95. "Investigation of Polymorphism in Exon 4 of GH Gene and Its Association with Growth Traits in Kermani Sheep using PCR- SSCP"
    Akbar Asadi, Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak, Parviz Azizi, Saeideh Elahian, Saeed Abassi
    Research On Animal Production(Scientific and Research), Vol. 6, No 12, pp.139-144, 2015
  96. "Genome-wide survey of signature of positive selection in Khuzestani and Mazandrani buffalo breeds"
    Mehdi Mokhber, Mohammad Moradi Shahrbabak, Mostafa Sadeghi Sadeghi, Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak, John Wiliams
    Iranian Journal of animal Science(Iranian Journal Of Agriculture Science), Vol. 46, No 2, pp.119-131, 2015
  97. "Identify of G ― ›A point mutation at positions 477 and 721 in exon 2 of GDF9 gene in Kermani sheep"
    Rasul Khodabakhzadeh, Mohammad Reza Mohamadabadi, Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak, Ali Esmailzadeh, Farhad Bordbar
    ژنتیک نوین, Vol. 10, No 2, pp.259-266, 2015
  98. "Study of Polymorphism of β-Lactoglobulin Gene in Exon 7 and its Association with Milk Production Traits in Mahabadi Goats Using PCR-SSCP"
    Leila Gharah Daghi, Mostafa Sadeghi Sadeghi, Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak, Mahdi Ganjkhanlou
    Research On Animal Production(Scientific and Research), Vol. 6, No 11, pp.120-125, 2015
  99. "Comparison of camels blood electrolytes in four geographic regions of Iran"
    Ameneh Rahimi, Saeed Zeinoaldini, Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak
    journal of livestock research, Vol. 4, No 1, pp.35-41, 2015
  100. "Comparison d ifferent models for e stimation genetics parameter of growth traits with the likelihood ratio test in Kermani sheep breed"
    Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak, Amir Hossein Khaltabadi Farahni, Hossein Mohammadi
    ANIMAL SCIENCE RESEARCHES, Vol. 24, No 3, pp.1-11, 2015
  101. "Effect of different dosage of eCG on reproductive performance in Mahabadi goats during the breeding season"
    Nariman Jafarzadeh, Mohammad Moradi Shahrbabak, Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak, Abdollah Rezagholivand
    ANIMAL SCIENCE RESEARCHES, Vol. 24, No 3, pp.13-20, 2014
  102. "Selection and validation the parameters in multiple linear and principal component regression for prediction fat-tail weight"
    S. Mehdi Hoseini Vardanjani, Seyed Reza Miraei Ashtiani, Abbas Pakdel, Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak
    Animal Science Journal, Vol. 27, No 104, pp.91-100, 2014
  103. "Polymorphisms in Exon 17 of DGAT1 Gene and Its Association with Milk Production Traits in Mahabadi Goat Breed Using PCR-SSCP"
    Zahra Azizi, Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak, Mohammad Moradi Shahrbabak, Abolfazl Zali
    Research On Animal Production(Scientific and Research), Vol. 5, No 9, pp.108-117, 2014
  104. "Factors associated with mortality from birth to yearling age in Moghani lambs"
    Hamed Rezaei, Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak, Mohammad Moradi Shahrbabak, Mehdi Bayeriyar
    Iranian Journal of animal Science(Iranian Journal Of Agriculture Science), Vol. 45, No 1, pp.51-58, 2014
  105. "Parameters and genetic trends for weaning traits in sheep staring ago"
    Parviz Azizi, Mohsen Aali, Mohammad Moradi Shahrbabak, Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak, Hadi Moghbeli
    journal of livestock research, Vol. 2, No 4, pp.1234-1231, 2014
  106. "study polymorphism of IGFBP3 gene and its relationship with carcass trait and"
    Ali Gazikhani Shad, Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak, Mostafa Sadeghi Sadeghi, Reza Faraji
    Journal of Agricultural Biotechnology, Vol. 5, No 4, pp.97-110, 2014
  107. "syudy of genetic structure of calpastatin gene and its relationship with"
    Mohsen Aali, Mohammad Moradi Shahrbabak, Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak, Mostafa Sadeghi Sadeghi
    Journal of Agricultural Biotechnology, Vol. 5, No 4, pp.50-65, 2013
  108. "a study of polly morfism of exon"
    Zahra Azizi, Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak, Mohammad Moradi Shahrbabak, Abolfazl Zali
    journal of livestock research, Vol. 2, No 3, 2013
  109. "Effect of synbiotic Biomin IMBO on performance, serum lipid and humoral immune response in broiler chicks"
    Morteza Mehri, Hosein Ali Ghasemi, Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak
    Animal Production Research, Vol. 2, No 3, pp.59-66, 2013
  110. "determining the polymorphism of calpastatin gene's exon 6 using PCR-SSCP method and it's relation with carcass traits in Lori-Bakhtiari and Zel-Atabi sheep"
    Mohsen Aali, Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak, Mohammad Moradi Shahrbabak, Mostafa Sadeghi Sadeghi
    Iranian Journal of animal Science(Iranian Journal Of Agriculture Science), Vol. 44, No 2, pp.121-130, 2013
  111. "The trend of growth traits in sheep shall"
    حسین محمدی, Mohammad Moradi Shahrbabak, Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak
    ژنتیک نوین, Vol. 8, No 2, pp.159-168, 2013
  112. "The Role of Major Genes on Important Productive and Economic Traits In Goat"
    Ali Jalil Sarghaleh, Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak, Hamidreza Amini, Mona Khalghi
    GENETICS IN THE 3RD MILLENNIUM, Vol. 11, No 2, pp.3136-3155, 2013
  113. "Fitting of univariate and multivariate regression equations to predict weight of fat-tail and carcass parts from physical characteristics"
    Mehdi Hosini, Seyed Reza Miraei Ashtiani, Abbas Pakdel, Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak, حسن فضائلی
    پژوهش و سازندگی, Vol. 98, No 1, pp.34-43, 2013
  114. "Measurement of Subcutaneous Fat Thickness and Longissimus Dorsi Muscle through Ultrasound to Estimate Carcass Composition in Live Moghani Sheep"
    Mehdi Hosini, Seyed Reza Miraei Ashtiani, Abbas Pakdel, Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak
    Iranian Journal of animal Science(Iranian Journal Of Agriculture Science), Vol. 43, No 4, pp.513-520, 2013
  115. "study polymorphism of PROP1 gene"
    Ali Jalil Sar Gale, Mohammad Moradi Shahrbabak, Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak, Mostafa Sadeghi Sadeghi
    GENETICS IN THE 3RD MILLENNIUM, Vol. 10, No 4, pp.2907-2911, 2013
  116. "Environmental study of genetic and phenotypic growth traits in sheep scarf"
    حسین محمدی, Mohammad Moradi Shahrbabak, Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak
    ژنتیک نوین, Vol. 2, No 1, pp.21-26, 2013
  117. "Sheep prop1 polymorphism method pcr-sscp"
    Ali Jalil Sarghaleh, Mohammad Moradi Shahrbabak, Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak, Mostafa Sadeghi Sadeghi
    Iranian Journal of animal Science(Iranian Journal Of Agriculture Science), Vol. 6, No 8, pp.587-592, 2012
  118. "estimation Parameters of reproductive traits in sheep sheep shall"
    Hossain Mohammadi, Mohammad Moradi Shahrbabak, Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak
    Research On Animal Production(Scientific and Research), Vol. 3, No 6, pp.35-45, 2012
  119. "Polymorphism in exon 10 of the human growth hormone receptor and its association with growth traits in Kermani Sheep sscp"
    Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak, Akbar Asadi, Parviz Azizi, Saeideh Elahian
    Journal Of Animal Production(journal of agriculture), Vol. 14, No 2, pp.43-50, 2012
  120. "The study of polymorphism in the 5 'Flankyng insulin-like growth factor gene and association with carcass traits in Lori-Bakhtiari breed fat-tailed and looking Dnh"
    Mahmood Honarvar, Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak, Mostafa Sadeghi Sadeghi, Shahab Behzadi, lمحمدرضا محمدآبادی
    Journal of Agricultural Biotechnology, Vol. 4, No 2, pp.103-115, 2012
  121. "Study of Transferin polymorphism with economic traits of carcass and fox in Makooei sheep"
    Amir Hossein Khaltabadi Farahni, Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak, Hossein Mohammadi
    Iranian Journal of animal Science(Iranian Journal Of Agriculture Science), Vol. 43, No 1, pp.141-149, 2012
  122. "Estimation of covariance components and total weight of lambs weaned per ewe Amyrsh Vntyky Paamtrhay race Zandi"
    Hossein Mohammadi, Mohammad Moradi Shahrbabak, Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak
    journal of livestock research, Vol. 1, No 1, pp.541-548, 2012
  123. "Use Of Principal Components Analysis to Prediction Fat-tail Weight Trait in Lori-Bakhtiari Sheep"
    Mohammad Reza Bakhtiari Zadeh, Mohammad Moradi Shahrbabak, Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak, م وطن خواه
    Iranian Journal of animal Science(Iranian Journal Of Agriculture Science), Vol. 43, No 1, pp.103-111, 2012
  124. "Genetic Polymorphism of Hemoglobolin, Transferin and Albumin and their relation with Some Productive Traits in Kermani Sheep Breed"
    Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak, Zekaria Ghadiri, Mohammad Moradi Shahrbabak, قدرت الله رحیمی میانجی
    Iranian Journal of animal Science(Iranian Journal Of Agriculture Science), Vol. 43, No 1, pp.131-140, 2012
  125. "study capacazein gene and assosiation between quality and quantity on the goat milk"
    Ali Chichahi, Mohammad Moradi Shahrbabak, Siamak Yousefi Siahkalrodi, Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak
    Iranian Veterinary Journal, Vol. 3, No 263, pp.31-34, 2012
  126. "Mays·h various model parameters ratio nomads p re-weaning growth traits in sheep scarf"
    حسین محمدی, Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak
    Animal Science Journal, Vol. 94, No 4, pp.121-129, 2012
  127. "study of changes in polymorphism in transferine to economic traits ."
    امیرحسین خلت آبادی فراهانی , Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak, حسین محمدی
    Iranian Journal of animal Science(Iranian Journal Of Agriculture Science), Vol. 43, No 1, pp.141-149, 2012
  128. "Models were fitted to estimate animal and carcass weights and measures body fat scale method using pca race Makui"
    Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak, Mohammad Moradi Shahrbabak, Amirhosin Khalat Abadi Frahani
    Iranian Journal of animal Science(Iranian Journal Of Agriculture Science), Vol. 4, No 3, pp.256-260, 2012
  129. "study of genetic parameter of growth trait of"
    حسن محمدی عمارت, Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak
    ANIMAL SCIENCE RESEARCHES, Vol. 1, No 1, pp.51-63, 2011
  130. "analysis of ovine transferrin polymorphisms and their raltionship"
    Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak, امیر حسین خلت آبادی فراهانی , Mohammad Moradi Shahrbabak, حسین محمدی
    Journal of Agricultural Biotechnology, Vol. 2, No 2, pp.71-82, 2011
  131. "The role of non-coding RNA in regulating gene expression"
    حسین محمدی, Mohammad Moradi Shahrbabak, Mostafa Sadeghi Sadeghi, Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak, حمیدرضا قدیمی
    GENETICS IN THE 3RD MILLENNIUM, Vol. 8, No 4, pp.2190-2202, 2011
  132. "comparison of afficiency of expliotation buffer..."
    Mostafa Sadeghi Sadeghi, حسین محمدی , Mohammad Moradi Shahrbabak, Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak
    GENETICS IN THE 3RD MILLENNIUM, Vol. 8, No 4, pp.5155-2161, 2011
  133. "estimate"
    محمد صاحب هنر , Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak, Seyed Reza Miraei Ashtiani, محمدباقر صیادنژاد
    Iranian Journal of animal Science(Iranian Journal Of Agriculture Science), Vol. 41, No 2, pp.173-184, 2010

Conference Paper

  1. "The comparison of Nuclease activity in chicken egg albumen with commercial DNase I enzyme"
    Hamidreza Amini, Abbas Pakdel, Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak, Shahin Eghbalsaeid
    1st international & 13 iranian genetic congress, 2014
  2. "presence of nuclease in the chicken egg white could attenuate chicken transgenesis efficiency through smgt"
    Hamidreza Amini, Abbas Pakdel, Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak, شاهین اقبال سعید
    international conferance on new ideas in agriculther isfahan, 2014
  3. "Expression  of  acetyl-CoA  carboxylase  alpha  (ACC-α)  in thin and fat tail sheep breeds associated with lipogenesis pathway"
    Hojatollah Mousapour, Ardeshir Nejati Javaremi, Mohammad Moradi Shahrbabak, Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak, Mohammad Javad Najaf Pnah
    ASAS midwestern section and ADSA midwest branch, 2013
  4. "Associations of pituitary specifc transcription factor-1  (POU1F1) gene polymorphisms with growth and carcass traits in sheep"
    Ali Jalil Sarghaleh, Mohammad Moradi Shahrbabak, Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak, Mostafa Sadeghi Sadeghi
    ASAS midwestern section and ADSA midwest branch, 2013
  5. "Fitting regression models for fat-tailed and carcass weight with PCA analysis method in Makoei sheep"
    Mohammad Moradi Shahrbabak, Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak, امیرحسین خلت ابادی فراهانی , هادی اتشی
    60th EAAP annual meeting, 2009
  6. "The effect of different levels of digestible undegradable protein on the fattening performance of Kermani male lambs"
    محمد سفلایی, یوسف روزبهان, Mohammad Moradi Shahrbabak, Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak
    AHAT/BSAS International Congress, 2005
  7. "the study effect of heat stress on testis tissue modified on baloochi male lambs"
    Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak, محمد علی فرقانی, امیرحسین خلت ابادی فراهانی , محمد فولادی
    AHAT-BSAS, 2005
  8. "The effect of different level of digestible undegradable protein on the fattening performance of kermani male lamb"
    محمد سفلایی, یوسف روزبهان, Mohammad Moradi Shahrbabak, Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak
    AHAT-BSAS, 2005
  9. "study effect of housing management on testis tissue modified on kermani male lamb"
    محمد فرقانی, Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak, امیرحسین خلت ابادی فراهانی
    BSAS, 2005
  10. "study of whole blood potassium polymorphysm and its relationship with other blood electrolyte of kermani sheep"
    Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak, Mohammad Moradi Shahrbabak, قدرت اله رحیمی, Ali Nikkhah Nikkhah
    57th annual meeting, 2005
  11. "Study and Association of Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms in Exon Three of the Leptin Gene with Carcass Traits in Lori Bakhtiari and Atabai-Zel Crossbred Sheep"
    Parviz Azizi, Mohammad Moradi Shahrbabak, Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak, زینب اصل زارع
    7th national conference of management.., 2024
  12. "Association Study of Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms in Exon Two of the Leptin Gene with Growth Traits in Lori-Bakhtiari and Zel Sheep"
    Parviz Azizi, Mohammad Moradi Shahrbabak, Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak, سارا نژادی
    7th national conference of management.., 2024
  13. "Identification and association Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms in Exon Two of the Leptin Gene with carcass Traits in Lori-Bakhtiari and Zel-atabay Sheep"
    Parviz Azizi, Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak, Mohammad Moradi Shahrbabak, سارا نژادی
    fourth national congress on advanced research in animal science, 2024
  14. "Association Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms in Exon three of the Leptin Gene with growth Traits in Lori-Bakhtiari and Zel Sheep"
    Parviz Azizi, Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak, Mohammad Moradi Shahrbabak, زینب اصل زارع
    fourth national congress on advanced research in animal science, 2024
  15. "Survey and identification of genetic differentiation between Iranian North-West native and Chinan Hu sheep breeds"
    Parviz Azizi, Mohammad Moradi Shahrbabak, Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak, Mehdi Mohkber
    6th international & 18th Iranian Genetics Congress, 2024
  16. "Identification of genetic differentiation between Iranian native and Icelandic sheep breed"
    Parviz Azizi, Mohammad Moradi Shahrbabak, Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak, Mehdi Mohkber
    6th international & 18th Iranian Genetics Congress, 2024
  17. "Gene Set Enrichment Analysis to identify genomic regions associated with Johne's disease in Holstein cattle"
    Younos Dosti, Mohammad Moradi Shahrbabak, Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak, hoseyn mohammadi, Farnaz Argomand Kermani
    the 10th national and 2th international animal science congress of iran, 2023
  18. "Gene Set Enrichment Analysis to identify genomic regions associated with Leukosis disease in Holstein cattle"
    Farnaz Argomand Kermani, Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak, Mohammad Moradi Shahrbabak, hoseyn mohammadi, Younos Dosti
    the 10th national and 2th international animal science congress of iran, 2023
  19. "Genom-wide association study to identify the loci related to resistance in Leukosis Desease in Holstein dairy cattle"
    Younos Dosti, Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak, Mohammad Moradi Shahrbabak, Mehdi Javannikkhah, Farnaz Argomand Kermani
    5th International & 17th Iranian Genetics Congress, 2023
  20. "Analysis of differential expression of honey bee embryo tissue genes in the hours after egg .laying using transcriptomics data"
    Milad Gholami tahooneh, Mehdi Farzi, Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak
    the first national congress on the role of honeybees in food security and national developmant, 2022
  21. "Study of linkage disequilibrium to identification of haplotype structure of Kurd breed using genomic date (SNP-chip 70k) on chromosome I"
    بهاره صفائی, Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak, Seyed Reza Miraei Ashtiani, Mohammad Bagher Zandi
    8th Iranian Animal Science Congress, 2018
  22. "spring development and honey production in honeybee hybrids"
    Hamed Nematnejad, Gholam Ali Nehzati Paghaleh, Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak, Mohammad Moradi Shahrbabak
    8th congress of animal science, 2018
  23. "Expression of genes related to liver fatty acid metabolism in fat-tailed and thin-tailed lambs during negative and positive energy balances"
    Hosein Zakariapour Banamiri, Mahdi Ganjkhanlou, Abolfazl Zali, Mostafa Sadeghi Sadeghi, Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak
    national, 2017
  24. "Performance, metabolic and inflammatory responses of fat-tailed and thin-tailed male lambs to negative and positive energy balances"
    Hosein Zakariapour Banamiri, Mahdi Ganjkhanlou, Abolfazl Zali, Mostafa Sadeghi Sadeghi, Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak
    national, 2017
  25. "Study homogeneity if Zandi breed sheep population's genetic structure using genomic data"
    Hamid Reza Korosh Niya, Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak, Mostafa Sadeghi Sadeghi
    The 2nd International Conference and the 10th National Biotechnology Conference of the Islamic Republic of Iran, 2017
  26. "Genome-wide analysis and survey bioinformatics for detection of selection signatures in Zandi sheep breed"
    Hossein Mohammadi, Abbas Raefat, Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak, Jalil Shodja, Mohammadhossain Moradi
    The 2nd International Conference and the 10th National Biotechnology Conference of the Islamic Republic of Iran, 2017
  27. "Effects of Reference Population Size and Relationship on Genotype Imputation in Italian Buffalo"
    Mohammad Ghorashifar, Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak, Mohammad Moradi Shahrbabak, Ardeshir Nejati Javaremi
    3th Iranian National Buffalo congress, 2017
  28. "Identification of novel SNPs in a part of the intron 2 of IGFBP2 gene in Japanese quail"
    Homa Arabi, Mohammad Moradi Shahrbabak, Abas Pakdl, Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak, علی اسماعیلی زاده کشکوییه
    The 7th Irnann Congress of Animal Science, 2016
  29. "Estimation of effective population size using high density SNP markers in Azarbaijani buffalo breed"
    Mohammadhossain Falahi, Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak, Mohammad Moradi Shahrbabak, Rustam Abdullah R Panahi
    Seventh Congress of Animal Science, 2016
  30. "Estimation inbreeding coefficient using high density SNP markers in Azarbaijani buffalo breed"
    Mohammadhossain Falahi, Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak, Mohammad Moradi Shahrbabak, Rustam Abdullah R Panahi
    Seventh Congress of Animal Science, 2016
  31. "Identification of selection footprints in Azeri and Mazandrani buffalo breeds"
    Mehdi Mokhber Yousefabad, Mohammad Moradi Shahrbabak, Mostafa Sadeghi Sadeghi, Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak, Javad Rahmani Nia
    The 7th Irnann Congress of Animal Science, 2016
  32. "Identify new mutations in exon 2 region Gyrdh hormone ghrelin gene and its association with body size traits in Lori-Bakhtiari sheep sequencing"
    Mahdi Abbasi, Hasan Mehrabani Yganeh, Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak
    National Conference on Research and industry implications of livestock, poultry and fish, 2016
  33. "Study of new mutation in exon 2 region of GHSR gene and its relation with acid traits"
    Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak, Mahdi Abasi, Hasan Mehrabani Yganeh, Hamid Kahram
    National Conference on Applied Researches and Achievements in Poultry, Aquatic and Animal Industries, 2016
  34. "A novel clustering approach to detect population structure using dense markers"
    Javad Rahmani Nia, Seyed Reza Miraei Ashtiani, Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak
    1st International and 9th National Biotechnology congress - Iran, 2015
  35. "Comparison of conventional mathods for population structure analysis in simulated buffalo populations usingdense markers"
    Javad Rahmani Nia, Seyed Reza Miraei Ashtiani, Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak
    1st International and 9th National Biotechnology congress - Iran, 2015
  36. "Identification of immune response-related transcription factors of maternal Endometrium tissue to growth of Conceptus in the pre-Implantation phase during early pregnancy in Bovine"
    Aida Nikbaksh, Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak, Ardeshir Nejati Javaremi, Mohammad Reza Bakhtiari Zadeh
    6th national Iranian congress on animal science, 2014
  37. "Study of polymorphism of β-Lactoglobulin gene in exon 7 and its association with growth production traits in Mahabadi goats using PCR-SSCP"
    Leila Gharadaghi, Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak, Mostafa Sadeghi Sadeghi, Mahdi Ganjkhanlou
    6th Iranian Congress on Animal Science, 2014
  38. "Study of exon 2 of PROP1 gene polymorphism in Sanan and Bital goats"
    Zahra Jafari, Seyed Reza Miraei Ashtiani, Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak
    sixth Iranian Animal Science congress, 2014
  39. "Estimation of camel weight using artificial intelligence biometric traits"
    Mahdi Abbasi, Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak, Mahmood Honarvar
    Seventh National Conference on Agricultural Research Findings, 2014
  40. "Polymorphism studies of the Acetyl-CoA carboxylase-alpha (ACACA) gene in Yzdi breed camels by PCR-SSCP method."
    Mahdi Imani, Mohammad Moradi Shahrbabak, Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak
    National Conference on Iranian Camel Extension, 2014
  41. "Study of a number of blood subfamilies of four indigenous camels in Iran with different climatic conditions"
    Ameneh Rahimi, Saeed Zeinoaldini, Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak
    National Conference on Iranian Camel Extension, 2014
  42. "Tabyyt model of carcass weight and weight of camel hump dromedary camels live Mashhadi biometric traits using principal components analysis"
    Hadi Moghbeli, Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak, Mohammad Moradi Shahrbabak, داوود کیانزاد
    National Conference on Development and camel breeding Iran, 2014
  43. "Acetyl CoA carboxylase alpha gene polymorphism with multiple study sscp camel race in Khuzestan."
    Mahdi Imani, Mohammad Moradi Shahrbabak, Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak
    Development Conference camel breeding Iran, 2014
  44. "Weight for single Bactrian Camel design Nzhadsmnany"
    Hadi Moghbeli, Mohammad Moradi Shahrbabak, Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak, Seyed Reza Miraei Ashtiani
    National Conference on Development and camel breeding Iran, 2014
  45. "Determination of live weight Tabyyt models of biometric traits dromedary camels in Mashhad using principal component analysis"
    Hadi Moghbeli, Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak, Mohammad Moradi Shahrbabak, سیروس احمد وند
    Development Conference camel breeding Iran, 2014
  46. "Study on association of allelic variants of Stearoyl-CoA desaturase (SCD) gene with carcass compositions in traditional fat-tailed (Chall) and tailed (Zel) Iranian sheep breeds"
    Mohsen Aali, Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak, Mohammad Moradi Shahrbabak, Mostafa Sadeghi Sadeghi
    The 8th Biotechnology Conference of the Islamic Republic of Iran and the 4th National Bioethics Conference, 2013
  47. "Relationship between haplotypes of Calpastatin gene and blood parameters and body dimensions in Lori-Bakhtiari sheepRelationship between haplotypes of Calpastatin gene and blood parameters and body dimensions in Lori-Bakhtiari sheep"
    Mohsen Ali, Mohammad Moradi Shahrbabak, Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak
    8th, 2013
  48. "Estimation of some population indices in three Iranian sheep breeds"
    Mortaza Sataei Mokhtari, Mohammad Moradi Shahrbabak, Seyed Reza Miraei Ashtiani, Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak
    sixth Meeting for Agricultural Research Achievments, 2013
  49. "Estimate genetic parameters of reproductive traits in sheep Makui foo using linear and threshold models"
    حسین محمدی, Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak, Sadegh Alijani, امیر حسین خلت ابادی فراهانی
    National Conference on Animal Plant North Country, 2013
  50. "comparison of genetic trends of reproductive traits in shal sheep using linear and threshold models"
    Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak, صادق علیجانی, امیر حسین خلت ابادی فراهانی
    Animal congress of north, 2013
  51. "estimation of genetic parameters for body weight traits in zandi sheep breed by using random regression model"
    Amin Sadri, علی قاضی خانی شاد, Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak
    Animal congress of north, 2013
  52. "Study on association of Stearoyl - CoA desaturase gene (SCD) haplotypes with meat quality traits in fat - tailed (Shall) and tailed ( Zel) sheep"
    Mohsen Ali, Mohammad Moradi Shahrbabak, Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak, Mostafa Sadeghi Sadeghi
    National Congress of Livestock and Poultry in the north of the country, 2013
  53. "study on association of stearoyl-coa desaturase gene(scd) haplotypes with meat quality traits in fat-tailed shall and tailed zel sheep"
    Mohsen Aali, Mohammad Moradi Shahrbabak, Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak, Mostafa Sadeghi Sadeghi
    Animal congress of north, 2013
  54. "assocation of allelic variants of Calpatin gene with blood parameters and body dimensions in Zel shstaeep"
    Mohsen Aali, Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak, Mohammad Moradi Shahrbabak
    national conference of north animal and bird, 2013
  55. "Genetic variation of exon 4 in Igf1 gene and its association with some carcass traits in zel sheep"
    علی قاضی خانی شاد, Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak, Reza Faraji
    Animal congress of north, 2013
  56. "Evaluation theaccuracy of body linear measurements in Moghani lambs to predict carcass production and carcass fat content after slaughter"
    سیدمحمد حسینی وردنجانی, Seyed Reza Miraei Ashtiani, Abbas Pakdel, Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak
    5th Iranian Animal Scince Congress, 2012
  57. "Study of the relationship fat-tailed weight and abdominal fat with some blood metabolites in lori sheep"
    Amir Hossein Khaltabadi Farahni, Mohammad Moradi Shahrbabak, Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak, Zahra Azizi
    Fifth Iranian Congress of Animal Science,, 2012
  58. "Study of POU1F1 (Pit - 1)gene polymorphism to PCR - RFLP method in Lori - Bakhtiari sheep and Zel sheep 1"
    Ali Jalil Sarghaleh, Mohammad Moradi Shahrbabak, Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak, Mostafa Sadeghi Sadeghi
    5th Iranian Congress of Animal Sciences, 2012
  59. "The Study of genetic structure of the gene Melanocortin 3 receptor in Mazandaran native chickens"
    Mohammad Moazeni, Mostafa Sadeghi Sadeghi, Mohammad Reza Mohammadabadi, Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak, Ali Esmailzadeh
    5th Iranian Congress of Animal Sciences, 2012
  60. "Study polymorphism of exon 3 Ovine Leptin gene and its association with blood parameters and biometric traits in fat-tailed(Lori-Bakhtiari) and non fat-tailed(Zel) Iranian Sheep breeds using PCR-SSCP"
    Parviz Azizi, Mohammad Moradi Shahrbabak, Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak, محمدعلی طالبی
    5th Iranian Congress of Animal Sciences, 2012
  61. "Comparison of the exon 6 mutations of the Calpastatin gene in Lori Bakhtiari and Zell sheep using PCR-SSCP technique"
    Mohsen Aali, Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak, Mohammad Moradi Shahrbabak, Mostafa Sadeghi Sadeghi
    Fifth Iranian Congress of Animal Science, Isfahan University, 2012
  62. "Study polymorphisms of exon 10 growth hormone receptor gene in Kermani sheep and their associations with biometric traits and blood parameters using PCR-SSCP"
    Akbar Asadi, Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak, Mohammad Moradi Shahrbabak, Parviz Azizi, Saied Abbasi
    5th, 2012
  63. "Position of intron 10 gene polymorphism associated with heat stress in sheep HSP90AA1 Lori Bakhtiari Baluch ...."
    Parisa Etemadi Dindarlo, Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak, Seyed Reza Miraei Ashtiani, Mohammad Moradi Shahrbabak
    First National Conference on Desertification, 2012
  64. "the effect of nano fivbell materials on molecular characters and morphology of stemcells"
    Malak Shakeri, حسین بهاروند, Hamid Kahram, عبدالحسین شاهوردی, Ahmad Zare Shahneh, فرانک توکلی فر, Mohammadreza Bihamta, Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak, Fatemeh Ghaziyani
    1st nano technology and it's application in agriculture and natural resources conference, 2012
  65. "the effect of nano fiberaller matrics on proliferation and function of spermatorgoniall stemcells"
    Malak Shakeri, Hamid Kahram, Abdolhossain Shahvary, Ahmad Zare Shahneh, Faranak Tavakohifar, Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak, Mohammadreza Bihamta, Hossain Baharvand
    12 iranian conference of nano technology university of technology, 2012
  66. "Estimation of genetic parameters for total weight of lambs weaned per ewe lamb Zandi"
    Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak, حسین محمدی, Mohammad Moradi Shahrbabak
    First National Seminar on Plant livestock management in the tropics, 2011
  67. "Use of principal components analysis to detection regression equation to prediction fat tail weight trait in Lori-Bakhtiari sheep weight trait in Lori-Bakhtiari sheep"
    Mohammad Reza Bakhtiari Zadeh, Mohammad Moradi Shahrbabak, Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak, محمود وطنخواه
    the 4th animal science congress, 2010
  68. "study of"
    سبحان قاسمیان, Nasser Emam Jomeh Kashan, Mohammad Moradi Shahrbabak, Abdoalreza Salehi, Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak
    The 4th Congress on Animal Science, 2010
  69. "method of DNA extraction"
    Mohammad Moradi Shahrbabak, Hosein Mohammadi, Mostafa Sadeghi Sadeghi, Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak
    method of DNA extraction, 2010
  70. "effect of different level of"
    محمد سفلایی شهربابک, Mohammad Moradi Shahrbabak, Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak, A Aghaii
    second congress, 2007
  71. "study of polymorphism of whole blood potassium"
    Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak, Mohammad Moradi Shahrbabak, قدرت اله رحیمی, Hasan Mehrabani Yganeh
    second congress, 2007
  72. "determination of"
    Mohammad Moradi Shahrbabak, زکریا قدیری, قدرتا رحیمی, Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak
    ninth of genetic congress, 2006
  73. "study of polymorphism of potassium"
    Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak, Mohammad Moradi Shahrbabak, قدرتا رحیمی, Hasan Mehrabani Yganeh
    ninth of genetic congress, 2006
  74. "study of polymorphism of whole blood potassium"
    Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak, قدرت اله رحیمی, Hasan Mehrabani Yganeh
    ninth of genetic congress, 2006
  75. "comparison diffrent model"
    Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak, Mohammad Moradi Shahrbabak, Hasan Mehrabani Yganeh
    2th congress of, 2005
  76. "study of polymorphism of"
    ذکریا قدیری, Mohammad Moradi Shahrbabak, قدرت اله رحیمی, Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak
    second congress, 2005
  77. "comparison diffrent model"
    Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak, Mohammad Moradi Shahrbabak, Hasan Mehrabani Yganeh
    second congress, 2005
  78. "study polymorphism of"
    زکریا قدیری, Mohammad Moradi Shahrbabak, قدرت اله رحیمی, Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak
    2th congress of, 2005
  79. "study of polymorphism of"
    Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak, Mohammad Moradi Shahrbabak, قدرت اله رحیمی, Hasan Mehrabani Yganeh
    4th national congress ob biotechnology, 2005
  80. "study poly morphism of"
    Hosein Moradi Shahr Babak, Mohammad Moradi Shahrbabak, Hasan Mehrabani Yganeh, علی موسی پور
    4th national congress, 2005