Seyed Vali Hosseini

Associate Professor

Update: 2025-03-13

Seyed Vali Hosseini

College of Agriculture and Natural Resources / Fisheries Sciences

Journal Paper

  1. "Marine Mannitol: Extraction, Structures, Properties, and Applications"
    Seyed Vali Hosseini, Hajar Ebrahimi Dastgerdi, Reza Tahergorabi
    Processes, Vol. 12, No 8, 2024
  2. "Effects of Bacillus subtilis and Lactobacillus plantarum probiotics on the Litopenaeus vannamei growth performance, hemolymph factors, and physicochemical parameters"
    Seyyed mehrdad Hasani azhdari, Shirin Kazemzadeh Pournaki, Kamran Rezaei Tavabe, Seyed Vali Hosseini, دارا باقری , Sina Javanmardi, اشکان اژدری, Machael Frinsko
    Aquaculture Reports, Vol. 33, No 2, 2023
  3. "Natural biopolymers in bone tissue engineering from aquatic resources: A review"
    Mitra Ahadi-far, Seyed Vali Hosseini, Soheil Eigdari
    International Journal of Aquatic Biology, Vol. 11, No 4, pp.363-373, 2023
  4. "Sous-vide processing of silver carp: Effect of processing temperature and cold storage duration on the microbial quality of the product as well as modeling by artificial neural networks"
    Seyed Vali Hosseini, Milad Pero, Zahra Hoseinabadi, Reza Tahergorabi, Shirin Kazemzadeh, Ricardo Santos Aleman, Jhunior Abrahan Marcia Fuentes, Ismael Montero Fernandez, David P. Calderon, xesus feas sanchez
    PLoS One, Vol. 18, No 3, 2023
  5. "Assessment of the relationship between nutritional quality indices of beluga sturgeon (Huso huso) fillets and frying with different vegetable oils"
    Ali Hasanpour Ardekanizadeh, Seyed Vali Hosseini, Reza Tahergorabi, Zahra Hoseinabadi, xesus feas sanchez
    Journal of Agricultural and Crop Research, Vol. 10, No 6, pp.105-112, 2022
  6. "Risk assessment of trace elements bioaccumulated in golden gray mullet (Liza aurata) harvested from the southern Caspian Sea"
    Seyed Mehdi Hosseini, Robabeh Vajdi, Seyedeh Fatemeh Monsef Rad, Reza Dahmardeh Behrooz, Vahid Chamanara, Seyed Vali Hosseini
    JOURNAL OF GREAT LAKES RESEARCH, Vol. 4, No 48, pp.1079-1086, 2022
  7. "Physicochemical evaluations of chitosan/nisin nanocapsulation and its synergistic effects in quality preservation in tilapia fish sausage"
    Shirin Kazemzadeh, Amirreza Abed-Elmdoust, Ali Reza Mirvaghefi, Seyed Vali Hosseini, Hojjat Abdollahi Khamene
  8. "Effect of Nanocomposite Clay/low-density Polyethylene Film on the Quality of Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Fillets Stored with Four Different Packaging Conditions"
    Zabihalh Bahmani, Seyed Vali Hosseini, Asghar Amanpour
    Journal of Aquatic Food Product Technology, Vol. 30, No 10, pp.1315-1329, 2021
  9. "Changes of extracted bioactive compounds from brown algae (Cystoseira indica) after conversion to mill and tablet using a quantitative metabolomics approach"
    Mliheh Taheri Fasakhodi, Amirreza Abed-Elmdoust, Ali Reza Mirvaghefi, Seyed Vali Hosseini, Kamran Rezaei Tavabe
  10. "Documentation of the Turkestan barbel, Luciobarbus conocephalus (Kessler, 1872) in the Iranian part of Hari River basin (Teleostei: Cyprinidae: Barbinae)"
    Soheil Eigdari, Atta Mouludi-Saleh, Seyed Vali Hosseini, Hamed Mousavii-sabet
    Iranian Journal of Ichthyology (Iran. J. Ichthyol.), Vol. 8, No 1, 2021
  11. "Effect of Zataria multiflora essential oil and potassium sorbate on inoculated Listeria monocytogenes , microbial and chemical quality of raw trout fillet during refrigerator storage"
    Forough Motavaf, Ali Reza Mirvaghefi, Hamid Farahmand, Seyed Vali Hosseini
    FOOD SCIENCE & NUTRITION, Vol. 45, No 254, pp.56-69, 2021
  12. "1 H NMR spectroscopy for identification of metabolic profile fluctuations in the extract, powder and pellet produced from sea cucumber ( Holothuria leucospilota )"
    Mahdiyeh Taheri Fasakhodi, Amirreza Abed-Elmdoust, Mehrdad Farhangi, Seyed Vali Hosseini, Mliheh Taheri Fasakhodi
    AQUACULTURE RESEARCH, Vol. 2020, 2020
  13. "Improved mechanical and antibacterial properties of active LDPE films prepared with combination of Ag, ZnO and CuO nanoparticles"
    Samira Dehghani, Seyed Hadi Peighambardoust, Seyed Jamaleddin Peighambardoust, Seyed Vali Hosseini, Joe M. Regenstein
    Food Packaging and Shelf Life, Vol. 22, No 100391, 2019
  14. "Abundance and properties of microplastics found in commercial fish meal and cultured common carp (Cyprinus carpio)"
    Parichehr Hanachi, Samaneh Karbalaei, Tony Walker, Matthew Cole, Seyed Vali Hosseini
    Environmental Science and Pollution Research, Vol. 26, No 19, 2019
  15. "Edible films and coatings in seafood preservation: A review"
    Samira Dehghani, Seyed Vali Hosseini, Joe M Regenstein
    FOOD CHEMISTRY, Vol. 240, No 1, pp.505-513, 2018
  16. "Heavy Metals Contamination of Canned Fish and Related Health Implications in Iran"
    Soheil Sobhan Ardakani, Seyed Vali Hosseini, Lyma Tayebi
    Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, Vol. 18, No 8, pp.951-957, 2018
  17. "Health risk assessment of arsenic and heavy metals (Cd, Cu, Co, Pb, and Sn) through consumption of caviar of Acipenser persicus from Southern Caspian Sea"
    Soheil Sobhan Ardakani, Lima Tayebi, Seyed Vali Hosseini
    Environmental Science and Pollution Research, Vol. 25, No 2, 2017
  18. "Morphological development and allometric growth patterns of Acipenser persicus Borodin, 1897 (Actinopterygii, Acipenseridae) during early development"
    Soheil Eigdari, Hadi Poorbagher, Fatemeh Moshayedi, Seyed Vali Hosseini
    International Journal of Aquatic Biology, Vol. 5, No 3, 2017
  19. "Metal accumulation in Caspian sturgeons with different feeding niches, condition factor, body size and age"
    Hadi Poorbagher, Seyed Vali Hosseini, Seyadmehdi Hosseini, Fereidoon Aflaki, Joe Regenstein
    MICROCHEMICAL JOURNAL, Vol. 132, No 1, pp.43-48, 2017
  20. "Determination of Cd, Cu, Mn and Zn Concentrations in Iranian Caspian Sea Caviar of Acipenser persicus Using Anodic Stripping Voltammetry"
    Soheyl Sobhanardakani, Seyed Vali Hosseini, Hamed Kolangi Miandare, Reza Faizbakhsh, Joe M Regenstein , Mohammad Harsij
    IRANIAN JOURNAL OF SCIENCE, Vol. 41, No 1, pp.139-144, 2017
  21. "Histological and allometric growth analysis of eye in Caspian kutum, Rutilus kutum Kamensky, 1901 (Teleostei: Cyprinidae) during early developmental stages"
    Shaghayegh Hassanpour, Soheil Eigdari, Seyed Vali Hosseini, Mohamad Hasan Jafari Sayadi
    International Journal of Aquatic Biology, Vol. 4, No 4, pp.295-300, 2016
  22. "Effect of Bay (Laurus nobilis L.) Essential Oil on Surimi Gels Nutritionally Enhanced with Salmon and Flaxseed Oils"
    Ugochukwu Anyanwu, Fatimah Alakhrash, Seyed Vali Hosseini, Salam A. Ibrahim, Reza Tahergorabi
    Journal of Aquatic Food Product Technology, Vol. 26, No 4, pp.431-446, 2016
  23. "Recovery of bio-molecules from marinated herring brine using ultra-filtration through ceramic membranes"
    Nina Gringer, Seyed Vali Hosseini, Tore Svendsen, Ingrid Undeland, Morten Lykkegaard Christensen, Carolin P. Baron
    LWT-FOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, Vol. 63, No 1, pp.423-429, 2015
  24. "Determination of toxic (Pb, Cd) and essential (Zn, Mn) metals in canned tuna fish produced in Iran"
    Seyed Vali Hosseini, Soheil Sobhanardakani, Hamed Kolangi Miandarre, Mohammad Harsij, Joe M. Regnestein
    Journal of Environmental Health Science and Engineering, Vol. 13, No 59, pp.1-6, 2015
  25. "Quantification of biomolecules in herring (Clupea harengus) industry processing waters and their recovery using electroflocculation and ultrafiltration"
    Ali Osman, Nina Gringer, Tore Svendsen, Lin Feng Yuan, Seyed Vali Hosseini, Caroline P. Baron, Ingrid Undeland
    FOOD AND BIOPRODUCTS PROCESSING, Vol. 96, No 2015, pp.198-120, 2015
  26. "Assessment of essential elements in the wild Beluga Sturgeon (Huso huso) caviar from Caspian Sea"
    Seyed Vali Hosseini, Seyede Fatemeh Monsef Rad, Hamed Kolangi Miandare, Mohammad Harsij, Saeed Sharbaty
    International Journal of Aquatic Biology, Vol. 2, No 6, pp.346-350, 2014
  27. "Selected Metals in Canned Fish Consumed in Iran"
    Seyed Vali Hosseini, Fereidoon Aflaki, Soheyl Sobhanardakani, Shaghayegh Bandehkhoda Langaroudi
    Iranian Journal of Toxicology, Vol. 8, No 27, pp.1182-1187, 2014
  28. "Effect of Delayed Icing on the Microbiological, Chemical, and Sensory Properties of Caspian Sea Golden Grey Mullet ( Liza aurata )"
    Zabihallah Bahmani, Masoud Rezaei, Seyed Vali Hosseini, Seyed Fakhreddin Hosseini, Alireza Alishahi, Mehraj Ahmad, Joe M. Regnestein
    Journal of Aquatic Food Product Technology, Vol. 23, No 6, pp.542-551, 2014
  29. "Optimization of the Yield and Quality of Agar from Gracilariopsis persica"
    Mehrnoosh Heydari, Mohammad Ali Nematollahi, Ali Motamedzadegan, Seyed Hashem Hosseini-parvar, Seyed Vali Hosseini
  30. "Risk assessment of the total mercury in Golden gray mullet (Liza aurata) from Caspian Sea"
    Seyed Mehdi Hosseini, Noorollah Mirghaffari, Nasrollah Mahbubi Sufiani, Seyed Vali Hosseini, Amir Faraz Ghasemi
    International Journal of Aquatic Biology, Vol. 1, No 6, pp.258-265, 2013
  31. "Effect of Delayed Icing on Biogenic Amines Formation and Bacterial Contribution of Iced Common Carp (Cyprinus carpio)"
    Seyed Vali Hosseini, Ali Hamzeh, Mehran Moslemi, Aria Babakhani Lashkan, Antonio Iglesias, Xesús Feás
    MOLECULES, Vol. 18, No 12, pp.15464-15473, 2013
  32. "Heavy metal bioaccumulation and risk assessment for wild and farmed beluga sturgeon caviar"
    Seyed Vali Hosseini, Seyed Mehdi Hosseini, Seyede Fatemeh Monsef Rad, Mohammad Mobinifar, Joe M Regenstein
    ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING AND ASSESSMENT, Vol. 185, No 12, pp.9995-9999, 2013
  33. "Selected Heavy Metals Analysis of Persian Sturgeon's (Acipenser persicus) Caviar from Southern Caspian Sea"
    Seyed Vali Hosseini, سهیل سبحان اردکانی, رضا طاهرگورابی, Parisa Delfieh
    BIOLOGICAL TRACE ELEMENT RESEARCH, Vol. 3, No 154, pp.357-362, 2013
  34. "Analysis of mercury, selenium, and tin concentrations in canned fish marketed in Iran"
    Seyed Vali Hosseini, Fereidoon Aflaki, Soheyl Sobhanardakani, Lima Tayebi, Aria A. Babakhani Lashkan, Joe M Regenstein
    ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING AND ASSESSMENT, Vol. 185, No 8, pp.6407-6412, 2013
  35. "Effects of Cooking Methods on Proximate Composition and Fatty Acids Profile of Indian White Prawn ("
    Parisa Delfieh, مسعود رضایی, هدایت حسینی , Seyed Vali Hosseini, Ehsan Zohrehbakhsh, Joe M Regenstein
    Journal of Aquatic Food Product Technology, Vol. 22, No 4, pp.353-360, 2013
  36. "The Relationship between Water quality Parameters and response to density stress in Pacu fish (Piaractus brachypomus)"
    Majid Naserizadeh, Mohammad Ali Nematollahi, Seyed Vali Hosseini
    International Research Journal of Applied and Basic Sciences, Vol. 4, No 6, pp.1518-1523, 2013
  37. "Changes in Biogenic Amines and Bacteria of Tiger - Toothed Croaker ( Otolithes ruber during Ice Storage )"
    Sohrab Moini , Amir Mojtaba Sotoodeh , Alireza Haghoo , Mehran Moslemi , Seyed Vali Hosseini, Joe M Regenstein , Xesús Feás Sanchez , Fereydoon Aflaki , Forood Yadollahi
    PROGRESS OF THEORETICAL PHYSICS, Vol. 21, No 2, pp.147-155, 2012
  38. "Chilled storage of golden gray mullet ( Liza aurata )"
    Zabih Allah Bahmani , Masoud Rezai , Seyed Vali Hosseini, J M Regenstein , Karolla Böhme , Alireza Alishahi , Forud Yadollahi
    LWT-FOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, Vol. 44, No 9, pp.1894-1900, 2011
  39. "Application of - carotene and green tea polyphenols as two natural antioxidants in preservation of common kilka ( Clupeonella cultriventris caspia with ice )"
    Seyed Mahdi Ojagh , Mohammad Ali Sahari , Masoud Rezaei , Seyed Vali Hosseini
    International journal of agriculture: Research and Review, Vol. 1, No 4, pp.174-181, 2011
  40. "Effects of Alternative Dietary Lipid Sources on Growth Performance and Fatty Acid Composition of Beluga Sturgeon, Huso huso, Juveniles"
    Seyed Vali Hosseini, Abdolmohammad Abedian Kenari , Joe M Regenstein , Masoud Rezaei , Rajab Mohammad Nazari , Morteza Moghaddasi , Seyed Abdollah Kaboli , Amelia A M Grant
    JOURNAL OF THE WORLD AQUACULTURE SOCIETY, Vol. 41, No 4, pp.471-489, 2010
  41. "Influence of the in vivo addition of alpha - tocopheryl acetate with three lipid sources on the lipid oxidation and fatty acid composition of Beluga sturgeon, Huso huso, during frozen storage"
    Seyed Vali Hosseini, Abdolmohammad Abedian Kenaria , Masoud Rezaeia , Rajab Mohammad Nazarib , Xesús Feásc , Mohammad Rabbanid
    FOOD CHEMISTRY, Vol. 118, No 2, pp.341-348, 2010
  42. "Development and validation of LC–MS/MS method for the determination of cyproheptadine in several pharmaceutical syrup formulations"
    Xesús Feás , Lei Ye , Seyed Vali Hosseini, Cristina A Fente , Alberto Cepeda
  43. "Molecular and probiotic characterization of bacteriocin - producing Enterococcus faecium strains isolated from non - fermented animal feeds"
    Seyed Vali Hosseini, Samuel Arlindo , Karola Böhme , Concepcin Fernndez No , Pilar Calo Mata , Jbarros Velázquez
    JOURNAL OF APPLIED MICROBIOLOGY, Vol. 107, No 4, pp.1392-1403, 2009
  44. "Molecularly imprinted polyallylamine hydrogels another reassessment"
    Xes ´ Us Fe´ As , Lei Ye , Seyed Vali Hosseini, Cristina A Fente , Alberto Cepeda
    POLYMER INTERNATIONAL, Vol. 59, No 1, pp.11-15, 2009
  45. "Effect of gamma radiation on the quality and shelf life of refrigerated rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss fillets"
    Fereidoon Aflaki , Xess Fes , Zoya Tahergorabi , Seyed Vali Hosseini, Reza Tahergorabi , Sohrab Moini
    JOURNAL OF FOOD PROTECTION, Vol. 72, No 7, pp.1419-1426, 2009
  46. "New near ultraviolet laser - induced native fluorescence detection coupled to HPLC to analyse residues of oxolinic acid and flumequine : a comparison with conventional xenon flash lamp"
    Xesús Feás , Cristina A Fente , Seyed Vali Hosseini, Alberto Cepedaa
    Cypriot Journal of Educational Sciences, Vol. 7, No 1, pp.15-21, 2009
  47. "Use of acrylic acid in the synthesis of molecular imprinted polymers for analysis of Cyproheptadine"
    Seyed Vali Hosseini
    Research Letters in Materials Science, Vol. 29, No 2, pp.398-404, 2009
  48. "Amino acid and fatty acid composition of cultured Beluga, Huso huso, of different ages"
    Abdolmohamad Abediankenari , Joe M Regenstein , Seyed Vali Hosseini, Masoud Rezaei , Reza Tahergorabi , Rajab Mohamad Nazari , Morteza Moghaddasi , Seyed Abdollah Kaboli
    Journal of Aquatic Food Product Technology, Vol. 18, No 3, pp.245-265, 2009
  49. "The effect of adding silver carp fish protein concentrate (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix) on sensory, texture and cooking properties of pasta and its shelf life"
    مهساسادات موسوی صانع, سیده زهرا میرحسینی رودبارکی, Mohammad Ali Nematollahi, Seyed Vali Hosseini
    Fish nutrition, Vol. 10, No 3, pp.33-47, 2024
  50. "An overview of the introduction of chitosan and its different quaternization methods"
    سیده زهرا میرحسینی رودبارکی, الهه آقایی میبدی, Seyed Vali Hosseini
    Journal of Utilization and Cultivation of Aquatics, Vol. 13, No 2, pp.121-142, 2024
  51. "Encapsulation of curcumin by chia seed protein and mucilage hydrogels..."
    مریم نفر, مهدی وریدی, Zahra Emam Jomeh, Seyed Vali Hosseini
    Iranian Journal of Biosysteme Engineering, Vol. 55, No 1, pp.33-49, 2024
  52. "Production of Singl Cell Proteine and Singl Cell Oil from the co- culture of Yarrowia lipolytica yeast and Aspergillus niger fungus in the effluent from Kilka (Stick water) fishmeal production plant"
    Hamideh Amirasadi mavaloo, Seyed Vali Hosseini, Mehrdad Farhangi, Mohammad Ali Nematollahi, Kamran Rezaei Tavabe
    Journal of Fisheries(Iranian Journal Of Natural Recources), Vol. 77, No 1, pp.1-12, 2024
  53. "The effect of frying of Silver carp (Hypophthalmicththys molitrix) sausage with different vegetable oils: Changes in fatty acid composition"
    ریحانه جباری, Seyed Vali Hosseini, Mohammad Ali Nematollahi
    Quarterly Aquaculture sciences, Vol. 11, No 2, pp.14-25, 2023
  54. "Evaluation of proximate composition of farmed fish supplied to Karaj fish market"
    Seyed Vali Hosseini
    Quarterly Aquaculture sciences, Vol. 11, No 1, pp.184-174, 2023
  55. "Quantitative evaluation of amino acids and fatty acids profiles of biosilage produced from chicken waste"
    رضا صفری, Seyed Vali Hosseini, شراره فیروزکندیان, سهیل ریحانی پول, مونا کاظمی
  56. "The Effect of Continuous and Separate Extraction Methods on the Yield and Quality of Extracted Protein and Chlorophyll from Spirulina platensis"
    ساناز اورجه, پرستو پورعاشوری, بهاره شعبانپور, Seyed Vali Hosseini
    Research and innovation in food technology, Vol. 11, No 2, 2022
  57. "Phycocyanin: a novel marine bioactive compound, structure and extraction methods"
    Seyyed mehrdad Hasani azhdari, زهرا حسین آبادی, Seyed Vali Hosseini
    Quarterly Aquaculture sciences, Vol. 10, No 18, 2022
  58. "Extraction of phycocyanin from Arthrospira platensis with different solvents and methods"
    Fahime Shahhoseini, Mohammad Ali Nematollahi, Seyed Vali Hosseini
    Journal of Fisheries(Iranian Journal Of Natural Recources), Vol. 75, No 2, pp.183-192, 2022
  59. "Assessment of ecological integrity of the Zarineh River using fish-based indices: A case study on the impact of Shahin-Dezh city (West Azarbaijan Province)"
    Ali Reza Radkhah, Soheil Eigdari, یحیی شمس, Seyed Vali Hosseini
    Journal of Animal Researches, Vol. 35, No 1, pp.11-27, 2022
  60. "Mixotroph culture of (Chlorella vulgaris) microalgae under nitrogen stress to produce an extract edible oil"
    Amirreza Tahbaz, Mohammad Ali Nematollahi, Seyed Vali Hosseini
    Journal of Fisheries(Iranian Journal Of Natural Recources), Vol. 74, No 4, pp.633-648, 2022
  61. "Mixotrophic culture of Arthrospira platensis and a comparison of the effects of adding different carbon sources to culture medium on biomass production and phycobilin protein content"
    Zahra Soltani far, Mohammad Ali Nematollahi, Seyed Vali Hosseini
    Quarterly Aquaculture sciences, Vol. 9, No 16, pp.30-43, 2021
  62. "The effect of rainbow trout's bone powder on the shelf life and gel quality of largehead hairtail (Trichiurus lepturus) during refrigeration"
    Gholamreza Heidari, Seyed Vali Hosseini, Amirreza Abed-Elmdoust, Mehrdad Farhangi
    Tarbiyat Modares, Vol. 10, No 4, 2021
  63. "Replacement of silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix( bone powder in the cake formation: Evaluation the amount of minerals changes in produced cake"
    Mohadese Hashemi, Kobra Ziyaei, Seyed Vali Hosseini
    Journal of Fisheries(Iranian Journal Of Natural Recources), Vol. 74, No 3, pp.339-350, 2021
  64. "An overview on antifreeze proteins derived from fish"
    Kobra Ziyaei, Seyed Vali Hosseini
    Quarterly Aquaculture sciences, Vol. 9, No 16, pp.155-163, 2021
  65. "Surimi wastewater management"
    زهرا نحوی, Seyed Vali Hosseini
    Quarterly Aquaculture sciences, Vol. 9, No 16, pp.69-81, 2021
  66. "Review of hydrolyzed protein from fishery by-product: Production methods, application and Biological Properties"
    Kobra Ziyaei, Seyed Vali Hosseini
    IRANIAN JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, Vol. 18, No 111, pp.383-395, 2021
  67. "The effect of different levels of protein concentrate silver carp...."
    Sahar Ghafari, Seyed Vali Hosseini, Mehrdad Farhangi, Mojtaba Boreiri
    IRANIAN JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, Vol. 18, No 111, pp.117-129, 2021
  68. "The effect of hydrolyzed protein, vitamin E and oxidized oil on growth performance, hematology and fillet quality of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)"
    Najafi Esfandyar, Seyed Vali Hosseini, Hamid Farahmand, Bagher Mojazi Amiri, Mahdi Soltani
    Journal of Fisheries(Iranian Journal Of Natural Recources), Vol. 74, No 1, 2021
  69. "Assessment of oil-in-water nanoemulsion based on sunflower oil on the quality of rainbow trout during refrigerated storage"
    Seyed Vali Hosseini, غلامرضا شاه حسینی, Amir Hossein Jamali, Kobra Ziyaei
    Journal of Fisheries(Iranian Journal Of Natural Recources), Vol. 73, No 4, pp.483-496, 2020
  70. "Evaluation of the effect of Bacillus subtilis and Lactobacillus plantarum probiotics in tank water on growth factors and carcass quality of the western white leg shrimp (Letopenaeus vannamei)"
    Seyyed mehrdad Hasani azhdari, Kamran Rezaei Tavabe, Seyed Vali Hosseini, دارا باقری , Mike Frinsko, سید احمد قاسمی, اشکان اژدری, آریا وزیرزاده , محمد خلیل پذیر
    Journal of Fisheries(Iranian Journal Of Natural Recources), Vol. 4, No 73, pp.455-470, 2020
  71. "The effect of magnetized water on blood biochemical parameters of Rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)."
    Fatemeh Moshayedi, Seyed Vali Hosseini, Gholamreza Rafiei
    Tarbiyat Modares, Vol. 9, No 3, pp.212-221, 2020
  72. "Quality assurance and safety in seafood processing"
    Seyed Vali Hosseini
    Quarterly Aquaculture sciences, Vol. 8, No 14, 2020
  73. "A comparative study of fatty and amino acid changes in common Klika derived surimi prepared with washing and pH-shift methods and stored under frozen condition"
    زهره قیامی, Seyed Vali Hosseini, حسین خدایی
    Quarterly Aquaculture sciences, Vol. 8, No 15, pp.134-145, 2020
  74. "Use of Duck weed (Lemna minor) meal in Caspian Kutum (Rutilus frisii kutum) diets and its effects on growth indices and carcass composition"
    Gholamreza Rafiei, Somayeh Karimi, Seyed Vali Hosseini
    Fish nutrition, Vol. 6, No 1, pp.55-70, 2020
  75. "Evaluation of chemical and physicochemical properties of toast enriched with silver carp protein concentrate (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix)"
    Sahar Ghafari, Seyed Vali Hosseini, Mehrdad Farhangi, Mojtaba Boreiri
    Quarterly Aquaculture sciences, Vol. 7, No 13, pp.237-252, 2020
  76. "The effect of Pre-slaughtering injection of Marjoram extract (Origanum Spp.) on the quality of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) fillets stored in the refrigerator (4°C)"
    Alireza Bahramy Rad, Seyed Vali Hosseini, Negar Golchin Varamin
    Journal of Fisheries(Iranian Journal Of Natural Recources), Vol. 72, No 3, 2019
  77. "Replacement of Astaxanthin with carrot powder in the Rainbow trout's diet: effects on the carotenoid content of skin, fillets and blood"
    علی بیگی کلشتری, Seyed Vali Hosseini, Mehrdad Farhangi, Gholamreza Rafiei
    Quarterly Aquaculture sciences, Vol. 7, No 13, pp.165-173, 2019
  78. "Replacement of carrot powder with synthetic astaxanthin in the rainbow trout diet: effect on the growth performance and blood parameters"
    علی بیگی کلشتری, Seyed Vali Hosseini, Mehrdad Farhangi, Gholamreza Rafiei
    Fish nutrition, Vol. 5, No 1, 2019
  79. "Extraction of actinidine enzyme from kiwi fruit and evaluation of its hydrolysis effect on the waste products of Rainbow trout"
    حسین خدایی, نیلوفر نعمتی, Seyed Vali Hosseini
    Quarterly Aquaculture sciences, Vol. 7, No 11, 2019
  80. "Effects of gamma rays, edible basil seed gum and marjoram extract on the chemical properties of Ship sturgeon, Acipenser nudiventris fillets"
    غلامرضا شاه حسینی, Seyed Vali Hosseini, Kobra Ziyaei
    Fish nutrition, Vol. 4, No 2, pp.53-63, 2019
  81. "Comparison of Surimi Quality prepared from Kilka (Clupeonella cultriventris) by Washing and pH Shifting Methods during Frozen Storage"
    زهره قیامی, حسین خدایی, Seyed Vali Hosseini
    Journal of Fisheries(Iranian Journal Of Natural Recources), Vol. 71, No 4, 2019
  82. "Effect of Extracted Sterols from Persian Gulf Red Algae on Human Skin Cells Collagen"
    فاطمه پیشه ورزاد, Seyed Vali Hosseini, Hamid Farahmand, ماریانو لاسترا, سونیا لوپز
    Journal of Fisheries(Iranian Journal Of Natural Recources), Vol. 71, No 3, pp.208-215, 2018
  83. "Effect of Oriyganum vulgare extract on the shelf life quality of the grassy carp fillet packed in vacuum"
    مهران مسلمی, نرگس اسکو, روزبه عابدی, Seyed Vali Hosseini
    Journal of Fisheries(Iranian Journal Of Natural Recources), Vol. 71, No 3, 2018
  84. "Effect of different concentrations of salt-water on the physico-chemical properties of Silver carp fillet during thawing"
    Maedeh Heydari, Kobra Ziyaei, Seyed Vali Hosseini
    Journal of Fisheries(Iranian Journal Of Natural Recources), Vol. 71, No 2, pp.103-111, 2018
  85. "Quality and shelf-life determination of fresh West Pacific shrimp during slurry ice storage"
    محمدعلی خانلر, سید مهدی اوجاق, بهاره شعبانپور, علیرضا عالیشاهی, Seyed Vali Hosseini
    Journal of Fisheries(Iranian Journal Of Natural Recources), Vol. 71, No 2, 2018
    Hananeh Rezaeian, Seyed Vali Hosseini, Ali Reza Mirvaghefi, Kobra Ziyaei
    Quarterly Aquaculture sciences, Vol. 6, No 9, 2018
  87. "Importance of Fish Consumption in Disease Prevention"
    Reza Tahergorabi, Seyed Vali Hosseini
    مجله علمی دانشگاه علوم پزشکی بیرجند, Vol. 25, No 1, pp.1-9, 2018
  88. "Effect of killing method on the quality of Silver cap fillet during refrigerated storage"
    عاطفه مسلمی اجارستاقی, مهران مسلمی, Soheil Eigdari, Seyed Vali Hosseini, روزبه عابدی
    Journal of Fisheries(Iranian Journal Of Natural Recources), Vol. 70, No 4, 2018
  89. "Effect of different thawing methods on the Silver carp quality"
    Sepideh Zare, Seyed Vali Hosseini
    Journal of Fisheries(Iranian Journal Of Natural Recources), Vol. 70, No 3, pp.221-230, 2017
  90. "Evaluation of different cooking methods on the nutritional and organoleptic properties of consolidated fish burger (Kilka-Chicken)"
    Seyed Vali Hosseini, Fatemeh Shafaei, Marziyeh Keyshams, Sahar Mardoukhi
    Tarbiyat Modares, Vol. 6, No 3, pp.15-27, 2017
  91. "The effect of modified atmosphere packaging on the fillet quality of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) during refrigerated storage"
    Mohammadali Khanlar, Ebrahim Alizadeh Doghikolahi, Seyed Vali Hosseini
    Journal of Fisheries(Iranian Journal Of Natural Recources), Vol. 70, No 3, pp.261-272, 2017
  92. "The survey of function of nucleotide"
    Ahmad TahmasebiKohyani, Ali Reza Mirvaghefi, Seyed Vali Hosseini
    Journal of Fisheries(Iranian Journal Of Natural Recources), Vol. 70, No 2, pp.204-210, 2017
  93. "Effects of Different Exposure Time and Concentration of Zinc Oxide (ZnO) Nanoparticles on the Histopathological Changes of the Gill in Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)."
    Laleh Khodabakhshi, Hadi Poorbagher, Seyed Vali Hosseini
    Journal of Fisheries(Iranian Journal Of Natural Recources), Vol. 70, No 1, 2017
  94. "Removing Heavy Metals from Aqueous Solutions Using Chitosan – Clay Nanocomposites"
    Zeinab Rahimizadeh, Amir Hossein Hamidian, Seyed Vali Hosseini
    Journal of Natural Environment (Iranian Journal of Natural Resources), Vol. 69, No 3, pp.669-679, 2016
  95. "Evaluation of the Antimicrobial Activity of Sea Cucumber (Holothuria Leucospilota) Extract on the Shelf-Life of Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus Mykiss) Fillets during Refrigerated Storage"
    Hananeh Rezaeian, Seyed Vali Hosseini, Abbasali Motallebi, Ali Reza Mirvaghefi
    Journal of Fisheries(Iranian Journal Of Natural Recources), Vol. 69, No 1, pp.29-37, 2016
  96. "Comparison of fatty acids biochemical quality in the caviar of reared and wild beluga, Huso huso"
    Seyed Vali Hosseini, آریا باباخانی , امین اوجی فرد
    Aquatic Nutrition and Biochemistry, Vol. 2, No 3, pp.45-55, 2015
  97. "Determination of heavy metal concentrations in the muscle of Crayfish (Astacus leptodactylus)"
    Zohreh Ahmadi-kordestani, Amir Hossein Hamidian, Seyed Vali Hosseini, Sohrab Ashrafi
    Journal of Natural Environment (Iranian Journal of Natural Resources), Vol. 68, No 3, pp.345-351, 2015
  98. "Organoleptic assessment of silver carp fish finger coated by different citrus fruit extracts"
    Seyed Vali Hosseini, Farzaneh Sayadi, Kobra Ziyaei
    Aquatic Nutrition and Biochemistry, Vol. 2, No 3, pp.35-43, 2015
  99. "Effect of delayed icing of common carp (Cyprinuscarpio) on the quality of produced surimi"
    Narges Anoosheh, Seyed Vali Hosseini, Hojjat Mirsadegghi, Gholamreza Shah Hosseini
    Tarbiyat Modares, Vol. 4, No 2, pp.1-9, 2015
  100. "Evaluation of marginal marketing on sturgeon fish in Iran"
    Mahbobeh Jame Bozorgi, Hasan Salehi, Seyed Vali Hosseini, Reza Faizbakhsh, Soheyla Ramazani
    Journal of Fisheries(Iranian Journal Of Natural Recources), Vol. 68, No 2, pp.199-207, 2015
  101. "Effect of frozen storage on the amino acids and some quality indices of Liptopenaeus vannameii during storage (18 °C)"
    Ali Ojifard, Seyed Vali Hosseini, Abbas Zamani
    Journal of Fisheries(Iranian Journal Of Natural Recources), Vol. 68, No 1, pp.13-25, 2015
  102. "Evaluation of heavy metal content on the shrimp muscle: Liptopenaeus vannamei"
    Zohreh Ahmadi Kordestani, Amir Hossein Hamidian, Seyed Vali Hosseini, Sohrab Ashrafi
    Journal of Fisheries(Iranian Journal Of Natural Recources), Vol. 67, No 4, pp.467-477, 2015
  103. "Analysis of bacterial community in Mahyaveh, an Iranian traditional fish sauce"
    Ali Taheri, Samira Jalalinezhad, Seyed Vali Hosseini, Azin Ahmadi, Fatemeh Nasery
    Researcher Bulletin of Medical Sciences, Vol. 19, pp.273-280, 2015
  104. "Study of growth rate, nutritional indices and stress response in Pacu, Piaractus brachypomus, to produce edible fish"
    Majid Naserizadeh, Mohammad Ali Nematollahi, Seyed Vali Hosseini
    Journal of Fisheries(Iranian Journal Of Natural Recources), Vol. 67, No 3, pp.435-443, 2015
  105. "Partial purification of lipase from forgot of Rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)"
    Narges Anoosheh, Rasool Madani, Seyed Vali Hosseini, Abbas Zamani, Tara Emami
    Journal of Fisheries(Iranian Journal Of Natural Recources), Vol. 67, No 2, pp.319-328, 2014
  106. "extraction of lipase from the intestine of rainbow trout and effect of inhibitors and metals on its activity"
    Narges Anoosheh, Seyed Vali Hosseini, Rasool Madani, Abbas Zamani
    Aquatic Nutrition and Biochemistry, Vol. 1, No 1, pp.49-57, 2014
  107. "Effect of thyme extract on the chemical quality of raw surimi produced from Common carp (Cyprinus carpio) during refrigerator storage"
    Behnam Farjami, Seyed Vali Hosseini
    Journal of Utilization and Cultivation of Aquatics, Vol. 3, No 1, pp.55-66, 2014
  108. "Evaluation of risk assessment of mercury in canned Yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares)"
    Abbas Gheytasi, Seyed Vali Hosseini, Zohreh Ahmadi Kordestani, Seyed Mostafa Aghilinejad, Farzaneh Shogheali
    Journal of Fisheries(Iranian Journal Of Natural Recources), Vol. 67, No 2, pp.287-296, 2014
  109. "Effect of Bambara protein isolated on the gel strength of fish surimi (Saurida tumbil)"
    Amin Ojifard, Seyed Vali Hosseini, Ali Ojifard
    Journal of Fisheries(Iranian Journal Of Natural Recources), Vol. 67, No 1, pp.1-12, 2014
  110. "Determination of heavy metal content in the Indian white shrimp"
    Hadi Poorbagher, Seyed Vali Hosseini, Nematollah Khorasani, Seyed Mehdi Hosseini, Parisa Delfieh
    Journal of Fisheries(Iranian Journal Of Natural Recources), Vol. 67, No 1, 2014
  111. "Evaluation of biogenic amines as quality indicator of common carp (Cyprinus carpio) during ice storage"
    Seyed Vali Hosseini, Ali Hamzeh
    Tarbiyat Modares, Vol. 2, No 4, pp.11-21, 2014
  112. "A study on the effect of temperature and pH on the lipase activity purified from the foregut of Rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)"
    Narges Anoosheh, Seyed Vali Hosseini, Rasol Madani, Abbas Zamani, Fariba Golchinfar
    Journal of Fisheries(Iranian Journal Of Natural Recources), Vol. 66, No 4, pp.389-398, 2014
  113. "accumulation of zinc, magnesium, iron and cupper in soft tissues of the pearl oyster (Pinctada radiata) in hendourabi and vlavan islands, persian gulf"
    Moein Rajaie, Hadi Poorbagher, Hamid Farahmand, Mohammad Sedigh Mortazavi, فریدون افلاکی, Seyed Vali Hosseini, Soheil Eigdari
    Journal of Fisheries(Iranian Journal Of Natural Recources), Vol. 66, No 3, pp.297-305, 2014
  114. "Risk to consumers from mercury in croaker (Otolithes ruber), from the Mahshahr port"
    Sahar Mardoukhi, Seyed Vali Hosseini, Seyed Mehdi Hosseini
    Tarbiyat Modares, Vol. 2, No 3, pp.43-55, 2013
  115. "Determination of heavy metal content in the Tiger-toothed croaker (Otolithes ruber): A case study in Bandar-e Mahshahr"
    Nematollah Khorasani, سید مهدی حسینی, Hadi Poorbagher, Seyed Vali Hosseini, فریدون افلاکی
    Journal of Natural Environment (Iranian Journal of Natural Resources), Vol. 66, No 2, pp.181-190, 2013
  116. "Effect of gamma radiation on the microbial characteristics of golden gray mullet (Liza aurata) fillet during refrigerator storage (4°C)"
    Seyed Vali Hosseini, Ali Taheri, امین اوجی فرد
    Journal of Fisheries(Iranian Journal Of Natural Recources), Vol. 66, No 1, pp.27-39, 2013
  117. "Influence of starvation time prior to slaughter on the quality of rainbow trout during refrigerator storage"
    Neda Aali, محمد هرسیج, Hojjatollah Jafarian, Seyed Vali Hosseini
    Journal of Utilization and Cultivation of Aquatics, Vol. 2, No 4, pp.77-93, 2013
  118. "Heavy metal in aquatic ecosystems"
    Zohreh Ahmadi, Amir Hossein Hamidian, Seyed Vali Hosseini, Sohrab Ashrafi
    sabzine, Vol. مهر 92, No 83, pp.41-45, 2013
  119. "Risk assessment to consumers from mercury in black pomfret (Parastromateus niger), Indian prawn (Fenneropenaeus indicus), Whiteleg shrimp ( Litopenaeus vannamei) and crayfish (Astacus leptodactylus)"
    Zohreh Ahmadi Kordestani, Amir Hossein Hamidian, Seyed Vali Hosseini, Sohrab Ashrafi
    Journal of Marine Biology, Vol. 5, No 17, pp.63-70, 2013
  120. "Assessment of mercury consumption from Kutum (Rutilus frisii kutum)"
    سید مهدی حسینی , نورالله میرغفاری , نصرالله محبوبی صوفیانی , Seyed Vali Hosseini
    Journal of Fisheries(Iranian Journal Of Natural Recources), Vol. 3, No 64, pp.243-257, 2011

Conference Paper

  1. "Phenotypic plasticity of sword tail Xiphophurus helleri in response to turbidity during early ontogeny"
    Fatemeh Moshayedi, Seyed Vali Hosseini, Soheil Eigdari
  2. "Effect of Gamma Radiation on the Microbial Quality of Rainbow trout’s Fillets during Refrigerated Storage"
    Mehran Moslem, Tahmine Naderi, Seyed Vali Hosseini, Rozbeh Abedi
    2th International Congress on Fisheries and Aquatic Research, 2018
  3. "Recovery of Marine Proteins and Fatty acids from Herring (Clupea harengus) Processing Water Using Flotation with Microbubbles, Electroflocculation and Ultrafiltration"
    Seyed Vali Hosseini, Ali Osman, Nina Gringer, Tore Svendsen, Carolin P Baron, Ingrid Undeland
    WEFTA 23014: Seafood Science for a Changing Demand, 2014
  4. "An overview of the properties and applications of chitosan in various industries"
    سیده زهرا میرحسینی رودبارکی, Seyed Vali Hosseini
    The 11th Iranian Conference on Ichthyology, 2024
  5. "An overview of non-thermal methods and its application in aquatic processing"
    سیده زهرا میرحسینی رودبارکی, Seyed Vali Hosseini
    The 11th Iranian Conference on Ichthyology, 2024
  6. "Optimization of functional properties of protein hydrolysate derived from rainbow trout wastes using commercial Alkalase enzyme"
    MohamadJavad Taheri, Mehrdad Farhangi, Seyed Vali Hosseini
    Second National Conference on Green Waste Management, 2022
  7. "An overview of the distribution of Amurcheh (Pseudorasbora parva) in inland waters of Iran and its ecological effects"
    Alireza Radkhah, Soheil Eigdari, Hadi Poorbagher, Seyed Vali Hosseini
    Protection of Iranian Endemic Freshwater Fishes Conference, 2018
  8. "Determination of nitrate concentrations in drinking waters of Tehran"
    Amir Hossein Hamidian, Mona Alidost Saharkhiz Lahiji, Seyed Vali Hosseini, Hasan Shykhzadeh
    4th Environmental planning and management, 2017
  9. "Study and application of nano-clay montmorillonite in heavy metal removal from aquos solutions"
    Amir Hossein Hamidian, Zeinab Rahimizadeh, Seyed Vali Hosseini
    The 9th national conference on world environment day, 2015
  10. "Evaluation of combine effect of gamma radiation and frozen technique on the Silver carp fillet"
    Gholamreza Shahosseini, Alireza Safariyan, Noordahr Rokni , Seyed Vali Hosseini, Jamshid Amirimoghaddam
    The forth national congress on nuclear technology application in agricultural and natural resource science, 2015
  11. "Use of irradiation in all female fish production"
    Gholamreza Shahosseini, Alireza Neysi, Mahdi Soltani, Ali Taheri Mirghaed, Seyed Vali Hosseini
    The forth national congress on nuclear technology application in agricultural and natural resource science, 2015
  12. "Applying Chitosan bio-polymer in water and wastewater treatment"
    Zeinab Rahimizadeh, Amir Hossein Hamidian, Seyed Vali Hosseini
    The Second National Conference on Water Crisis (Climate Change, Water and Environment), 2014
  13. "Review of modified atmosphere packaging in the food industry with an emphasis on fishery products"
    Mohammad Ali Khanlar, Ebrahim Alizadeh Doghikolahi, Seyed Vali Hosseini
    Twenty-second National Congress of Food Science and Technology, 2014
  14. "Evaluation of rainbow trout fillets packaged under vacuum during refrigoratory storage"
    Mohammad Ali Khanlar, Ebrahim Alizadeh Doghikolahi, Seyed Vali Hosseini
    Twenty-second National Congress of Food Science and Technology, 2014
  15. "Evaluation of Rainbow trout fillet quality packed in the MAP"
    Mohammad Ali Khanlar, Ebrahim Alizadeh Doghikolahi, Seyed Vali Hosseini
    Twenty-second National Congress of Food Science and Technology, 2014
  16. "Algae and reduction of pollution from aquatic ecosystems"
    Robabeh Vajdi, Roghiyeh Vajdi, Seyed Mehdi Hosseini, Seyed Vali Hosseini
    The first national conference on environment, energy and biodefense, 2013
  17. "Determination of lipase activity extracted from Rainbow trout vicera"
    Narges Anoosheh, Seyed Vali Hosseini, Rasool Madani, Abbas Zamani, Fariba Golchinfar
    The second national conference on development of cold water fish, 2013
  18. "Determination of PMSF as a inhibitor of lipase activity extracted from Rainbow trout gut"
    Narges Anoosheh, Rasool Madani, Seyed Vali Hosseini, Abbas Zamani, Tara Emami
    The second national conference on development of cold water fish, 2013
  19. "effect of"
    امین اوجی فرد, علی طاهری, Seyed Vali Hosseini
    effect of protein on, 2012