Anoushirvan Shirvany

Associate Professor

Update: 2025-03-13

Anoushirvan Shirvany

College of Agriculture and Natural Resources / Forestry and Forest Economics

Journal Paper

  1. "Assessment of Particulate Matter, Heavy Metals, and Carbon Deposition Capacities of Urban Tree Species in Tehran, Iran"
    Sahar Elkaee, Anoushirvan Shirvany, Mazaher Moeinaddini, Farzane Sabbagh
    FORESTS, Vol. 15, No 2, pp.273-291, 2024
  2. "Precipitation dominates the growth of common hornbeam (Carpinus betulus L.) and stinking juniper (Juniperus foetidissima Willd) in Arasbaran forests of northwestern Iran"
    Mohammad Emaminasab, Reza Oladi, Kambiz Pourtahmasi, Achim Brauning, Anoushirvan Shirvany
  3. "The Effect of Understory Shrub Species on the Natural Regeneration of Hyrcanian Mixed Broad-Leaved Forests (Kheyrud, Iran)"
    Saman Eghrari, هومن روانبخش , Anoushirvan Shirvany, Davood Kartoolinejad
    Iranian Journal of Forest, Vol. 15, No 1, 2023
  4. "Effects of fifty years of shelterwood harvesting on genetic diversity and population structure of Oriental beech (Fagus orientalis L.) in the relict Hyrcanian forest"
    Malek Nasiri mehr, حامد یوسف زاده, Anoushirvan Shirvany, Vahid Etemad, کامبیز اسپهبدی , Narjes Amirchakhmaghi, Om P. Rajora
  5. "Vegetation-induced soil stabilization in coastal area: An example from a natural mangrove forest"
    Zahra Karimi, Ehsan Abdi, AZADE DELJOUEI, Alessio Cislaghi, Anoushirvan Shirvany, Massimiliano Schwarz, Tristram C. Hales
    CATENA, Vol. 216, No 106410, pp.1-11, 2022
  6. "Soil fauna communities and microbial activities response to litter and soil properties under degraded and restored forests of Hyrcania"
    Maryam Bazyari, Vahid Etemad, Yahya Kooch, Anoushirvan Shirvany
    iForest-Biogeosciences and Forestry, Vol. 14, No 6, pp.490-498, 2021
  7. "The effectiveness of urban trees in reducing airborne particulate matter by dry deposition in Tehran, Iran"
    Seyed Mahdi Heshmatol Vaezin, Mohammad Moftakhar Juybari, Arash Daei, Mohammad Avatefi Hemmat, Anoushirvan Shirvany, Matthew James Tallis, Satoshi Hirabayashi, Mazaher Moeinaddini, Amir Hossein Hamidian, سید محمد معین صادقی, Thomas Grant Pypker
  8. "Rainfall and dust interception potentials of oak trees and plantations in the Zagros region"
    Fariborz Gheibi, Hadi Kiadaliri, Pedram Attarod, Sasan Babaei Kafaky, Anoushirvan Shirvany
    CASPIAN JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES, Vol. 19, No 3, pp.391-399, 2021
  9. "Source identification and pollution degree of deposited dust on green space in Tehran"
    Sahar Elkaee, Mazaher Moeinaddini, Anoushirvan Shirvany
  10. "Long-term persistence of steppe vegetation in the highlands of Arasbaran protected area, northwestern Iran, as inferred from a pollen record"
    Anoushirvan Shirvany, Elias Ramezani, Taravat Talebi, کمال الدین علیزاده, بهنام حمزه ای , Hermann Behling
    PALYNOLOGY, Vol. 44, No 4, pp.1-12, 2020
  11. "Physiological Response to Salinity Stress in Various Populus euphratica Oliv. Ecotypes in Iran"
    Hossein Tavakolli, Anoushirvan Shirvany, Mohammad Hassan Assareh, Mohammad Reza Morshedloo
    ECOPERSIA, Vol. 7, No 2, pp.97-103, 2019
  12. "Variations in Leaf Area Index of Quercus brantii Trees in Response to Changing Climate"
    Pedram Attarod, Somaye Miri, Anoushirvan Shirvany, Vilma Bayram Zade
    Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology, Vol. 20, No 6, pp.1417-1429, 2018
  13. "Effects of NaCl on growth, yield and ion concentration of various Populus euphratica Oliv. ecotypes in Iran"
    Hossein Tavakoli, Anoushirvan Shirvany, Mohammad Hassan Assareh, Mohammad Reza Naghavi, عباس پورمیدانی
    DESERT, Vol. 23, No 2, pp.189-198, 2018
  14. "Qualitative Analysis of Changing Procedure between Meteorological Parameters and Dust Occurrence in Kermanshah, Iran"
    Neda Sekhavati, Pedram Attarod, Anoushirvan Shirvany, Ghavamodin Zahedi Amiri, Mohammad Amiri, Leila Tabandeh
    Qom University of Medical Sciences, Vol. 7, No 3, pp.232-241, 2018
  15. "Response of Platanus orientalis leaves to urban pollution by heavy metals"
    Esmaeil Khosropour, Pedram Attarod, Anoushirvan Shirvany, Thomas Grant Pypker, Velma Bayramzadeh, Leila Hakimi, Mazaher Moeinaddini
    JOURNAL OF FORESTRY RESEARCH, Vol. 1, No 1, pp.1-9, 2018
  16. "Land use change modeling through an integrated Multi-Layer Perceptron Neural Network and Markov Chain analysis (case study: Arasbaran region, Iran)"
    Vahid Nasiri, Ali Asghar Darvish Sefat, Reza Rafiee, Anoushirvan Shirvany, Mohammad Avatefi Hemmat
    JOURNAL OF FORESTRY RESEARCH, Vol. 50, No 51, pp.100-115, 2018
  17. "Variability in leaf and crown morphology correlated with light availability in five natural populations of Quercus castaneifolia C.A. Mey"
    Fariba Babaei, Seyed Gholamali Jalali, هرمز سهرابی, Anoushirvan Shirvany
    Journal of Forest Science, Vol. 63, pp.275-281, 2017
  18. "In situ emission of BVOCs by three urban woody species"
    Ehsan Khediv, Anoushirvan Shirvany, Mohammad Hassan Assareh, Thomas D. Sharkey
    URBAN FORESTRY & URBAN GREENING, Vol. 21, No 1, pp.153-157, 2017
  19. "Physiological responses of seedlings of different Quercus castaneifolia C.A. Mey. provenances to heterogeneous light environments"
    Fariba Babaei, Seyed Gholamali Jalali, هرمز سهرابی, Anoushirvan Shirvany
    Journal of Forest Science, Vol. 62, pp.485-491, 2016
  20. "Diversity of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal spores associated with Sorbus torminalis (L.) Crantz"
    مصطفی مرادی , Mohammad Matinizadeh, حمیدرضا ناجی , Anoushirvan Shirvany, Vahid Etemad, Hadi Abdulhamid, Ehsan Nazerian
  21. "Effect of mycorrhizal inoculation on black and white poplar in a lead-polluted soil"
    Azadeh Salehi, Masoud Tabari Kouchaksaraei, Ebrahim Mohammadi-goltapeh, Anoushirvan Shirvany, Javad Mirzaee
    Journal of Forest Science, Vol. 62, pp.223-228, 2016
  22. "Cadmium and lead effects on chlorophyll fluorescence,"
    Atefeh Dezhban, Anoushirvan Shirvany, Pedram Attarod, Mojtaba Delshad, Mohammad Matinizadeh, Mostafa Khoshnevise
    Journal of Forest Research, Vol. 26, No 2, 2015
  23. "Physiological responses of Celtis caucasica L. and Robinia pseudoacacia L. to the cadmium and lead stresses"
    Atefeh Dezhban, Anoushirvan Shirvany, Pedram Attarod, Mojtaba Delshad, Mohammad Matinizadeh
  24. "Biomass allocation of chestnut oak (Quercus castaneifolia C.A. Mey) seedlings: effects of provenance and light gradient"
    Fariba Babaei, Seyed Gholamali Jalali, هرمز سهرابی, Anoushirvan Shirvany
    Journal of Forest Science, Vol. 11, No 60, 2014
  25. "Evaluation of Pollution Intensity in Different Districts of Tehran Based on Measuring Chlorophyll, Plumb and Cadmium Heavy Metal Contents in Trees"
    سودابه علی احمد کروری, محمد متینی زاده, Anoushirvan Shirvany, Elahe Madani, محمود منعمیان, Ehsan Abdi
    International Journal of Environmental Research, Vol. 8, No 4, pp.1105-1114, 2014
  26. "Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal symbiosis with Sorbus torminalis does not vary with soil nutrients and enzyme activities across different sites"
    Mostafa Moradi Kafraj, Anoushirvan Shirvany, محمد متینی زاده, Vahid Etemad, حمیدرضا ناجی, Hazandy Abdul-hamid, Samira Sayah
    iForest-Biogeosciences and Forestry, Vol. 7, No 7, 2014
  27. "Influence of climatic factors on fruit morphological traits in Populus euphratica Oliv."
    Azam Soleomani, Vahid Etemad, محسن کلاگری, Manochehr Namiranian, Anoushirvan Shirvany
    Annals of Forest Research, Vol. 57, No 1, 2014
  28. "Lead and cadmium concentrations in throughfall of Pinus eldarica and Cupressus arizonica plantations in a semi-arid polluted area"
    Esmaeil Khosropour, Pedram Attarod, Anoushirvan Shirvany, Mohammad Matinizadeh, Omid Fathizadeh
    CASPIAN JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES, Vol. 11, No 1, pp.141-150, 2014
  29. "Growth responses to irradiance regime along an ecological gradient of Quercus castaneifolia seedlings of different provenance"
    Fariba Babaei, Seyed Gholamali Jalali, هرمزسهرابی , Anoushirvan Shirvany
    ECOLOGICAL RESEARCH, Vol. 29, No 2, pp.245-255, 2014
  30. "Rainfall interception in a Pinus eldarica plantation in a semi-arid climate zone: An Application of the Gash model"
    Maryam Motahary, Pedram Attarod, Thomas Grant Pypker, Vahid Etemad, Anoushirvan Shirvany
    Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology, Vol. 15, No 15, pp.981-994, 2013
  31. "Assessment of Genetic Variability in Long - lived Cupressus sempervirens var . horizontalis Using SSR Markers"
    Sodabeh Ali Ahmad Koroori , Azadfar Davoud , Anoushirvan Shirvany, Hossein Valipour Kahrod , Mohamad Matinizadeh
    Plant Gene and Trait, Vol. 3, No 8, pp.43-49, 2012
  32. "Variations of leaf morphological traits in natural populations of Fagus orientalis Lipsky in the Caspian forests of Northern Iran"
    V Bayramzadeh , Pedram Attarod, Mohamad Taghi Ahmadi , Maryam Ghadiri , Ronak Akbari , Turaj Safarkar , Anoushirvan Shirvany
    Annals of Forest Research, Vol. 55, No 1, pp.42-33, 2012
  33. "Accumulation of heavy metal in Platanus orientalis, Robinia pseudocacia and Fraxinus rotundifolia"
    Sajad Hosseinzadeh Monfared, محمد متینی زاده, Anoushirvan Shirvany, Ghavamodin Zahedi Amiri, رضا موسوی فرد, Fariba Rostami
    JOURNAL OF FORESTRY RESEARCH, Vol. 24/2, No 2, pp.11-16, 2012
  34. "Crown Biomass relationship of Lebanon Oak in Northern zagros Forests of Iran"
    Sheyda Khosravi, Manochehr Namiranian, Hedayat Ghazanfari , Anoushirvan Shirvany
    Croatian Journal of Forest Engineering, Vol. 33, No 2, pp.239-247, 2012
  35. "Estimation of leaf area index and assessment of its allometric equations in oak forests : Northern ZagrosIran"
    Sheida Khosravi , Manochehr Namiranian, Hedayat Ghazanfari , Anoushirvan Shirvany
    Journal of Forest Science, Vol. 58, No 3, pp.122-116, 2012
  36. "Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in endemic and native tree species wild pear ( Pyrus glabra and maple ( Acer cinerascens ) )"
    Touran Feyzi Kamareh , Anoushirvan Shirvany, Mohammad Matinizadeh , Vahid Etemad, Mostafa Khoshnevis
    African Journal of Agricultural Research, Vol. 6, No 18, pp.4308-4317, 2011
  37. "Phytoremediation Potential of Populus Alba and Morus alba for Cadmium Chromuim and Nickel Absorption from Polluted Soil"
    Maryam Rafati , Ne'matollah Khorasani , Farhad Moattar , Anoushirvan Shirvany, Farhang Moraghebi , Sajjad Hosseinzadeh Monfared
    International Journal of Environmental Research, Vol. 5, No 4, pp.961-970, 2011
  38. "Life form and geographical distribution of plants in posthband region Khonj Fars Province Iran"
    Gholamhosein Moradi , Mohammad Reza Marvi Mohajer, Ghavamodin Zahedi Amiri, Anoushirvan Shirvany, Nosratollah Zargham
    JOURNAL OF FORESTRY RESEARCH, Vol. 21, No 2, pp.206-201, 2010
  39. "Stomatal vs. genome size in angiosperms : the somatic tail wagging the genomic dog"
    J G Hodgson , Mohammad Reza Sharafi Jam, A Jalili , S Dı´az , G Montserrat Martı , C Palmer , B Cerabolini , S Pierce , B Hamzehee , Y Asri , Z Jamzad , P Wilson , J A Raven , S R Band , S Basconcelo , A Bogard , G Carter , M Charles , P Castro Dı´ez , J H C Cornelissen , G Funes , G Jones , M Khoshnevis , N Pe´rez Harguindeguy , M C Pe´rez Rontome , Anoushirvan Shirvany, F Vendramini , Saeed Yazdani, R Abbas Azimi , S Boustani , M Dehghan , J Guerrero Campo , A Hynd , E Kowsary , Kazemi Saeed , B Siavash , P Villar Salvador , R Craigie , A Naqinezhad , A Romo Dı´ez , L De Torres Espuny , E Simmons
    ANNALS OF BOTANY, Vol. 105, No 105, pp.573-584, 2010
  40. "Prioritizing stakeholders of integrated land use management in Arasbaran, Iran Morteza"
    مرتضی تشکری, Anoushirvan Shirvany, Seyed Rashid Falah Shamsi, Manfred Lexer
    Austrian Journal of Forest Science, Vol. 4, No 126, pp.253-227, 2009
  41. "Vessl elemant Lenght related to the physiological traits of leaves in Fagus crenata seedlings originated from different provenance"
    Vilma Bayram Zadeh , Pedram Attarod, Anoushirvan Shirvany, Mehdi Heshmatol Vaezin , M Roohnia , Arjang Atarod
    Research Journal of Environmental Science, Vol. 3, No 4, pp.461-465, 2009
  42. "The plant traits that drive ecosystems : Evidence from three continents"
    Jg Hodgson , K Thompson , M Cabido , Jhc Cornelissen , Anoushirvan Shirvany, Jalili A Montserratmarti , Jp G Grime , F Zarrinkamar , Yaseri Asri
    JOURNAL OF VEGETATION SCIENCE, Vol. 15, No 3, pp.295-304, 2004
  43. "Response of wild Pistachio seedlings to inoculation with microorganisms under two moisture levels in greenhouse"
    Negin Armand, Anoushirvan Shirvany, محمد متینی زاده, Maryam Teimouri
    Iranian Journal of Forest, Vol. 15, No 3, pp.179-194, 2023
  44. "Investigating the effect of lead and cadmium on absorption of high consumption nutrients on Glycyrrhiza glabra"
    Firoozeh Moghiminejad, Ali Tavili, Mohammad Jafari, Anoushirvan Shirvany, Mohammad Ali Zare Chahouki
    Pasture, Vol. 16, No 1, 2022
  45. "Investigation of Effect of Cadmium on Phytochemical Properties of Licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra)"
    Firoozeh Moghiminejad, Ali Tavili, Mohammad Jafari, Anoushirvan Shirvany, Mohammad Ali Zare Chahouki, Yaser Ghasemi Arian
    Iranian Range and Desert Research, Vol. 29, No 1, pp.27-39, 2022
  46. "Dust pollution Comparison on four tree species in two domains of Chitgar Forest Park"
    Mahnaz Khazaei, Vahid Etemad, Anoushirvan Shirvany, Mohsen Javanmiripour
    Plant Research (Biology), Vol. 34, No 2, pp.535-547, 2021
  47. "The potential of Juniperus foetidissima Willd. tree and Juniperus oblonga M.B. shrub for dendroclimatology in Arasbaran forests"
    Mohammad Emaminasab, Reza Oladi, Kambiz Pourtahmasi, Anoushirvan Shirvany
  48. "Analysis of composition and biodiversity of understory plants in natural and afforestation stands of western Hyrcanian (Case Study: Ramsar Sang Poshteh)"
    Maryam Baziari, Vahid Etemad, Yahya Kooch, Anoushirvan Shirvany
    Iranian Journal of Forest and Range Protection Research, Vol. 18, No 2, pp.116-103, 2020
  49. "Trapping and identification of Mangrove forest insects (Avicennia marina) by colored bucket, cylindrical traps and yellow sticky card (Case study: Minab county)"
    Jahani Ali, Hosenzadeh monfared Sajad, میثم قاسمی, Anoushirvan Shirvany
    Journal of Animal Environment, Vol. 11, No 4, 2020
  50. "The effect of canopy and its geographic orientation on seeds germination and survival of Juniperus excelsa seedlings"
    مصطفی خوشنویس , Maryam Teimouri, Mohammad Hosein Sadegzadeh Hallaj3, Mohamad Matinizadeh, Anoushirvan Shirvany
    Iranian Journal of Forest, Vol. 11, No 3, 2019
  51. "Evaluation of salinity tolerance in Euphrates poplar (Populus euphratica Olive.) ecotypes using stress tolerance indices"
    Hossein Tavakolli, Anoushirvan Shirvany, Mohammad Hassan Assareh, سید مهدی ادنانی, Monireh Mohebi Kia
    Journal of Arid Biome, Vol. 9, No 1, pp.55-66, 2019
  52. "Monitoring and modeling changes of forest area using logistic regression-markov and geomod"
    Vahid Nasiri, Ali Asghar Darvish Sefat, Anoushirvan Shirvany, Mohammad Avatefi Hemmat
    فضای جغرافیایی, Vol. 19, No 65, pp.171-189, 2019
  53. "Identification and inoculation of mycorrhizal fungi symbiosis to Caucasian hackberry (Celtis Caucasica L.) under greenhouse conditions"
    Tooba Sepahvand, Vahid Etemad, Mohammad Matinizadeh, Anoushirvan Shirvany, Ghavamodin Zahedi Amiri
    Iranian journal of Forest and Poplar Research, Vol. 27, No 1, pp.24-34, 2019
  54. "Heavy metal accumulation and anatomical responses of plane plant to urban pollutions in two areas of Tehran"
    Esmaeil Khosropour, Pedram Attarod, Anoushirvan Shirvany, Velma Bayramzadeh, Leila Hakimi
    Plant Research (Biology), Vol. 31, No 4, pp.829-841, 2019
  55. "Morphological and physiological properties of Patanus orientalis and Pinus eldarica leaves to urban pollution in Tehran"
    Esmaeil Khosropour, Pedram Attarod, Anoushirvan Shirvany, ویلما بایرام زاده , Mazaher Moeinaddini, Leila Hakimi
    Iranian Journal of Forest, Vol. 10, No 2, pp.123-137, 2018
  56. "Seasonal Changes in Abundance of Arbuscular Mycorrhiza Fungi of Cerasus Mahaleb (L.) Mill. and Their Correlation with Activity of Some Rhizosphere Enzymes (Case Study: Chahartagh-E-Ardal)"
    Negin Armand, Anoushirvan Shirvany, Mohamad Matinizadeh, مصطفی خوشنویس
    Iranian Journal of Forest, Vol. 10, No 1, pp.1-12, 2018
  57. "eavy metal accumulation in needles of Pinus eldarica and leaves anatomical responses to the urban pollution"
    Esmaeil Khosropour, Pedram Attarod, Anoushirvan Shirvany, ویلما بایرام زاده , Mazaher Moeinaddini
    Iranian Journal of Forest, Vol. 9, No 4, pp.457-466, 2018
  58. "Physiological Responses of Robinia pseudoacacia seedlings to drought stress"
    Fereshteh Kord Rostami, Anoushirvan Shirvany, Pedram Attarod, Mostafa Khoshnevise
  59. "Effect of maternal tree phenotype and irrigation on survival and growth of Greek juniper (Juniperus excelsa M. B.) seedlings in Sirachal research station"
    Mostafa Khoshnevise, Maryam Teimouri, Mohammadhosein Sadeghzadeh Hallaj, Mohammad Matinizadeh, Anoushirvan Shirvany
    Iranian journal of Forest and Poplar Research, Vol. 25, No 3, pp.506-516, 2017
  60. "Comparison of pollen grain composition and quality of honey obtained from forest and rangeland sites in Arasbaran region"
    Mohammad Safi Ahmadabad, Anoushirvan Shirvany, Parisa Panahi
    Iranian journal of Forest and Poplar Research, Vol. 25, No 2, pp.342-353, 2017
  61. "Some effective environmental factors on beech scale (Cryptococcus fagisuga lindinger) density on oriental beech (Fagus orientalis lipsky)"
    Faezeh Firozeh, Anoushirvan Shirvany, Hassan Asgari, Seyed Hossein Goldansaz, شهاب منظری, بابک جلیلپور
    Iranian Journal of Forest, Vol. 9, No 2, 2017
  62. "Symbiosis with forest: Traditional ecological knowledge of Arasbaran forest dwellers in using the trees"
    Bagher Khaleghi, Mohammad Avatefi Hemmat, Taghi Shamkhi, Anoushirvan Shirvany
    Iranian Journal of Forest, Vol. 9, No 1, 2017
  63. "Rehabilitation management project with the help of local community and identification of resistant oak genotypes in Ilam Province (the role of dust in dead Oak), Second part: The socioeconomic potential of the ecosystem, scientific and economic exploitation"
    Soudabeh Aliahmad Korori, Elahe Madani, Anoushirvan Shirvany, Reza Ahmadi, Mehrzad Kohzadian, Hojat Fathi, Jalal Noorinezhad, Saeed Taheri
    Journal of Forest, Vol. 1, No 107, 2017
  64. "Biochemical and physiological responses of Pinus eldarica and Platanus orientalis leaves to air pollution in Tehran"
    Esmaeil Khosropour, Pedram Attarod, Anoushirvan Shirvany, Velma Bayramzadeh, Leila Hakimi
    Iranian Journal of Forest, Vol. 8, No 4, pp.431-443, 2017
  65. "Effect of mycorrhizal fungi inoculation on growth of mahaleb cherry (Cerasus mahaleb (L.) Mill.) seedlings in greenhouse condition"
    Negin Armand, Mohammad Matinizadeh, Anoushirvan Shirvany, Mostafa Khoshnevise
    Iranian journal of Forest and Poplar Research, Vol. 24, No 4, pp.656-664, 2016
  66. "Size and distribution of particles deposited on the surface of the leaves of ash, sycamore and black locust"
    Kazhal Manuchehri, Anoushirvan Shirvany, Pedram Attarod, یحیی خداکرمی
  67. "Dust filtration ability of Fraxinus rotundifolia, Platanus orientalis, and Robinia pseudoacacia trees in Kermanshah, West of Iran"
    Kazhal Manuchehri, Anoushirvan Shirvany, Pedram Attarod, Yahya Khodakarami
    Iranian Journal of Forest, Vol. 8, No 1, pp.1-10, 2016
  68. "Lead tolerance of Populus nigra in symbiosis with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in relation to physiological parameters"
    Azadeh Salehi, Masoud Tabari Kouchaksaraei, Ebrahim Mohammadi-goltapeh, Anoushirvan Shirvany
    Journal of Natural Environment (Iranian Journal of Natural Resources), Vol. 69, No 1, pp.79-93, 2016
  69. "Cadmium effect on the chlorophyll fluorescence, chlorophyll pigments and proline contents of Celtis caucasica and Robinia pseudoacacia seedlings leaves"
    Atefeh Dezhban, Anoushirvan Shirvany, Pedram Attarod, Mojtaba Delshad, Mohammad Matinizadeh
    Plant Research (Biology), Vol. 28, No 4, 2016
  70. "Morphological characteristics of old trees in hyrcanian forest (Case study: Pattom and Namkhaneh districts, Kheyrud)"
    Mojtaba Azarian, Mohammad Reza Marvi Mohajer, Vahid Etemad, Anoushirvan Shirvany, Seyed Mohammad Moein Sadeghi
  71. "The relationship between wood-decay fungi abundance and some morphological features of hornbeam (Case study: Kheyroud forest, Noshahr)"
    Hamed Aghajanii, Mohammad Reza Marvi Mohajer, Mohamadreza Asefe, Anoushirvan Shirvany
    Iranian Journal of Forest and Range Protection Research, Vol. 12, No 1, 2015
  72. "Survival, growth and Pb concentration of Populus alba (clone 44/9) seedling in Pb-contaminated soil"
    Azadeh Salehi, Masoud Tabari Kouchaksaraei, Anoushirvan Shirvany
    Iranian Journal of Forest, Vol. 6, No 4, pp.419-433, 2015
  73. "Response of chlorophyll fluorescence and growth of Celtis caucasica and"
    Atefeh Dezhban, Anoushirvan Shirvany, Pedram Attarod, Mojtaba Delshad
    Forest sustainable development, Vol. 1, No 4, 2015
  74. "Application of chlorophyll fluorescence technique as an indicator of drought tolerance in Celtis caucasica L. seedlings"
    Fereshteh Kord Rostami, Anoushirvan Shirvany, Pedram Attarod, Mostafa Khoshnevise
    Iranian Journal of Forest, Vol. 6, No 3, 2014
  75. "Long lived Cypress of Iran"
    سودابه علی احمد کروری, Anoushirvan Shirvany, Gorji Imani, شهیده شبستانی, Tayebe Talebi Khurabadi, Elahe Madani Moshaei
    Journal of Forest, Vol. 100, No 100, 2014
  76. "Investigation of affective habitat factors affecting on abundance of wood macrofungi and sensitivity analysis using the artificial neural network (case study: Kheyrud forest, Noshahr)"
    Hamed Aghajanii, Mohammad Reza Marvi Mohajer, Ali Jahani, Mohamadreza Asefe, Anoushirvan Shirvany, Mojtaba Azarian
    Iranian journal of Forest and Poplar Research, Vol. 21, No 4, 2014
  77. "Sustainable socioeconomic management of forest and range: conservation of natural ecosystems"
    سودابه علی احمد روری, Anoushirvan Shirvany, Mohammad Avatefi Hemmat, محمد متینی زاده, Tayebe Talebi Khurabadi, ج جلیل پور, طالبی, Elahe Madani Moshaei
    Journal of Forest, Vol. 99, 2014
  78. "Effects of different concentrations of plant regulators on In vitro micropropagation of Celtis caucasica Willd."
    فرناز دادور, Teimoor Rostamy Shaherajii, محمد حسن عصاره, Mitra Emam, Anoushirvan Shirvany
    manabe tabie iran, Vol. 21, No 1, pp.13-23, 2013
  79. "Evaluatin of lead bioremediation ability in soil by Pinus sylvestris seedlings"
    Seideh Mahdokht Madahe, Babak Jalil Pour, Anoushirvan Shirvany, فرهنگ مراقبی, Faezeh Firozeh
    Giyāh Va Zīst/būm, Vol. 9, No 35, 2013
  80. "Nickle phytoremediation by leaves of planted species (Fraxinus rotundifolia, Ulmus densa, Salix alba) (Case study: Kermanshah oil refinery area)"
    Soraia Azampoor, بابک پیله ور, Anoushirvan Shirvany, Vilma Bayram Zade, Mehdy Ahmady
    Iranian Journal of Forest, Vol. پنجم, No 2, 2013
  81. "The relationship between abundance of tree lives fungi in oak (Quercus castaneifolia CAM) and hornbeam (Carpinus betulus L.)Physiographic factors Case Study: Kheyrood Forest"
    Hamed Aghajanii, Mohammad Reza Marvi Mohajer, Mohamadreza Asefe, Anoushirvan Shirvany
    manabe tabie iran, Vol. 66, No 1, 2013
  82. "Phytoremediation Potential in Platanus orientalis, and Fraxinus rotundifolia (Case study: 22 Bahman Park, Karaj)"
    Sajad Hosseinzadeh Monfared, Anoushirvan Shirvany, محمد متینی زاده, Ghavamodin Zahedi Amiri, رضا موسوی فرد, Fariba Rostami
    Renewable Natural Resources Research, Vol. 4, No 1, 2013
  83. "Chemical composition of throughfall in Pinus eldarica and Cupressus arizonica plantaion in apollutedarea (Case study: Chitgar Forest park)"
    اسماعیل خسروپور , Pedram Attarod, Anoushirvan Shirvany, محمد متینی زاده , آناهیتا شریعت
    Iranian journal of Forest and Poplar Research, Vol. 20, No 3, pp.378-370, 2012
  84. "Effects of physical and chemical treatments on the germination in Colutea persica Boiss"
    طیبه طالبی , محمدحسین ایران نژاد پاریزی , اصغر مصلح آرانی , Anoushirvan Shirvany
    Iranian Journal of Forest, Vol. 4, No 3, pp.221-229, 2012
  85. "Cost price and quality evaluation of seedlings in public and private nurseries (Case study: Pistacia atlantica var mutica and Populus nigra in Zaghe and Kalantari nursuries of Loretsan province)"
    مریم فضل الهی , Seyed Mahdi Heshmatol Vaezin, Vahid Etemad, Anoushirvan Shirvany, اصغر سپهوند
    Iranian Journal of Forest, Vol. 4, No 2, pp.123-134, 2012
  86. "Morphological variations in Seeds of populus euphratica Oliv. originated from different provenances"
    اعظم سلیمانی , Vahid Etemad, محسن کلاگری , Manochehr Namiranian, Anoushirvan Shirvany
    Iranian Journal of Forest, Vol. 4, No 2, pp.164-157, 2012
  87. "Effect of hormones, light and media treatments on rooting of Juniperus oblonga cuttings"
    Mostafa Khoshnevise, Maryam Teimouri, Mohammad Matinizadeh, Anoushirvan Shirvany
    Iranian Journal of Forest, Vol. 4, No 2, pp.135-142, 2012
  88. "Phytoextraction and Phytostabilization Potential of Cadmium, Chromium and Nickel By Populus alba and Morus alba Species"
    مریم رفعتی , نعمت ا خراسانی , فرهنگ مراقبی , Anoushirvan Shirvany
    Journal of Natural Environment (Iranian Journal of Natural Resources), Vol. 65, No 2, pp.181-191, 2012
  89. "Allometric equations for estimating standing biomass of Atlantic Pistache (Pistacia atlantica var. mutica) in Khojir National Park"
    هرمز سهرابی , Anoushirvan Shirvany
    Iranian Journal of Forest, Vol. 4, No 1, pp.55-64, 2012
  90. "Rainfall size and interception of a Pinus eldarica afforestation in a semi-arid climate zone (Chitgar Forest Park)"
    Pedram Attarod, مریم السادات مطهری , Vahid Etemad, Anoushirvan Shirvany
  91. "Influence of soil amendment on cadmium accumulation responses in one-year old Populus alba L. seedling"
    سیدمهدی علیزاده , Ghavamodin Zahedi Amiri, Gholamreza Savaghebi Firouz Abadi, Vahid Etemad, Anoushirvan Shirvany, مصطفی شیرمردی
    Iranian Journal of Forest, Vol. 3, No 4, pp.355-366, 2012
  92. "Spectral reflectance differences of Alnus subcordata, Quercus castaneifolia and Parrotia persica leaves based on nitrogen content using PLS regression"
    Mojgan Abbasi, Ali Asghar Darvish Sefat, Michael Schepman , Hooshang Sobhany, Anoushirvan Shirvany, Shahideh Shabestani
  93. "abcd"
    Toran Feyzi, محمد متینی زاده , Anoushirvan Shirvany, Vahid Etemad, مصطفی خوشنویس
    Iranian Journal of Forest, Vol. 3, No 3, pp.213-221, 2011
  94. "Arbescular mycorrhizal symbiotic colonization and abundance of wild pear and comparison of spores in the spring and autumn"
    Toran Feyzi, محمد متینی زاده , Anoushirvan Shirvany, Vahid Etemad, مصطفی خوشنویس
  95. "abcd"
    Azam Soleomani, Vahid Etemad, محسن کلاگری , Manochehr Namiranian, Anoushirvan Shirvany
  96. "Forest typology in Relation with Altitude Gradient on Southern Slopes of Central Alborz mountains"
    Hooman Ravanbakhsh, Mohammad Reza Marvi Mohajer, Ghavamodin Zahedi Amiri, Anoushirvan Shirvany
  97. "Forest Typology in Relation with Altitude Gradient on Southern Slopes of Central Alborz Mountains (Latian Dam Watershed)"
    Hooman Ravanbakhsh, Mohammad Reza Marvi Mohajer, Ghavamodin Zahedi Amiri, Anoushirvan Shirvany
  98. "مقایسه مقدار جذب فلز سرب در اندام های مختلف ( ریشه، ساقه و برگ ) نهال های یکساله دو گونه بلوط ایرانی ( Quercus brantii ) و بنه ( Pistacia atlantica ) به روش محلول پاشی"
    یحیی خداکرمی , Ghavamodin Zahedi Amiri, Anoushirvan Shirvany, هوشمند صفری , محمد متینی زاده
    Iranian Journal of Forest, Vol. 1, No 4, pp.313-320, 2010
  99. "Investigation on ecological pattern governing Anzali Lagoon vegetation and their roles in ecosystem management"
    عادل جلیلی , بهنام حمزه , یونس عصری , Anoushirvan Shirvany, مصطفی خوشنویس , مجتبی اک پرور , مرتضی اکبرزاده , سیدرضا صفوی , زهره فرزانه , فریبا شاه میر , سعید فرحزا کاظمی , زهرا باهرنیک
    Journal Of Sciences, Vol. 35, No 1, pp.51-57, 2009
  100. "The effect of north and south slope on the productivity of leaves and accumulation of Carbon in leaves in fagetum associations in the Gorazbon district within kheyroudkenar forest"
    Faezeh Firozeh, Vahid Etemad, Mohammad Reza Marvi Mohajer, Ghavamodin Zahedi Amiri, Anoushirvan Shirvany
    پژوهش و سازندگی, Vol. 2, No 80, pp.117-121, 2008
  101. "The effect of different treatments on rooting of Juniperus excelsa cutting"
    احمد رحمانی , Anoushirvan Shirvany, سودابه علی احمد کروری , محمد متینی زاده , مریم تیموری , مصطفی خوشنویس , احمد رحمانی , سودابه علی احمد کروری , محمد متینی زاده , مریم تیموری , مصطفی خوشنویس
    Iranian journal of Forest and Poplar Research, Vol. 16, No 1, pp.158-167, 2008
  102. "Study on peroxidase activity in relation to heavy metals in mangrove species Avicennia marina (Frsk.) Vierh"
    حسین ولی‌پور کهرود , افشین دانه‌کار , Anoushirvan Shirvany, سودابه علی‌احمد کروری
    manabe tabie iran, Vol. 60, No 6, pp.949-963, 2007
  103. "Changes in Peroxidase Isozymes in Mangrove Species (Avicennia marina) After Exposure to Heavy Metals and Oil Pollutants"
    حسین ولی پورکهرود , علی احمد کروری سودابه , Afshin DanehKar, Anoushirvan Shirvany
    Biological Science Promotion, Vol. 2, No 78, pp.257-268, 2007
  104. "Evaluation of forest ecosystems by means of soil enzyme studies with usage of Ulmus glabra as bioindicator"
    Anoushirvan Shirvany, سودابه علی احمد کروری , Hooshang Sobhany, Mohammad Reza Marvi Mohajer
    پژوهش و سازندگی, Vol. -, No 66, pp.96-103, 2005

Conference Paper

  1. "Shrubs are more sensitive to climate than sessile oak in highlands of Arasbaran forests"
    Reza Oladi, Mohammad Emaminasab, Kambiz Pourtahmasi, Anoushirvan Shirvany, Achim Braeuning
    The 7th Asian Dendro-conference, 2022
  2. "A comparative analysis of particulate matter (PM) and carbon uptake by important tree species in Tehran"
    Sahar Elkaee, Anoushirvan Shirvany, Mazaher Moeinaddini
    The 6th national conference on air and noise pollution management (AQM2018), 2018
  3. "Comparision of the abilities of Lead concentration by three species of Robinia pseuduacacia, Fraxinus rotundifolia and Cupressus arizonica"
    Yahya Khoda Karami, Anoushirvan Shirvany, Mohammad Matinizadeh, Masoome Khanhasani
    The 2 nd international Conference of IALE-Iran, 2016
  4. "Potential of dust filtration by Fraxinus rotundifolia, Platanus orientalis and Robinia pseudoacacia trees in the west of Iran"
    Kazhal Manuchehri, Anoushirvan Shirvany, Pedram Attarod, یحی خداکرمی
    The Second International Conference on Agriculture and Natural Resources, 2013
  5. "Physiological responses of Robinia pseudoacacia to the cadmium stress"
    Atefeh Dezhban, Anoushirvan Shirvany, Pedram Attarod, Mojtaba Delshad
    Biosphere Reserve - The way to Sustainability, 2013
  6. "Physiological responses of Robinia pseudoacacia to the lead stress"
    Atefeh Dezhban, Anoushirvan Shirvany, Pedram Attarod, Mojtaba Delshad, Samira Taati
    Biosphere Reserve - The way to Sustainability, 2013
  7. "Physiological responses of celtis caucasica to the lead stress"
    Atefeh Dezhban, Anoushirvan Shirvany, Pedram Attarod, Mojtaba Delshad, فرشته کرد رستمی
    GIAN, 2013
  8. "Photosynthetic responses of Robinia pseudocacia to Cadmium and Lead Stress"
    عاطفه دژبان, Anoushirvan Shirvany, Pedram Attarod, Mojtaba Delshad
    Plant Abiotic Stress Tolerance II, 2012
  9. "Chemical Composition of Throughfall in Pinus eldarica and Cupressus arizonica Plantations in a Semi-arid Polluted urban Area"
    اسماعیل خسرو پور, Pedram Attarod, Anoushirvan Shirvany, محمد متینی زاده, امید فتحی زاده, ویلما بایرام زاده
    Dry land Ecology, 2011
  10. "An evaluation of the Gash interception model in a Pinus eldarica plantation in a semi-arid climate zone"
    مریم مطهری, Pedram Attarod, Thomas G.PYPKER, Vahid Etemad, Anoushirvan Shirvany, ویلما بایرام زاده
    Dry land Ecology, 2011
    مریم مطهری, Pedram Attarod, Vahid Etemad, Anoushirvan Shirvany
  12. "Relationship between plant ecological groups soil and topography factors in the south of Iran"
    غلامحسین مرادی, Ghavamodin Zahedi Amiri, Mohammad Reza Marvi Mohajer, Anoushirvan Shirvany, Vahid Etemad
    First International Conference of soil and roots engineering relationship, 2010
  13. "life form andgeographical distribution of plants in poshtband region"
    غلامحسین مرادی, Ghavamodin Zahedi Amiri, Mohammad Reza Marvi Mohajer, Anoushirvan Shirvany, Vahid Etemad
    First International Conference of soil and roots engineering relationship, 2010
  14. "Afirst report from chromosome Number of populus caspica"
    Shabestani Shabestani, Anoushirvan Shirvany, فرهاد اسدی, Mohammad Reza Marvi Mohajer, Vahid Etemad
    Green plant breeding technologies, 2010
  15. "Study of the Effect of Colors on the absorption of sycamore wood borers"
    سجاد حسین زاده منفرد, Hassan Assgari, Anoushirvan Shirvany, مریم رفعتی
    23rd Iranian Plant Protection Congress, 2018
  16. "Performance of yellow, white and black light for mass trapping of wood borers"
    سجاد حسین زاده منفرد, Hassan Assgari, Anoushirvan Shirvany, مریم رفعتی
    23rd Iranian Plant Protection Congress, 2018
  17. "Arasbaran Universal World Heritage criteria"
    Anoushirvan Shirvany, بهنام حمزه
    The first conference on conservation and protection of Arasbaran forests, 2017
  18. "Local Management of Arasbaran Protected Area: Indigenous Knowledge Implication"
    Bagher Khaleghi, Mohammad Avatefi Hemmat, Taghi Shamkhi, Anoushirvan Shirvany
    the conference on Arasbaran Forest conservation, 2017
  19. "Root improvement of celtis caucasica seedlings inoculated with mycorrhizal fungi under drought stress"
    Tooba Sepahvand, Mohamad Matinizadeh, Vahid Etemad, Anoushirvan Shirvany, Ghavamodin Zahedi Amiri
    Third International Conference on New Findings in Agricultural Sciences, Natural Resources and the Environment, 2017
  20. "Reply arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi influence the activity of antioxidant enzymes in plants Tadar (.) Celtis caucasica L under drought stress"
    Tooba Sepahvand, Vahid Etemad, محمد متینی زاده , Anoushirvan Shirvany, Ghavamodin Zahedi Amiri
    National conference on research and technology finding in natural and agriculture ecosystem, 2016
  21. "Mycorrhizal seedlings physiological responses such Tadar (.) Celtis caucasica L under drought stress"
    Tooba Sepahvand, Vahid Etemad, Mohamad Matinizadeh, Anoushirvan Shirvany, Ghavamodin Zahedi Amiri
    national conference on research and technology finding in natural and agriculture ecosystem, 2016
  22. "Tadar seedlings with mycorrhizal fungi inoculation growth indices Glomus intraradicese under normal conditions"
    Tooba Sepahvand, Mohamad Matinizadeh, Vahid Etemad, Anoushirvan Shirvany, Negin Armand
    first Conference of Natural Resources and Sustainable Development in Central Zakros, 2016
  23. "Evaluation of some morphological characteristics of root seedlings with mycorrhizal inoculation Tadar species Glomus musaea and Glomus intraradiacesa under normal conditions"
    Tooba Sepahvand, Vahid Etemad, Mohamad Matinizadeh, Anoushirvan Shirvany, Negin Armand
    first Conference of Natural Resources and Sustainable Development in Central Zakros, 2016
  24. "Effect of Mycorrhizal fungi Glomus intraradiaces on biochemical characteristics of hackberry tree species to drought conditions"
    Tooba Sepahvand, Vahid Etemad, محمد متینی زاده , Anoushirvan Shirvany, Negin Armand
    irst Conference of Natural Resources and Sustainable Development in Central Zakros, 2016
  25. "Qualitative assessment of public and private nurseries in Lorestan province"
    Maryam Fazlollahi Mohammadi, Vahid Etemad, Seyed Mahdi Heshmatol Vaezin, Anoushirvan Shirvany
    5th National Symposium on Sustainable Agriculture and Natural Resources, 2016
  26. "Investigation of the cost and seedling viability percentage in private and public nurseries of Lorestan province"
    Maryam Fazlollahi Mohammadi, Vahid Etemad, Seyed Mahdi Heshmatol Vaezin, Anoushirvan Shirvany
    5th National Symposium on Sustainable Agriculture and Natural Resources, 2016
  27. "Effects of arbuscular mycorrhiza the some of the morphological characteristics of Mahaleb cherry (Cerasus mahaleb)"
    Negin Armand, Anoushirvan Shirvany, محمد متینی زاده , مصطفی خوشنویس
    Second national conference on desert focus on dry and desert regions, 2014
  28. "The amounts of deposited dusts and particles on leaves of Quercus brantii in Zagros region"
    Kazhal Manuchehri, Anoushirvan Shirvany, Pedram Attarod
    The first National Conference on Climate Change and Engineering of Sustainable Development of Agriculture and Natural Resources, 2014
  29. "Seasonal effect on the some of soil enzyme activities in Lonicera nummularia (case study: Chahar-tagh Ardal)"
    Negin Armand, محمد متینی زاده, Anoushirvan Shirvany, مصطفی خوشنویس
    Second national conference of forest science for students, 2014
  30. "Seasonal changes of mycorrhizal symbiosis and alkaline phosphatase activity in Crataegus aronia (Case study: Chahartaghe Ardal)"
    Negin Armand, محمد متینی زاده, Anoushirvan Shirvany, مصطفی خوشنویس
    Second national conference of forest science for students, 2014
  31. "Deposition of dusts on leaves of Plaatnus orientalis and Robinia pseudoacacia"
    Kazhal Manuchehri, Anoushirvan Shirvany, Pedram Attarod, یحیی خداکرمی
    The 3 th national conference on wind erosion and dust storms, 2014
  32. "Plumb concentration rate in plane trees and white mulberry as a pollution index in Tehran"
    سودابه علی احمد کروری, Anoushirvan Shirvany, Ehsan Abdi, Tayebe Talebi Khurabadi, Elahe Madani, Mohamad Reza Farzad Behtash
    Second national conference on new technologies for environmental pollution control, 2013
  33. "photosynthetic responses of celtis caucasia to the cadmium stress"
    عاطفه دژبان, Anoushirvan Shirvany, Pedram Attarod, Mojtaba Delshad, Leila Mohammadi
    The first national conference on phytoremediution, 2012
  34. "fraxinus"
    سجاد حسین زاده منفرد, Anoushirvan Shirvany, محمد متینی زاده, Ghavamodin Zahedi Amiri, رضا موسوی فرد, فریبا رستمی
    national, 2011
  35. "nutrient"
    Anoushirvan Shirvany, سجاد حسین زاده منفرد, محمد متینی زاده, Ghavamodin Zahedi Amiri, رضا موسوی فرد, فریبا رستمی
    sustainable, 2011
  36. "Plantation in southern slopes of alborz mountains according to natural stands as a model"
    هومن روانبخش, Mohammad Reza Marvi Mohajer, Ghavamodin Zahedi Amiri, Anoushirvan Shirvany
    Landscape design based on endemic plants and increasing species diversity, 2011
  37. "Biological purification of heavy metals cadmium and lead by robinia speciese"
    سجاد حسین زاده منفرد, Anoushirvan Shirvany, محمد متینی زاده, Ghavamodin Zahedi Amiri, رضا موسوی فرد, فریبا رستمی
    5th national conference on world enviromental day, 2011
  38. "tree"
    سجاد حسین زاده منفرد, Anoushirvan Shirvany, محمد متینی زاده, Ghavamodin Zahedi Amiri, رضا موسوی فرد, فریبا رستمی
    enviromental, 2011
  39. "Biological purification of plane (Platanus orientalis)"
    سجاد حسین زاده منفرد, Anoushirvan Shirvany, محمد متینی زاده, Ghavamodin Zahedi Amiri, رضا موسوی فرد, فریبا رستمی
    Fifth Regional Conference on Agricultural Research findings (West Country, 2011
  40. "cadmium"
    Ghavamodin Zahedi Amiri, Anoushirvan Shirvany, محمد متینی زاده, رضا موسوی فرد, سجاد حسین زاده منفرد, فریبا رستمی
    5th regional congress on advances agriculthral reserch, 2011
  41. "Comparison of cadmium and lead accumulation in leaves and tibia ash and soil types"
    سجاد حسین زاده منفرد, Anoushirvan Shirvany, محمد متینی زاده, Ghavamodin Zahedi Amiri, رضا موسوی فرد, فریبا رستمی
    5th National Conference of Iranian environmental, 2011
  42. "The potential impact of soil enzymes juniper habitat in grazed 25-year-old Ardal flung wide, Chahar Mahal and Bakhtiari"
    Mohamad Matinizadeh, Mostafa Khoshnevise, Maryam Teimouri, Anoushirvan Shirvany
    Second national conference ofapplied microbiology, 2011
  43. "Environmental factors influencing the distribution of vegetation"
    غلامحسین مرادی, Ghavamodin Zahedi Amiri, Mohammad Reza Marvi Mohajer, Anoushirvan Shirvany
    4 th Conference on World Environment Day, 2010