Mohammad Hosein Omid


Update: 2025-02-20

Mohammad Hosein Omid

College of Agriculture and Natural Resources / Irrigation and Reclamatio Eng. Department

Journal Paper

  1. "Prediction of total dissolved solids, based on optimization of new hybrid SVM models"
    Fatemeh Akhoni pourhosseini, Kumars Ebrahimi, Mohammad Hosein Omid
  2. "Effect of Combined Subsurface Structures and Steps on Hyporheic Exchange"
    Mahla Tajari, Mohammad Hosein Omid, امیر احمد دهقانی, Arezoo N. Ghameshlou, Fulvio Boano
    WATER RESOURCES RESEARCH, Vol. 59, No 5, 2023
  3. "Effect of Geonet on Scour Downstream of Horizontal Jets"
    Amin Ghasemi, محسن نصرآبادی, Mohammad Hosein Omid, Ali Raeesi Estabragh
    JOURNAL OF IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE ENGINEERING, Vol. 148, No 10, pp.4022033-1, 2022
  4. "Effect of synthetic fibers on resisting scour caused by horizontal jet"
    Amin Ghassemi, Mohsen Nasrabadi , Mohammad Hosein Omid, Ali Raeesi Estabragh
    Water Science and Engineering, Vol. 15, No 2, 2022
  5. "Effect of cadmium sorption by river sediments on longitudinal dispersion"
    Mohsen Nasrabadi, Ali Mahdavi, Mohammad Hosein Omid
    Water Supply, Vol. 22, No 2, pp.2212-2226, 2022
  6. "Experimental Study of Flow Turbulence Effect on Cadmium Desorption Kinetics from Riverbed Sands"
    Mohsen Nasrabadi, Mohammad Hosein Omid, Ali Mahdavi Mazdeh
    Environmental Processes-An International Journal, Vol. 9, No 1, pp.1-20, 2022
  7. "Experimental and numerical study of bed roughness effect on longitudinal dispersion"
    محسن نصرآبادی, Mohammad Hosein Omid, Ali Mahdavi Mazdeh
    Water Supply, Vol. 22, No 1, pp.251-263, 2022
  8. "Experimental analysis of the effect of bed-load movement on flow hydraulic characteristics"
    Reza Estakhr, Ali Mahdavi Mazdeh, Mohammad Hosein Omid
    Water Supply, Vol. 22, No 3, pp.2782-2792, 2021
  9. "Prediction of suspended sediment distributions using data mining algorithms"
    Yaser Mehri, محسن نصرآبادی, Mohammad Hosein Omid
    Ain Shams Engineering Journal, Vol. 12, No 4, pp.3439-3450, 2021
  10. "Predicting submerged hydraulic jump characteristics using machine learning methods"
    Mohsen Nasrabadi, Yaser Mehri, Amin Ghasemi, Mohammad Hosein Omid
    Water Supply, Vol. 21, No 8, pp.4180-4194, 2021
  11. "Study of multi-stage cadmium adsorption by riverine sediments"
    محسن نصرآبادی, Mohammad Hosein Omid, Ali Mahdavi
    Advances in Environmental Technology, Vol. 6, No 4, pp.211-221, 2021
  12. "Using a bed sill as a scour countermeasure downstream of an apron"
    Hossein Hamidifar, Mohsen Nasrabadi, Mohammad Hosein Omid
    Ain Shams Engineering Journal, Vol. 4, No 9, 2018
  13. "Cadmium adsorption by natural zeolite in a circular flume"
    Mohsen Nasrabadi, Mohammad Hosein Omid, Ali Mahdavi Mazdeh, Toktam Shahriari
    International Journal of Environmental Technology and Management, Vol. 21, pp.174-189, 2018
  14. "Environmental Risk Assessment of Sediments Deposited in Stormwater Treatment Facilities: Trace Metal Fractionation and Its Implication for Sediment Management"
    Mohsen Nasrabadi, Seyed Majid Mousavi, Mohammad Hosein Omid
    JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING, Vol. 144, No 4, pp.7018001-1, 2018
  15. "Reduction of scour using a combination of riprap and bed sill"
    Hossein Hamidifar, Mohammad Hosein Omid, Mohsen Nasrabadi
  16. "Local scour of cohesive beds downstream of a rigid apron"
    Hosein Hamidifar, Mohammad Hosein Omid
    CANADIAN JOURNAL OF CIVIL ENGINEERING, Vol. 44, No 11, pp.935-944, 2017
  17. "Stage discharge prediction in heterogeneouscompound open channel roughness"
    Abbas Parsaie, Shadi Najafian, Mohammad Hosein Omid, حجت یونسی
    ISH Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, Vol. 23, No 1, pp.49-56, 2016
  18. "Evaluation of 1-D and 2-D models for discharge prediction in straight compound channels with smooth and rough floodplain"
    Hosein Hamidifar, Alireza Keshavarzi, Mohammad Hosein Omid
    FLOW MEASUREMENT AND INSTRUMENTATION, Vol. 49, No 1, pp.63-69, 2016
  19. "Kinetic energy and momentum correction coefficients in straight compound channels with vegetated floodplain"
    Hossein Hamidifar, Mohammad Hosein Omid, Alireza Keshavarzi
    JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGY, Vol. 2016, No 537, pp.10-17, 2016
  20. "Applicability of MEP and SEMEP for computing total sediment load (Case Study: Chelichay Catchment in Golestan Province)"
    Amir Ahmad Dehghani, آرمان حدادچی , Mohammad Hosein Omid, Movahedi Neshat
    KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, Vol. Volume 18, pp.1912-1919, 2014
  21. "Evaluation of suspended load transport rate using transport formulas and artificial neural network models (Case study: Chelchay Catchment)"
    آرمان حدادچی, Movahedi Neshat, Elham Vahidi, Mohammad Hosein Omid, Amir Ahmad Dehghani
    Journal of Hydrodynamics, Ser. B, Vol. Vol. 25, 2013
  22. "The Hydraulics of Flow in Non-Prismatic Compound Channels"
    حجت یونسی, Mohammad Hosein Omid, سیدعلی ایوب زاده
    Journal of Civil Engineering and Urbanism, Vol. 3, No 6, pp.342-356, 2013
  23. "Discussion: Hydraulic jump in arbitrary prismatic channel"
    Alireza Vatankhah, Leili Azarbu, Mohammad Hosein Omid
  24. "Effects of pipe roughness uncertainty on water distribution network performance during its operational period"
    Omid Bozorg-Haddad, Seifollahi Aghmiuni S , Mohammad Hosein Omid, Migual A Marintildco
  25. "Total Load Transport in Gravel Bed and Sand Bed Rivers, case study: Chelichay watershed"
    آرمان حدادچی , Mohammad Hosein Omid, امیراحمد دهقانی
    International Journal of Sediment Research, Vol. 28, No 1, pp.46-57, 2013
  26. "Bedload Equation Analysis Using Bed Load-Material Grain Size"
    Arman Hadadchi, Mohammad Hosein Omid, Amir Ahmad Dehghani
    Journal of Hydrology and Hydromechanics, Vol. 61, No 3, pp.241-249, 2013
  27. "Submerged hydraulic jump with sediment - laden flow"
    Mohsen Nasrabadi , Mohammad Hosein Omid, Javad Farhoudi
    International Journal of Sediment Research, Vol. 27, No 1, pp.100-111, 2012
  28. "Assessment of bed - load predictors based on sampling in a gravel bed river"
    Arman Haddadchi , Mohammad Hosein Omid, Amir Ahmad Dehghani
    Journal of Hydrodynamics, Ser. B, Vol. 24, No 1, pp.145-151, 2012
  29. "factors influencing success water user association iran"
    Mohammad Hosein Omid, Morteza Akbari , Kamran Zarafshani , Gholamhossein Eskandari , Hossein Shabanali Fami
    Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology, Vol. 14, pp.27-36, 2012
  30. "Long-term efficiency of water networks with demand uncertainty"
    Omid Bozorg-Haddad, Samaneh Seifollahi-aghmiuni, Mohammad Hosein Omid, Miguel A Mariño
  31. "suspended sediment effects on hydraulic jump characteristics"
    Mohammad Hosein Omid, Javad Farhoudi, Mohsen Nasrabadi
  32. "Development of pistachio sorting system using principal component analysis (PCA) assisted artificial neural network (ANN) of impact acoustics"
    Mohammad Hosein Omid, Asghar Mahmoudi , Mahmoud Omid
    EXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS, Vol. 37, No 10, pp.7205-7212, 2010
  33. "Direct solution to problems of hydraulic jump in horizontal triangular channels"
    Alireza Vatankhah, Mohammad Hosein Omid
    APPLIED MATHEMATICS LETTERS, Vol. 23, No 9, pp.1104-1108, 2010
  34. "Effects of bed - load Movement on Flow Resistance over Bed Forms"
    Mohammad Hosein Omid, Masoud Karbasi , Javad Farhoudi
  35. "Bedload resistance in supercritical flow"
    Alireza Habibzadeh , Mohammad Hosein Omid
    International Journal of Sediment Research, Vol. 24, No 4, pp.400-409, 2009
  36. "An intelligent system for sorting pistachio nut varieties"
    Mahmoud Omid, Asghar Mahmoudi , Mohammad Hosein Omid
    EXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS, Vol. 36, No 9, pp.11528-11535, 2009
  37. "Gradually Expanding Hydraulic Jump in a Trapezoidal Channel"
    Ranga Soami Narayanan , Mehdi Esmaeeli Varaki , Mohammad Hosein Omid
    JOURNAL OF HYDRAULIC RESEARCH, Vol. 45, No 4, pp.512-518, 2007
  38. "A Study of Moving Hydruaulic Jump in Rectangular Channels"
    A Parvaresh Rizi , S Kouchakzadeh , Mohammad Hosein Omid
    JOURNAL OF APPLIED SCIENCES, Vol. 6, No 5, pp.1192-1198, 2006
  39. "Investigating river water quality Involving numerical and intelligent models and NSFWQI index, case study Babolrood River, Iran"
    Fatemeh Akhoni pourhosseini, Kumars Ebrahimi, Mohammad Hosein Omid
    Irrigation and Water Engineering in Iran, Vol. 15, pp.221-239, 2024
  40. "Experimental study of flow resistance in the presence of rigid vegetation and its prediction with intelligent models"
    Yaser Mehri, Mohammad Hosein Omid, Salah Kouchakzadeh, محسن نصر آبادی
    Iran Soil and Water Reasearch, Vol. 55, No 7, pp.1167-1183, 2024
  41. "Evaluation of Intelligent Models in Water Quality Simulation of the Babolrood and Sefidrood Rivers, Iran"
    Fatemeh Akhoni pourhosseini, Kumars Ebrahimi, Mohammad Hosein Omid
    Iranian Journal of Watershed Management Science and Engineering, Vol. 16/58, No 58, pp.53-62, 2022
  42. "Investigation of the effect of step penetration depth in porous medium on the hyporheic fluxes"
    Mahla Tajari, Mohammad Hosein Omid, امیر احمد دهقانی, Arezoo N. Ghameshlou
    Iran Soil and Water Reasearch, Vol. 53, No 7, 2022
  43. "Experimental investigation of the effect of implementing steps over chute on local scour variations downstream of a flip bucket"
    Amir Rajaei, Mohammad Hosein Omid, مهدی اسماعیلی ورکی
    Iran Soil and Water Reasearch, Vol. 53, No 4, pp.677-699, 2022
  44. "Effects of Vegetation Arrangement and Floodplain-main Channel Interaction on the Longitudinal Dispersion Coefficient in Compound Channels"
    Hosein Hamidifar, Mohammad Hosein Omid
    Iran Soil and Water Reasearch, Vol. 51, No 2, 2020
  45. "Experimental study of flow hydraulic and sediment transport in Non-prismatic compound channels"
    حجت یونسی , Mohammad Hosein Omid, سید علی ایوب زاده
    Journal of the Hydraulics, Vol. 14, No 2, 2019
  46. "Estimation of the longitudinal dispersion coefficient using the dimensional analysis in surface water flows"
    Mehdi Mohammadi Ghaleni, Kumars Ebrahimi, Mohammad Hosein Omid
    Iran Soil and Water Reasearch, Vol. 48/4, No 4, pp.759-769, 2017
  47. "Effect of Randomly Reinforced Soil on Increasing Resistance against Piping Phenomenon"
    خالد سلطان نزاد , Ali Raeesi Estabragh, Mohammad Hosein Omid, Jamal Abdollahi Ali Beik
    Amirkabir Journal of Civil Engineering, Vol. 48, No 4, pp.439-448, 2017
  48. "Investigation on the characteristics of submergence hydraulic and developing new relationships for estimating the behavior of it"
    Amin Ghasami, Mohammad Hosein Omid, Mohsen Nasrabadi, Ali Raeesi Estabragh
    Iran Soil and Water Reasearch, Vol. 47, No 4, pp.755-764, 2016
  49. "Statistic and experimental investigation on the treatment of a clay soil by using chemical agents"
    Amin Ghasami, Amin Soltani, Ali Raeesi Estabragh, Mohammad Hosein Omid
    Iran Soil and Water Reasearch, Vol. 47, No 1, pp.119-128, 2016
  50. "Determination of Longitudinal Dispersion Coefficient Involving Tracer Experiment Data"
    Mehdi Mohammadi Ghaleni, Kumars Ebrahimi, Mohammad Hosein Omid
    Iran Soil and Water Reasearch, Vol. 46, No 4, pp.653-662, 2016
  51. "Evaluation of Sefidroud River’s Reaeration-Rate Coefficient"
    Mehdi Mohammadi Ghaleni, Kumars Ebrahimi, Mohammad Hosein Omid
    Iranian Journal of Watershed Management Science and Engineering, Vol. 9, No 31, pp.89-99, 2016
  52. "Estimation of reaeration rate coefficient on Dinachal river using empirical equations and numerical methods, in water quality management"
    Mehdi Mohammadi Ghaleni, Kumars Ebrahimi, Mohammad Hosein Omid
    Journal Of Water And Irrigation Management(Journal Of Agriculture), Vol. 1/5, No 1, pp.1-11, 2015
  53. "Investigation of bed load transport through rockfill dam"
    Poria Asiaban, Ebrahim Amiritokaldany, Mohammad Hosein Omid
    irrigation science and engineering, Vol. 38, No 3, pp.155-164, 2015
  54. "An explicit equation for calculating sill height in trapezoidal stilling basins"
    Majid Khorshidi, Alireza Vatankhah, Mohammad Hosein Omid
    Iranian Water Research Journal, Vol. 9, No 3, pp.13-22, 2015
  55. "The effect of floodplains roughness on hydraulic of flow in compound channel with non-prismatic floodplains"
    Hojat Younesi, Mohammad Hosein Omid, سیدعلی ایوب زاده
    Iranian Water Research Journal, Vol. جلد 9, No 2, pp.72-63, 2015
  56. "The effect of creating the surface waves on dredging of deposited sediments in rectangular water conveyance channels"
    Sajad Veisi, Mohammad Hosein Omid, Alireza Vatankhah
    Iranian Water Research Journal, Vol. 9, No 2, pp.149-157, 2015
  57. "Effects of free and submerged vegetation on the transverse pollutants dispersion coefficient of flood plane"
    Hossein Hamidifar, Mohammad Hosein Omid, رضا کشاورزی
    Journal of the Hydraulics, Vol. دوره 10, pp.23-13, 2015
  58. "Improvement of soil against piping by using synthetic fibers"
    Khaled Soltannejad, Ali Raeesi Estabragh, Jamal Abdollahi Ali Beik, Mohammad Hosein Omid
    Iran Soil and Water Reasearch, Vol. 44, No 3, pp.263-269, 2013
  59. "Investigation of river flows assimilative involving development of mathematical models - case study Pasikhan river - IRAN"
    Kumars Ebrahimi, Amir Hosein Ansaripour, Mohammad Hosein Omid
    Journal of Agricultural Engineering, Vol. 14, No 2, pp.31-42, 2013
  60. "Experimental study of suspended load effect on flow friction factor on rigid and smooth beds"
    Mohammad Amirzadeh Ghasemi, Salah Kouchakzadeh, Mohammad Hosein Omid
    Irrigation and Water Engineering in Iran, Vol. 2, No 8, pp.26-39, 2012
  61. "Prediction of cluster bed-forms formation over gravel- bed rivers"
    Masoud Karbasi, Mohammad Hosein Omid, Javad Farhoudi
    Iranian Water Research Journal, Vol. 6, No 10, pp.15-21, 2012
  62. "Rate equations for bed load in mountain river (case study of forty River Tea)"
    آرمان حدادچی , Mohammad Hosein Omid, امیر احمد دهقانی
    Water and Soil Conservation, Vol. 18, No 3, pp.149-166, 2012
  63. "Experimental investigation of 3D flow over cluster microforms"
    Masoud Karbasi, Mohammad Hosein Omid, Javad Farhoudi
    Irrigation and Water Engineering in Iran, Vol. 2, No 5, pp.75-84, 2011
  64. "Suspended sediment load multiplier effect on the energy loss in PE pipes"
    کوثر گرجی , Mohammad Hosein Omid, Salah Kouchakzadeh
    Journal of Agricultural Engineering, Vol. 12, No 1, 2011
  65. "Hydraulic jump in a triangular with rectangular cross section"
    حسین حمیدی فر , Mohammad Hosein Omid, Javad Farhoudi
    Journal of Science and Technology of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Soil and Water Sciences, Vol. 14, No 54, pp.27-36, 2011
  66. "Scour profiles downstream of the slide valves in sediments"
    حسین حمیدی فر , Mohammad Hosein Omid
    Iranian Journal of lrrigation and Drainage, Vol. 4, No 2, pp.273-263, 2010
  67. "Suspended Sediment Effects on Submerged Hydraulic Jump Characteristics"
    Mohammad Hosein Omid, Mohsen Nasrabadi, Javad Farhoudi
    Journal of water and soil, Vol. 24, No 5, pp.995-1007, 2010
  68. "آبشستگی موضعی بستر در پایین دست دریچه کشویی"
    حسین حمیدی فر , Mohammad Hosein Omid, محسن نصر ابادی
    Journal of water and soil, Vol. 24, No 3, pp.736-728, 2010
  69. "بررسی آزمایشگاهی آبشستگی رسوبات غیرچسبنده در پایین دست کف بند"
    حسین حمیدی فر , Mohammad Hosein Omid
    Journal of Agricultural Engineering, Vol. 11, No 2, pp.17-28, 2010
  70. "بررسی پارامترهای موثر بر تله اندازی لوله رسوبگیر گردابی با دبی خروجی کنترل شده و بدون کنترل"
    سامان نیک مهر , Javad Farhoudi, Mohammad Hosein Omid
    Iranian Journal of lrrigation and Drainage, Vol. 4, No 1, pp.61-53, 2010
  71. "Wide-brimmed threshold effect on the profile of the hydraulic jump stilling basins diverges"
    امیر گرد نوشهری , Mohammad Hosein Omid, Salah Kouchakzadeh
    Iran Soil and Water Reasearch, Vol. 41, 2010
  72. "Scour downstream sediments in the bottom section of a submerged horizontal jet"
    حسین حمیدی فر , Mohammad Hosein Omid
    Journal of the Hydraulics, Vol. 5, No 2, pp.1-2, 2010
  73. "بررسی آزمایشگاهی مشخصات جهش هیدرولیکی کنترل شده توسط آستانه لبه تیز در حوضچه های آرامش واگرا"
    امیر گُرد نوشهری , Mohammad Hosein Omid, Salah Kouchakzadeh
    Iranian Water Research Journal, Vol. 3, No 4, pp.39-31, 2009
  74. "واکاوی مشکلات تشکل های آب بران در فرایند انتقال مدیریت آبیاری مطالعه شبکه های تجن مغان و ورامین"
    Hossein Shabanali Fami, غلام حسن اسکندری , Mohammad Hosein Omid, مرتضی اکبری
    Iran Soil and Water Reasearch, Vol. 40, No 2, pp.176-167, 2009
  75. "مطالعه آزمایشگاهی ساختار جریان انحرافی به دهانه آبگیر جانبی با زاویه 90 درجه و مقدار رسوب ورودی به آن در بندهای انحرافی"
    مهدی اسمعیلی ورکی , Javad Farhoudi, Mohammad Hosein Omid
    Journal of Agricultural Engineering, Vol. 10, No 1, pp.68-49, 2009
  76. "تحلیل اثرات شبکه های آبیاری بر بهبود مدیریت آبیاری و وضعیت اقتصادی - اجتماعی خانوار"
    Mohammad Hosein Omid, غلام حسین اسکندری , Hossein Shabanali Fami, مرتضی اکبری
    Iranian Journal of lrrigation and Drainage, Vol. 3, No 1, pp.13-24, 2009
  77. "بررسی نقش تیغه هدایت کننده عرضی در افزایش راندمان تله اندازی حوضچه رسوبگیر مستطیلی با ورودی ناگهانی"
    هاجر رادی , Mohammad Hosein Omid, Javad Farhoudi
    Iranian Journal of lrrigation and Drainage, Vol. 3, No 1, pp.127-134, 2009
  78. "کنتر ل جهش هیدرولیکی در مقاطع ذوزنقه ای با استفاده از بلوک های کف"
    عاطفه منصوری , Mohammad Hosein Omid, Ebrahim Amiritokaldany
    Journal of the Hydraulics, Vol. 3, No 4, pp.37-27, 2009
  79. "مطالع آزمایشگاهی جذب و انتقال کادمیم در حضور بار بستر"
    Hosein Mahdavi, Mohammadreza Ganjali, Mohammad Hosein Omid
    Journal of Environmental Studies, Vol. 34, No 48, pp.1-12, 2009
  80. "بررسی مشخصات هیدرولیکی لوله های آبیاری قطره ای - نواری"
    Mohammad Hosein Omid, مهدی اسمعیلی ورکی , علیرضا حبیب زاده , Abdolmajid Liaghat
    Iranian Journal of lrrigation and Drainage, Vol. 2, No 1, pp.127-137, 2009
  81. "بررسی اثر تیغه هدایت بر راندمان تله اندازی حوضچه رسوب گیر"
    Abd Al Hosein Hourfar, Mohammad Hosein Omid, مهدی خادمی
    Journal of the Hydraulics, Vol. 2, No 3, pp.11-24, 2007
  82. "اثر متقابل پارامترهای جریان و شرایط مرزی در جریان دو گانه غیر ماندگار"
    Atefeh Parvaresh Rizi, Salah Kouchakzadeh, Mohammad Hosein Omid
    دانش کشاورزی, Vol. 16, No 3, pp.1-12, 2006
  83. "برآورد مشخصات پرش هیدرولیکی متحرک با کاربرد شبکه عصبی مصنوعی و روش تلفیقی شبکه عصبی - الگوریتم ژنتیک"
    صلاح کوچک زاده , Atefeh Parvaresh Rizi, Mohammad Hosein Omid
    Iranian Journal of Agriculture Science, Vol. 37, No 1, pp.187-197, 2006
  84. "اثر حرکت بار بستر بر مشخصات جریان در کانالهای رسوبی و مجاری با بستر ثابت"
    علی مهدوی , Mohammad Hosein Omid, Salah Kouchakzadeh
    Iranian Journal of Agriculture Science, Vol. 36, No 5, pp.1293-1283, 2006
  85. "بررسی جریان آشفته درون محیطهای متخلخل سنگریزه ای تحت فشار"
    رضا صالحی , Hasan Rahimi, Mohammad Hosein Omid
    Iranian Journal of Agriculture Science, Vol. 36, No 2, pp.271-263, 2005
  86. "مطالعه آزمایشگاهی جریان دوگانه در کانال مستطیلی"
    Salah Kouchakzadeh, Mohammad Hosein Omid, Atefeh Parvaresh Rizi
    Journal of the Hydraulics, Vol. 1, No 1, pp.29-38, 2005
  87. "مطالعه تئوری و آزمایشگاهی جهش هیدرولیگی واگرا در مقاطع ذوزنقه ای شگل"
    اسماعیلی ورکی مهدی , Mohammad Hosein Omid
    Journal of Science and Technology of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Soil and Water Sciences, Vol. 9, No 2, pp.30-17, 2005
  88. "A neural network model to predict characteristics of gradually expanding hydraulic jumps"
    Mahdi Esmaili, Mahmoud Omid, Mohammad Hosein Omid
    Journal of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, Vol. 12, No 3, pp.21-32, 2005
  89. "نمون سازی جبهه رطوبتی خاک از منبع تغذیه خطی در آبیاری قطره ای - نواری"
    Mohammad Hosein Omid, Teymour Sohrabi, Abdolmajid Liaghat, فرهاد میرزایی
    Journal of Agricultural Engineering, Vol. -, pp.53-66, 2005
  90. "نمونه سازی جبهه رطوبتی خاک از منبع تغذیه خطی در آبیاری قطره ای - نواری"
    Teymour Sohrabi, Abdolmajid Liaghat, فرهاد میرزایی شیرکوهی , Mohammad Hosein Omid
    Journal of Agricultural Engineering, Vol. 6, No 23, pp.51-65, 2005
  91. "اثر حرکت بار بستر بر مشخصات جریان در کانالهای رسوبی و مجاری با بستر ثابت"
    Hosein Mahdavi, Salah Kouchakzadeh, Mohammad Hosein Omid
    Iranian Journal of Agriculture Science, Vol. 36, No 5, pp.1283-1293, 2005
  92. "تدوین معادلات حساسیت هیدرولیکی مدول های تیغه ای و بررسی اثر تغییرات کمی شاخص حساسیت در شرایط بهره برداری"
    Ali Asghar Montazer, Salah Kouchakzadeh, Abdolmajid Liaghat, Mohammad Hosein Omid
    Journal of Science and Technology of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Soil and Water Sciences, Vol. 8, No 3, pp.121-136, 2004
  93. "اثر بار بستر بر مشخصات جهش هیدرولیکی در حوضجه آرامش مستطیلی"
    حامد نوذری , Mohammad Hosein Omid, Salah Kouchakzadeh
    Journal of Agricultural Engineering, Vol. 5, No 18, pp.91-102, 2004

Conference Paper

    Amin Ghasami, Mohammad Hosein Omid, Ali Raeesi Estabragh
    6th Asian Regional Conference on Geosynthetics - Geosynthetics for Infrastructure Development, 2016
    Mehdi Mohammadi Ghaleni, Kumars Ebrahimi, Mohammad Hosein Omid
    36th IAHR World Congress, 2015
    Mehdi Mohammadi Ghaleni, Kumars Ebrahimi, Mohammad Hosein Omid
    36th IAHR World Congress, 2015
  4. "Two dimensional analyzes of flow structure in vortex setting basin"
    Jafar Chapokpour, Javad Farhoudi, Mohammad Hosein Omid
    6th National Congress on Civil Engineering, 2011
  5. "Cadmium Removal from water flow by Electrocoagulation"
    پورخانعلی مهدی, Mohammad Hosein Omid, Zolfaghar َAladaghlo, محسن نصر آبادی
    The 4th international and 7th national conference on the Conservation of Natural Resources and Environment, 2023
  6. "Evaluation Water Quality of Babolrood River Using Meta-Heuristic Algorithms"
    Fatemeh Akhoni pourhosseini, Kumars Ebrahimi, Mohammad Hosein Omid
    12th International Conference on River Engineering, 2022
  7. "Effect of thermo-history on mechanical properties of an expansive soil"
    Fereshte Khosravi, Ali Raeesi Estabragh, Mohammad Hosein Omid, Jamal Abdollahi Ali Beik
    First national conference on Iranian geotechnical engineering-University of Mohaqeq Ardebili, 2013
  8. "Effect of soil reinforcement in method of randomly distributed synthetic fibers, against piping phenomenon"
    Khaled Soltannejad, Ali Raeesi Estabragh, Mohammad Hosein Omid, Jamal Abdollahi Ali Beik
    First national conference on Iranian geotechnical engineering, 2013
  9. "Experimental study of limit deposit concentration of suspended load based on unit stream power"
    Mohammad Amirzadeh Ghasemi, Salah Kouchakzadeh, Mohammad Hosein Omid, Mansour Parehkar
    9th International River conference, 2013
  10. "Compar"
    Kumars Ebrahimi, علی نظری, Mohammad Hosein Omid
    The 9, 2013
  11. "Assessment of"
    Kumars Ebrahimi, امیرحسین انصاری پور, Mohammad Hosein Omid
    9th con, 2013
  12. "Comparison of some experimental methods in estimation of the longitudinal distribution coefficient - case study: Pasikhan River - IRAN"
    Ali Nazari, Kumars Ebrahimi, Mohammad Hosein Omid
    11th Iranian Hydrulics Conference, 2012
  13. "control of piping phenomenon by reinforcing of soil"
    خالد سلطان نزاد, Ali Raeesi Estabragh, Mohammad Hosein Omid, Jamal Abdollahi Ali Beik
    the 3rd national seminar on geotechnical issues of irrigation and drainage networks-13 june 2012, 2012
  14. "Investigation the effect of tail water on the geometry"
    Mohammad Hosein Omid, Ali Raeesi Estabragh, حسین حمیدی فر
    The 8th International Congress on Civil Engineering, 2009